The ( )were all invited to the school’s Art Festival. A、boys’ parentsB、boys parents’C、boy’s parent’sD、boys parents
The ( )were all invited to the school’s Art Festival.
A、boys’ parents
B、boys parents’
C、boy’s parent’s
D、boys parents
Please do me a favor — ______ my friend Mr. Smith to Youth Theater at 7:30 tonight.A. to invite B. inviting C. invite D. invited
AclienthastheneedtorebootoneoftheirVirtualIOServers.Whatcommand(s)wouldberuntolisttheclientsthataredependantonVirtualIOServerdiskandnetworkresources?() A.lsmap-all-netB.lsclient-disk-netC.lsdev-virtual-clientD.lsmap-all;lsmap-net
Janet as well as the other young people who ____ sent abroad by government ___ brought up in the small town.A. was;was B. was;were C. were ;were D. were ;was
All materials _____ for the upcoming seminar need to be copied at least two days in advance.A. called B. required C. questioned D. invited
Janet as well as the other young people who__________sent abroad by the government__________brought up in the small town.A.was:wasB.was;wereC.were;wereD.were;was
____to the Olympics opening ceremony is considered as Dylan’s greatest honor by far.A.Being invitedB.Be invitedC.InvitingD.Invited
8、在下列的 HTML 中,哪个可以产生超链接?A.<a url=""></a>B.<a href="">W3School</a>C.<a></a>D.<a name=""></a