● (75) is not a computer languages.(75)A. JavaB. CC. AccessD. C++

● (75) is not a computer languages.


A. Java

B. C

C. Access

D. C++


Computer(75)is a complex consisting of two or more connected computing units,it iS used for the purpose of data communication and resource Sharing.A.storageB.deviceC.networkD.processor

Java语言和C++语言相比,( )项是Java有的,而C++没有?A.面向对象B.动态链接C.有类库D.跨平台

Computer(75)is a complex consisting of two or moreconnected computing units, it is used for the purpose of data communication and resource sharing.A.storageB.deviceC.networkD.processor

● Computer(75) is a complex consisting of two or more connected computing units, it is used for the purpose of data communication and resource sharing.(75)A. storage B. device C. network D. processor



Password is a secret series of(73) that enables a user to access a file, computer, or program. On multi-user systems, each user must enter his or her password before the computer will respond to(74). The password helps ensure that(75) users do not access the computer. In addition, data files and programs may require a password.A.symbolB.signC.charactersD.characteristic

● (75) is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents.(75)A. Word 2003B. PowerPoint 2003C. Access 2003D.Excel 2003


【单选题】下面对于Java和C++的区别,描述不正确的的是 ()。A.Java没有指针而C++有B.Java具有跨平台性而C++没有C.Java支持多继承而C++只支持但继承D.以上说法都对