Router R1 exists in an Enterprise that uses EIGRP as its routing protocol. The show ip route command output on router R1 lists the following phrase: "Gateway of last resort is to network". Whic h of the following is most likely to have caused this output to occur on R1?()A、R1 has been configured with an ip default- network command.B、R1 has been configured with an ip route command.C、R1 has been configured with an ip route command.D、Another router has been configured with an ip default - network command.E、Another router has been configured with an ip route command.
Router R1 exists in an Enterprise that uses EIGRP as its routing protocol. The show ip route command output on router R1 lists the following phrase: "Gateway of last resort is to network". Whic h of the following is most likely to have caused this output to occur on R1?()
- A、R1 has been configured with an ip default- network command.
- B、R1 has been configured with an ip route command.
- C、R1 has been configured with an ip route command.
- D、Another router has been configured with an ip default - network command.
- E、Another router has been configured with an ip route command.
【问题2】(6 分)根据网络拓扑和需求说明,完成路由器R1的配置。R1(config)# interface Serial 1/0R1(config-if)# ip address (3) (设置串口地址)R1(config-if)#no shutdown (开启串口)R1(config)#interface FastEthernet0/0R1(config-if)#ip address (4) (设置以太口地址)R1(config-if)#exitR1(config)#router ospf 1R1(config-router)#network (5) area 0R1(config-router)#network (6) area 0
在[问题1]和[问题2]中,所使用的是静态路由协议。当该公司有多个分支机构,决定使用动态路由协议OSPF。下面是分支机构路由器R1的配置命令列表,在空白处填写合适的命令/参数,实现R1的正确配置。(注:点对点链路的area为2,分支机构局域网的area为3)。R1>enR1conf termR1(config)no ip routeR1(config)router [ (6) ]R1(config-router)network[ (7) ]area 2R1(config-router)network[ (8) ]area 3R1(confiq-router)exitR1copy run start
以下是路由器R1的部分配置,请完成其配置,或解释配置命令含义。!R1 (Config) interface fastethernet0R1(Config-if) ip address (6) (7)R1(Config-if) (8) (开启端口)!R1 (Config) interface serial 0R1(Config-if) ip address (9) (10)!R1 (Config) ip routingR1 (Config) router rip (11)R1 (Config-router) (12) (声明网络)R1 (Config-router) (13) (声明网络)R1 (Config-router) (14) (声明网络)R1 (Config-router) version 2 (15)!
阅读以下关于RIP动态路由配置的技术说明,结合网络拓扑图回答问题1至问题3。[说明]某大学城局域网的网络拓扑结构如图7-18所示,图中路由器R1、R2,R3均运行基于距离矢量算法的RIP路由协议,并且图中给出了路由器R1、R2、R3各端口的IP地址信息。结合图7-18所示的网络拓扑结构图,将以下路由器R1配置信息中(1)~(9)空缺处的内容填写完整,实现路由器R1的正确配置。Routeren (进入特权模式)Router config terminal (进入配置模式)Router (config) (1)R1 (config) no logging consoleR1 (config) interface fastethernet0/1R1 (config-if) ip addtess (config-if) (2)(3)R1 (config) interface sellal 0 (进入端口S0配置子模式)R1 (config-if) (4) (设置当前端口IP地址)R1 (config-if) no shutdownR1 (config-if) (5)R1 (eonfig-if) ip address (config-if) no shutdownR1 (config-if) exit (退出当前端口配置子模式)R1 (config) (6)R1 (config) (7)R1 (config-router) (8)R1 (conhg-router) network (config-router) network (config-router) end (退出回到特权模式)R1 (9) (将配置信息保存到非易失性RAM中)
The following output exists on Router R1, a router internal to area 1. What can you d etermine as true from the output of the show ip ospf database summary command?() A. The LSA was created by an ABR due to an area range command.B. The LSA was created by an ASBR due to a summary - address command.C. If cr eated by an area range command, the best metric for a subordinate subnet on that ABR must have been 11.D. None of the other answers is correct.
Refer to the exhibit. Routers R1 and R2 have established a neighbor relationship and are exchanging routing information. The network design requires that R1 r eceive routing updates from R2, but not advertise any routes to R2. Which configuration command sequence will successfully accomplish this task? ()A. R1(config)# router eigrp 1 R1(config - router)# passive - interface serial 0B. R1(config)# access - list 2 0 deny any R1(config)# router eigrp 1 R1(config - router)# distribute - list 20 out serial 0C. R2(config)# access - list 20 permit any R2(config)# router eigrp 1 R2(config - router)# distribute - list 20 in serial 0D. R1(config)# access - list 20 permit any R 1(config)# router eigrp 1 R1(config - router)# distribute - list 20 in serial 0E. R2(config)# access - list 20 deny any R2(config)# router eigrp 1 R2(config - router)# distribute - list 20 out serial 0F. R2(config)# router eigrp 1 R2(config - router)# passive - interface serial 0
Refer to the exhibit. OSPF has been configured on all routers in the network. However, router R1 does not receive a default route to router R2 as in tended. Which configuration change would ensure that R1 would receive a default route from R2? ()A. Add the area 1 stub command on routers R1.B. Add the always keyword to the default - information originate configuration command on router R2.C. Remov e the default information originate configuration command from router R2 and place it on router R1.D. Add the ip route command to router R2.
