Jim’s uncle found ( )in a mobile phone factory.There ( )always a lot of ( )for him to do. A、a work / are / worksB、a job/ is/ workC、a work/ is/ jobD、work/ is / job
Jim’s uncle found ( )in a mobile phone factory.There ( )always a lot of ( )for him to do.
A、a work / are / works
B、a job/ is/ work
C、a work/ is/ job
D、work/ is / job
2.—What's your _______ number?—________347- 5186.A. phone ;He'sB. bike ;That'sC. phone ;It'sD. bike's ;It's
网络电话大体可以分成三种:PC-to-PC、PC-to-Phone、()。 A、Phone-to-PhoneB、Phone-to-PCC、Phone-to-InternetD、PC-to-Internet
Review the definition of the phone_list view.CHEATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM=MERGE DEFINER= ‘root‘@localhost‘ SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW ‘phone_list‘ AS SELECTe . id as id ‘e . first_name AS ‘first_name‘ ‘e . last_name AS ‘last_name‘ ‘coalesce ( ph1.phone_no, ‘ – ‘) AS ‘office_no‘ ‘coalesce (ph2 .phone_no, ‘ – ‘) AS ‘cell_no‘ FROM employees e LEFT JOIN employee_phone ph1 ON ph1.emp_id = e.id AND ph1.type = ‘office‘ LEFT JOIN employee_phone ph2 ON ph2 .emp_id = e.id AND ph2 .type = ‘mobile‘The tables employees and employee_phone are InnoDB tables;all columns are used in this view. The contents of the phone_list view are as follows: Mysql select * from phone_list; 1 row in set (0.00 sec)Which method can you use to change the cell_no value to ‘555-8888‘ for John Doe?()A.INSERT INTO employee_phone (emp_id, phone_no, type) VALUES (1, ‘555-8888‘,‘mobile‘)B.UPDATE phone_list SET cell_name ‘555-8888‘ WHERE first_name= ‘John‘ and last_name= ‘Doe‘C.DELETE FROM phone_list WHERE first_name= ‘John‘ and last_name= ‘Doe‘; INSERT INTO phone_list (first_name, last_name, office_no, cell_no) VALUES (‘John‘ , ‘Doe‘ , ‘x1234‘ , ‘555-8888)D.UPDATE employee_phone SET phone_no= ‘555-8888‘ where emp_id=1
下列是基于过程块的组合逻辑建模的代码,设计正确的是()A.reg y; reg a,b,clear; ... always@* if(clear) y=1'b0; always@* y=a b;#B.always@* if (clear) y=1'b0; else y=ab;#C.always@(a) y=a b;#D.reg [1:0] s; ... case(s) 2'b00:y=1'b1; 2'b10:y=1'b0; 2'b11:y=1'b1; endcase
4、以下的描述中,必然是对Mealy型状态机的描述的是?A.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin out = 0; if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S2; end ……#B.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S0; end ……#C.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) begin next_state = S1; out=1 end else next_state = S0; end ……#D.以上答案均不正确
请看一下代码,《插入代码》处应填入的代码是()Map map=new HashMap(); map.put(“tom”,123.6); map.put(“jim”,234.5); map.put(“terry”,45.3); 《插入代码》 其中《插入代码》处要实现的功能是把key为“jim”的value值在原有数字的基础上添加100。A.map.put(“jim”,map.get(“jim”)+100);B.map.set(“jim”,map.get(“jim”)+100);C.map.put(“jim”,234.5);D.map.set(“jim”,234.5);
通过 SQL,在表 Actor 中选择 FirstName 等于 Jim 而 LastName 等于 Carter 的所有记录的表述正确的是()。A.SELECT * FROM Actor WHERE FirstName LIKE 'Jim' AND LastName LIKE 'Carter'B.SELECT FirstName='Jim', LastName='Carter' FROM ActorC.SELECT * FROM Actor WHERE FirstName='Jim' AND LastName='Carter'D.SELECT * FROM Actor WHERE FirstName='Jim' OR LastName='Carter'
下列Moore型状态机采用Verilog语言主控时序部分正确的是:A.always@(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin if(!reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state; endB.always@(posedge clk ) begin if(!reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state; endC.always@(posedge clk t) if(reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state;D.always@(posedge clk or negedge reset) if(reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state;
以下的描述中,必然是对Mealy型状态机的描述的是?A.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin out = 0; if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S2; end ……#B.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S0; end ……#C.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) begin next_state = S1; out=1 end else next_state = S0; end ……#D.以上答案均不正确