在常水头实验测定渗透系数k中,饱和土样截面积为A,流经土样距离为L,当水头差△h,及渗流量Q稳定后,量测经过时间t内流经试样的水量V,则土样的渗透系数 k为多少? ()A.V△h/(ALt)B.V△hL/(At)C.VL/(△hAt)D.无法确定
3、本实验要测定一定体积的液体流经毛细管时所需要的时间比,关于此时间以下理解最恰当的是: In this experiment, the time ratio of a certain volume of liquid flowing through the capillary tube is determined. What is the most appropriate understanding of this time?A.它是一定体积液体流经该毛细管时所用的总时间,可理解为每处相同高度液面处不同液体的各小体积液体流经毛细管的时间总和,各位置压强之比等于其密度之比。 It is the total time taken for a certain volume of liquid to flow through the capillary tube, which can be understood as the sum of the time of each small volume of liquid with different liquid at the same height. The ratio of pressure at each position is equal to the ratio of its density.#B.它是一定体积液体流经该毛细管时所用的总时间,可理解为相同时刻,不同液体以各小体积液体平均流速流经毛细管的时间总和,各时刻压强之比等于其密度之比。 I
4、在常水头实验测定渗透系数k中,饱和土样截面积为A,流经土样距离为L,当水头差△h,及渗流量Q稳定后,量测经过时间t内流经试样的水量V,则土样的渗透系数 k为多少? ()A.V△h/(ALt)B.V△hL/(At)C.VL/(△hAt)D.无法确定
本实验要测定一定体积的液体流经毛细管时所需要的时间比,关于此时间以下理解最恰当的是: In this experiment, the time ratio of a certain volume of liquid flowing through the capillary tube is determined. What is the most appropriate understanding of this time?A.它是一定体积液体流经该毛细管时所用的总时间,可理解为每处相同高度液面处不同液体的各小体积液体流经毛细管的时间总和,各位置压强之比等于其密度之比。 It is the total time taken for a certain volume of liquid to flow through the capillary tube, which can be understood as the sum of the time of each small volume of liquid with different liquid at the same height. The ratio of pressure at each position is equal to the ratio of its density.#B.它是一定体积液体流经该毛细管时所用的总时间,可理解为相同时刻,不同液体以各小体积液体平均流速流经毛细管的时间总和,各时刻压强之比等于其密度之比。 I