Friday 's shooting ()in East London led to several arrests. A、accidentB、accidentalC、incidentsD、incident
Friday 's shooting ()in East London led to several arrests.
In Trial 9, the electrical force exerted by Sphere Y on Sphere X and the electrical force exerted by Sphere X on Sphere Y were exerted in which direction(s)?A.east; eastB.east; westC.west; westD.west; east
How many methods of settlement are mentioned in this passage when the British importer needs dollar to pay his American supplier?A.Two.B.One.C.Three.D.Several.
Several@functionscanexecutemultiplestatements.Whichoneofthefollowinginitializesavariableandcanincrementinduringtheoperation?() A.@doB.@forC.@whileD.@dowhile
During daylight savings time the meridian used for determining the time is located farther ______.A.west in west longitude and east in east longitudeB.east in west longitude and west in east longitudeC.westD.east
编程设计用P1口上的三个开关S0、S1、S2控制P0口上的8个LED的显示。具体要求: 1. S0、S1、S2全部断开,LED全灭; 2. S0闭合、S1、S2断开,LED从上向下流水灯状态,间隔0.3秒; 3. S1闭合、S0、S2断开,LED从下向上流水灯状态,间隔0.3秒; 4. S2闭合、S0、S2断开,LED奇数号灯亮,偶数号灯不亮; 5. 其他组合次状态不得改变前状态的控制。
表达“东西南北”四个方位时,英语的习惯一般是______?A.north, east, south and westB.east, west, north and southC.north, south, east and westD.east, south, west and north
关于如下语句,说法正确的是: void main() { while(1) { LED1 = S1; LED2 = S2; } }A.没看电路图,单从程序看不出LED1是亮还是灭B.S1闭合,LED1肯定亮C.S1闭合,LED1肯定灭D.LED1亮灭取决于LED2的状态
哪种说法描述了思科 Catalyst 2960 交换机上的端口速度 LED?A.如果 LED 为绿色,则端口运行速度为 100 Mb/s。B.如果 LED 不亮,则端口不运行。C.如果 LED 为绿色闪烁,则端口运行速度为 10 Mb/s。D.如果 LED 为琥珀色,则端口运行速度为 1000 Mb/s。