I've got the same sense of humour as my mum. 翻译

I've got the same sense of humour as my mum. 翻译


Using "I" or "My' instead of "most people" or "our group" ______ message credibility.A decreasesB increasesC has no effect onD distortsE A and B

A: Would you like to come to ( )shop one day? B: Yes, I'd love to. Thank you. A. myselfB. meC. my

I, my, will, true, come, hope, dream__________________________________________________________________________.


I've _____ these lines again and again but I still keep forgetting them.A. gone offB. gone aboutC. gone overD. gone through

下列程序的输出结果是【 】。 includeclass MyClass{public: int number; void set(in 下列程序的输出结果是【 】。include<iostream. h>class MyClass{public:int number;void set(int i);};int number=3;void MyClass: :set (int i){number=i;}void main( ){MyClass my1;int number=10;my1.set(5),cout<<my1, number<<',';my1.set(number);cout<<my1.number<<',';my1.set(: :number);cout<<my1.number<<'.';}

B 宽度优先(种子染色法)5.关键路径几个定义: 顶点1为源点,n为汇点。a. 顶点事件最早发生时间Ve[j], Ve [j] = max{ Ve [j] + w[I,j] },其中Ve (1) = 0;b. 顶点事件最晚发生时间 Vl[j], Vl [j] = min{ Vl[j] – w[I,j] },其中 Vl(n) = Ve(n);c. 边活动最早开始时间 Ee[I], 若边I由j,k表示,则Ee[I] = Ve[j];d. 边活动最晚开始时间 El[I], 若边I由j,k表示,则El[I] = Vl[k] – w[j,k];若 Ee[j] = El[j] ,则活动j为关键活动,由关键活动组成的路径为关键路径。求解方法:a. 从源点起topsort,判断是否有回路并计算Ve;


I′d rather marry a man who had a(n)__________of humour than one who was very attractive.A.capabilityB.sightC.knowledgeD.sense
