Hooks ________ allowed for discharging the rice bagsA.areB.are notC.is notD.is

Hooks ________ allowed for discharging the rice bags


B.are not

C.is not



_______________[A] allowed [B] preached [C] granted [D] funded


The Vessel is a __________ bulk carrier which is permitted to carry grain in bulk without requiring any fittings under the Rules of the 1974 International Safety of Life at Sea Convention.A.self-loadingB.self-trimmingC.self-unloadingD.self-discharging

Radios are not permitted in the library.A:agreed B:submittedC:admitted D:allowed

You will be eligible to vote next year.A:competent B:possibleC:enough D: allowed

Smoking is not permitted in the office.A:probableB:possibleC:admittedD:allowed

Dogs are not permitted into the office.A:probably B:possibleC:promoted D:allowed

Dogs are not permitted into the office.A:probably B:possibleC:admitted D:allowed

禁止宠物入内 No ___________ Allowed