
In previous times, when fresh meat was in short _______, pigeons were kept by many  households as a source of food.

   A) store             B) provision            C) reserve               D) supply



_________________( )48.A. foodB. waterC. drinkD. meat

28______A. presentB. firstC. recentD. previous

Birds will come back again and again to the ____ spot for food and water. A.forbiddenB.fleshC.givenD.fresh

“meat” is an example of narrowing of meaning.()

Whichtwotriggersaremousemovementtriggers?() A.When-Mouse-UpB.When-Mouse-MoveC.When-Mouse-DownD.When-Mouse-ClickE.When-Mouse-Leave

Whichthreebuilt-inscanyouusetonavigatebetweenformsinvokedwiththeOPEN_FORMbuilt-in?() A.CLOSE_FORMB.NEXT_FORMC.GO_FORMD.PREVIOUS_FORM

A) times aboveB) timeC) times inD) times

The first man who cooked his food,instead of eating if raw,lived so long ago that we have no idea who he was or where he liveD.We do know,however,that for thousands of years,food was always eaten cold and( ).A.rawB.crudeC.dryD.fresh


200 times 365 times 20 is().A.200*365*20B.200+365+20