Athlon 64 and ()are examples of AMD processors that use the AMD64 architecture.A、XeonB、PentiumC、CeleronD、Opteron

Athlon 64 and ()are examples of AMD processors that use the AMD64 architecture.

  • A、Xeon
  • B、Pentium
  • C、Celeron
  • D、Opteron


Job descriptions are examples of ______communications.A upwardB downwardC horizontalD diagonalE None of the above

在J2EE中,在my.jsp中使用标记扩展,下列选项正确的是() A.%@taglibURL=”/hello”prefix=”examples”%B.%@taglibURI=”/hello”prefix=”examples”%C.%@tagliburl=”/hello”prefix=”examples”%D.%@tagliburi=”/hello”prefix=”examples”%

(b) Explain and give examples of assertive behaviour. (7 marks)

下列选项中,不属于双核处理器的是________A.AMD Athlon 64B.AMD Athlon 64 X2C.Intel Pentium D 900D.Intel Core 2 Duo

Athlon2.0G是AMD公司的一款CPU,其主频是( )。A.2HzB.2GHzC.2MHzD.不确定

Liabilities are usually classified as either current or noncurrent liabilities. Current liabilities are those obligations whose (61) is reasonably expected to require the use of existing resources properly classified as current (62) , or the creation of other current liabilities. This definition of current liabilities emphasizes a short-term creditor's claim to working capital rather than to the due date for (63) purposes. Accounts payable, dividends payable, salaries payable, and taxes payable are examples of current liabilities. Liabilities which are not current liabilities are (64) as noncurrent or long-term liabilities. Bonds payable and mortgages payable are examples of (65) liabilities.(46)A.calculationB.liquidationC.countingD.account

Either of the examples _____ good enough.A、isB、areC、wereD、be

Athlon 64主板和RadeonX800Pro显卡怎么不兼容啊?

Athlon 64 and ()are examples of AMD processors that use the AMD64 architecture. A.XeonB.PentiumC.CeleronD.Opteron





以下属于Pentium III核心的是()A、KatmaiB、CoppermineC、TualatinD、Athlon

既能运行于64位平台,又能运行于32位平台的处理器是()。A、Celeron 4B、Pentium 4C、Athlon XPD、Athlon 64




计算机主板是磐英8KHA+,CPU是Athlon XP 1600+,以前检测CPU时显示的都是Athlon XP 1600+1.4GHz,但前一段时间突然变成了Athlon XP 1055MHz,进入BIOS,看到外频是100MHz,倍频是“自动”,请问这是什么原因?如何恢复CPU为Athlon XP 1600+ 1.4GHz?

在java程序中的my.jsp中要使用标记扩展,下列选项正确的是()。A、%@taglib URL=“/hello”prefix=“examples”%B、%taglib URI=“/hello”prefix=“examples”%C、%@taglib url=“/hello”prefix=“examples”%D、%@taglib uri=“/hello”prefix=“examples”%

以下属于AMD的产品的是()。A、Celeron IIIB、Pentium IIIC、Athlon XPD、Cyrix



单选题在J2EE中,在my.jsp中使用标记扩展,下列选项正确的是()A%@ taglib URL=”/hello”  prefix=”examples”% B%@ taglib URI=”/hello”  prefix=”examples”% C%@ taglib url=”/hello”  prefix=”examples”% D%@ taglib uri=”/hello”  prefix=”examples”%

单选题下列哪个不是CPU(中央处理单元)()AIntel ItaniumBDDR SDRAMCAMD Athlon64DAMD OpteronEIBM Power 5


判断题2003年9月23日,Intel成功发布了对电脑发展具有革命意义的新一代处理器——Athlon 64以及Athlon 64 FX。A对B错