You observe that the senior database administrator always uses the following command when connecting to Recovery Manager (RMAN), and then starts executing commands to backup the database files:  $ rman target /  What would be the effect of this command?()A、RMAN would use the current operating system location to place the backup.B、RMAN would use the control file of the target database to maintain the backup.C、RMAN would use the recovery catalog of the target database to maintain the backup.D、RMAN would use the control file of the target database to maintain the backup metadata. E、RMAN would use the recovery catalog of the target database to maintain the backup metadata.

You observe that the senior database administrator always uses the following command when connecting to Recovery Manager (RMAN), and then starts executing commands to backup the database files:  $ rman target /  What would be the effect of this command?()

  • A、RMAN would use the current operating system location to place the backup.
  • B、RMAN would use the control file of the target database to maintain the backup.
  • C、RMAN would use the recovery catalog of the target database to maintain the backup.
  • D、RMAN would use the control file of the target database to maintain the backup metadata. 
  • E、RMAN would use the recovery catalog of the target database to maintain the backup metadata.


When observe , you use a part of your body as the tool. () A. temperatureB. pulseC. blood pressureD. respiration

You are entering port and have been instructed to anchor,as your berth is not yet available.You are on a SW'ly heading,preparing to drop anchor,when you observe the range lights as shown on your starboard beam.You should ______.A.not drop the anchor until the lights are in lineB.ensure your ship will NOT block the channel or obstruct the range while at anchorC.drop the anchor immediately as the range lights mark an area free of obstructionsD.drop the anchor immediately as a change in the position of the range lights will be an indication of dragging anchor

You are making a sharp turn in a channel and using a buoy four points on the bow to gauge your rate of turn.If you observe the buoy moving aft relative to you,what should you do ________.A.Increase the rate of turnB.Decrease the rate of turnC.Maintain a constant rate of turnD.Decrease speed

If you observe the point of cloud convergence shifting to the right and the “bar”of the storm appears to move along the horizon ______.A.The center of the storm will by-pass youB.The storm will strike you on the starboard sideC.You are in the direct path of the storm and should take immediate steps to batten down loose gearD.The storm is starting to break up

In fog you observe your radar and determine that risk of collision exists with a vessel which is 2 miles off your port bow. You should ______.A.stop your enginesB.sound the danger signal at two-minute intervalsC.hold course and speed until the other vessel is sightedD.take avoiding action as soon as possible

In order to detect rot in manila lines, you should ______.A.feel the surface of the line for broken fibersB.measure the reduction in circumference of the lineC.observe any mildew on the outer the strands and examine the inner fibers

The use of the expression “I won't bore you with .all the detail ...” includes that people usually observe the( )maxim in their daily conversations.A.QuantityB.QualityC.RelevanceD.Manner

If you observe more closely, Margaret is()of the two girls.Athe tallerBtallerCthe tallestDtallest

If you observe more closely, Margaret is()of the two girls.A、the tallerB、tallerC、the tallestD、tallest

You need to troubleshoot an issue on the switched LAN. When you issue a command "show port3/1" on a switch, you observe the Giants column has a non-zero entry. What could cause this?()A、IEEE 802.10B、Misconfigured NICC、User configurationD、IEEE 802.1QE、None of the other alternatives apply

单选题Risk of collision may be deemed to exist().Aif the compass bearing of an approaching vessel does not appreciably changeBeven when an appreciable bearing change is evident, particularly when approaching a vessel at close rangeCif you observe both sidelights of a vessel ahead for an extended period of timeDAll of the above

单选题While underway at night you observe a vessel’s range lights in line off your starboard beam. You should().Acome rightBsound the danger signalCcontinue on your courseDcome left

单选题You observe that database performance has degraded over a period of time. While investigating the reason, you find that the size of the database buffer cache is not large enough to cache all the needed data blocks.  Which advisory component would you refer to, in order to determine the required size of the database buffer cache?()AMemory AdvisorBSegment AdvisorCSQL Tuning AdvisorDSQL Access AdvisorEAutomatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)