Based on the show ip route isis output on R1, which statement is true? () A. The i su route is a suppressed route.B. The i su 10.1. 0.0/23 route is a summary route.C. The i su route is an IS - IS external route.D. The R1 IS - IS router is an ASBR.E. The R1 IS - IS router is an ABR that belongs to multiple IS - IS areas.F. The R1 IS - IS router is performing route aggregation and is suppressing the more specific prefix.
Refer to the exhibit. All routers have Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) enabled interfaces. On the basis of the configuration provided on routers R1 and R2, which router will take on the func tion of rendezvous point (RP) for the multicast network? ()A. both routers R1 and R2B. router R1C. router R2D. none of the routers since they are not configured with static RP
Refer to the exhibit. Network is being advertised to autonomous system 65550 via both external links. Which statement about the preferred path to the network is true? () A. Router R2 will be preferred because it has the higher neighbor IP address.B. Router R2 will be preferr ed because its neighbor has a lower autonomous system number.C. Router R1 will be preferred because it has a lower local preference.D. Router R2 will be preferred because it has a higher local preference.E. Router R1 will be preferred because its nei ghbor has the higher autonomous system number.F. Router R1 will be preferred because it has the lower neighbor IP address.
Refer to the exhibit. EIGRP is configured on all routers in the network. On a basis of the show ip eigrp topology output provided, what conclusion can be deri ved? () A.Router R1 is waiting for a reply from the neighbor to the hello message sent out inquiring for a second successor to network R1 can send traffic destined for network out of interface FastEthernet0/0C.Router R1 is waiting for a reply from the neighbor to the hello message sent out before it declares the neighbor unreachableD.Router R1 is waiting for a reply from the neighbor in response to the query sent out about network 10 .6.1.0/24
Refer to the exhibit. Router R1 is connected to networks 172.1 6.1.0 /26 and /27. On the basis of the partial output in the exhibit, which statement is true? () A. Router R1 will deny the route while permitting the route to be advertised.B. Router R1 will advertise both rou tes.C. Router R1 should be reconfigured with an ACL instead of an ip prefix - list command.D. Router R1 will deny the route while permitting the route to be advertised.
Whichseriesofcommands willconfigurerouterR1forLAN-to-LANcommunicationwithrouterR2?Theenterprisenetworkaddressis192.1.1.0/24andtheroutingprotocolinuseisRIP.() A.R1(config)#interfaceethernet0;R1(config-if)#ipaddress192.1.1.129255.255.255.192;R1(config-if)#noshutdownB.R1(config)#interfaceethernet0;R1(config-if)#ipaddress192.1.1.97255.255.255.192;R1(config-if)#noshutdownC.R1(config)#interfaceserial0;R1(config-if)#ipaddress192.1.1.4255.255.255.252;R1(config-if)#clockrate56000D.R1(config)#interfaceserial0;R1(config-if)#ipaddress192.1.1.6255.255.255.252;R1(config-if)#noshutdownE.R1(config)#routerrip;R1(config-router)#network192.1.1.4;R1(config-router)#network192.1.1.128F.R1(config)#routerrip;R1(config-router)#version2;R1(config-router)#network192.1.1.0
You administer a network that uses two routers, R1 and R2, configured as an HSRP group to provide redundancy for the gateway. Router R1 is the active router and has been configured as follows: R1#configure terminal R1(config)#interface fa0/0 R1(config-if)#ip address R1(config-if)#standby 1 priority 150 R1(config-if)#standby preempt delay minimum 50 R1(config-if)#standby 1 track interface fa0/2 15 R1(config-if)#standby 1 ip Which of the following describes the effect the standby preempt delay minimum 50 command will have on router R1?()A、 The HSRP priority for router R1 will increase to 200.B、 Router R1 will become the standby router if the priority drops below 50.C、 The HSRP priority for router R1 will decrease to 50 points when Fa0/2 goes down. D、 Router R1 will wait 50 seconds before attempting to preempt the active router.