单选题You need to troubleshoot an issue on the switched LAN. When you issue a command "show port3/1" on a switch, you observe the Giants column has a non-zero entry. What could cause this?()AIEEE 802.10BMisconfigured NICCUser configurationDIEEE 802.1QENone of the other alternatives apply

单选题You are making a sharp turn in a channel and using a buoy four points on the bow to gauge your rate of turn.If you observe the buoy moving aft relative to you,what should you do().AIncrease the rate of turnBDecrease the rate of turnCMaintain a constant rate of turnDDecrease speed

单选题You are inspecting the lower main precision bearings on a diesel engine.You observe that about half the thin Babbitt linings are of a milky white colourThis condition is caused by ()Alarge dirt particles in the oil supplyBinsufficient lubricating oil and overheatingCnormal wearDwater contamination of the lube oil

单选题You observe that a database performance has degraded over a period of time. While investigating the reason, you find that the size of the database buffer cache is not large enough to cache all the needed data blocks. Which advisory component would you refer to, in order to determine that required size of the database buffer cache? ()A Memory AdvisorB Segment AdvisorC SQL Tuning AdvisorD SQL Access AdvisorE Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)

单选题From your position you observe a rotating white and green light to the north. This light is most likely().Afrom a submarine on the surfaceBthe light at Southeast PointCat an airportDon a coastal patrol vessel

单选题If you observe any situation which presents a safety or pollution hazard during fuel transfer operations, which of the following actions should be taken FIRST?()AClose the valves at the transfer manifoldBNotify the person in charge of the shore facilityCShut down the transfer operationDSound the fire alarm

单选题Risk of collision may exist().Aif the compass bearing of an approaching vessel does not appreciably changeBeven when an appreciable bearing change is evident, particularly when approaching a vessel at close rangeCif you observe both sidelights of a vessel ahead for an extended period of timeDAll of the above

单选题In fog you observe your radar and determine that risk of collision exists with a vessel which is 2 miles off your port bow. You should().Astop your enginesBsound the danger signal at two-minute intervalsChold course and speed until the other vessel is sightedDtake avoiding action as soon as possible

多选题In your production database, you observe that users’ transactions are consuming a lot of resources and you plan to impose resource restrictions by using Resource Manager. For which three resources can you enable usage restrictions by using Resource Manager? ()ACPU usageBdegree of parallelismCnumber of open cursorsDnumber of sorts performedEidle time for blocking sessionsFnumber of disk I/O operations performedGnumber of memory I/O operations performed

单选题The use of the expression I won't bore you with all the detail..…includes that people usually observe the _________ maxim in their daily conversations.AQuantityBQualityCRelevanceDManner

单选题If you observe more closely, Margaret is()of the two girls.Athe tallerBtallerCthe tallestDtallest

单选题If you observe smoke coming from the turbocharger of an auxiliary diesel engine, you should()Acheck the air filter for obstructionBcheck for an exhaust leakCcheck the exhaust temperatureDsecure the engine

多选题You work as a database administrator at Certkiller .com. In your production database, you observe that users’ transactions are consuming a lot of resource and you plan to impose resource restrictions by using Resource Manager. For which three resources can you enable usage restrictions by using Resource Manager? ()ACPU usageBdegree of parallelismCnumber of open cursorsDnumber of sorts performedEidle time for blocking sessionsFnumber of disk I/O operations performedGnumber of memory I/O operations performed

单选题You are entering port and have been instructed to anchor,as your berth is not yet available.You are on a SW’ly heading,preparing to drop anchor,when you observe the range lights as shown on your starboard beam.You should().Anot drop the anchor until the lights are in lineBensure your ship will NOT block the channel or obstruct the range while at anchorCdrop the anchor immediately as the range lights mark an area free of obstructionsDdrop the anchor immediately as a change in the position of the range lights will be an indication of dragging anchor

单选题From your position you observe a rotating white and green light to the north. This light is most likely().Aat an airportBon a naval mine-countermeasures vesselCBlock Island North LightDon a vessel engaged in public safety activity