In which Cisco IOS configuration mode is the route distinguisher (RD) configured?()A、R1(config-route-at)#B、R1(config-route-map)#C、R1(config-it)#D、R1(config-vrf)#E、R1(config)#F、R1(router)#
Router R1 is configured for HSRP. Which of the following are valid HSRP states on R1? ()A、 InitB、 IdleC、 ActiveD、 StandbyE、 EstablishedF、 Backup
Examine the following excerpt from the show ip eigrp topology command on router R1.Which answer can be verified as definitely true based on this output?() External data: Originating router is AS number of route is 1 External protocol is OSPF, external metric is 64 Administrator tag is 0 (0x00000000)A、R1 is the router that redistributed the routeB、R1's metric to reach subnet is 64C、The route was redistributed on a router that has a router ospf 1 command configuredD、R1 is redistributing a route to prefix 1 into OSPF
Router R1 currently has no configuration related to IPv6 or IPv4. The following configuration exis ts in a planning document intended to be used to copy/paste into Router R1 to enable EIGRP for IPv6 on interfaces F0/0 and S0/0/0. No other related configuration exists. Assuming F0/0 and S0/0/0 reach an up/up state, which of the following is true about EIGRP for IPv6 on R1 after this configuration has been pasted into R1?() ipv6 router eigrp 1 ipv6 unicast- routing interface f0/0 ipv6 address 2000::1/64 ipv6 eigrp 1 interface s0/0/0 ipv6 address 2001::/64 eui - 64 ipv6 eigrp 1A、EIGRP works on F0/0 and S0/0/0 without further configurationB、EIGRP works with the addition of one command: a no shutdown command in EIGRP router configuration modEC、EIGRP works with the addition of one command: an eigrp router - id command in EIGRP router configurat ion modED、EIGRP for IPv6 needs at least two more configuration commands before it works on R1
Router R1 currently has no configuration related to IPv6 or IPv4. The following configuration exists in a planning document, intended to be used to copy/paste into Router R1 to enable RIPng and IPv6 on interfaces F0/0 and S0/0/0. No other related configuration exists. Which of the following is true about RIPng on R1 after this configuration has been pasted into R1?() ipv6 unicast- routing interface f0/0 ipv6 rip one enable ipv6 address 2000::1/64 interface s0/0/0 ipv6 address 2001::/64 eui - 64 ipv6 rip one enableA、RIPng will be enabled on no interfaces.B、RIPng will be enabled on one interface.C、RIPng will be enabled on two interfaces.D、RIPng will advertise about prefixes connected to S0/0/0 and F0/0, but only send Updates on one interface.
What must be configured on the network in order for users on the Internet to view web pages located on Web Server 2?()A、On router R2, configure a default static route to the network.B、On router R2, configure DNS to resolve the URL assigned to Web Server 2 to the address.C、On router R1, configure NAT to translate an address on the network to、On router R1, configure DHCP to assign a registered IP address on the network to Web Server 2.
Router R1 sits inside OSPF area 1. Router R2 redistributes an E1 route into OSPF for prefix, with external metric 20. Router R22 redistributes an E2 route for the same prefix/length, external metric 10. Under what conditions will R1 choose as it s best route the route through R22?()A、R1 will always choose the route through R22.B、As long as R1's best internal OSPF cost to reach R22 is less than 10.C、As long as R1's best internal OSPF cost to reach R22 is less than 20.D、R1 will never choo se the route through R22 if the E1 route through R2 is available.
单选题Router R1 currently has no configuration related to IPv6 or IPv4. The following configuration exists in a planning document, intended to be used to copy/paste into Router R1 to enable OSPFv3 on interfaces F0/0 and S0/0/0. No other related configuration exists. Assuming F0/0 and S0/0/0 reach an up/up state, which of the following is true about OSPFv3 on R1 after this configuration has been pasted into R1?() ipv6 router ospf 1 ipv6 unicast- routing interface f0/0 ipv6 address 2000 ::1/64 ipv6 ospf 1 area 1 interface s0/0/0 ipv6 address 2001::/64 eui - 64 ipv6 ospf 1 area 0AOSPF works on F0/0 and S0/0/0 without further configurationBOSPF works with the addition of one command: a no shutdown command in OSPF router configur ation modECOSPF works with the addition of one command: an router - id command in OSPF router configuration modEDOSPFv3 needs at least two more configuration commands before it works on R1
多选题Router R1 is configured as shown below: router eigrp 100 network eigrp stub Based on the information shown above, which two types of routes will be advertised?()AReceive - onlyBStubCStaticDSummaryEConnectedFDynamic
单选题Router R1 currently has no configuration related to IPv6 or IPv4. The following configuration exists in a planning document, intended to be used to copy/paste into Router R1 to enable RIPng and IPv6 on interfaces F0/0 and S0/0/0. No other related configuration exists. Which of the following is true about RIPng on R1 after this configuration has been pasted into R1?() ipv6 unicast- routing interface f0/0 ipv6 rip one enable ipv6 address 2000::1/64 interface s0/0/0 ipv6 address 2001::/64 eui - 64 ipv6 rip one enableARIPng will be enabled on no interfaces.BRIPng will be enabled on one interface.CRIPng will be enabled on two interfaces.DRIPng will advertise about prefixes connected to S0/0/0 and F0/0, but only send Updates on one interface.
单选题Router R1 exists in an Enterprise that uses EIGRP as its routing protocol. The show ip route command output on router R1 lists the following phrase: "Gateway of last resort is to network". Whic h of the following is most likely to have caused this output to occur on R1?()AR1 has been configured with an ip default- network command.BR1 has been configured with an ip route command.CR1 has been configured with an ip route command.DAnother router has been configured with an ip default - network command.EAnother router has been configured with an ip route command.
多选题Router R1 is configured for HSRP. Which of the following are valid HSRP states on R1? ()AInitBIdleCActiveDStandbyEEstablishedFBackup