When a non-root user connects to a JUNOS platform and enters a username and password, the user is immediately placed at which level?()A、UNIX shellB、user level CLIC、configuration modeD、operational mode

When a non-root user connects to a JUNOS platform and enters a username and password, the user is immediately placed at which level?()

  • A、UNIX shell
  • B、user level CLI
  • C、configuration mode
  • D、operational mode


When did the children begin to speak English?A. When they are 5 years old. B. When they are 6 years old.C. When they are 7 years old. D. When they are 8 years old.

–____________________ –It’s September 10th. A.When is National DayB.When is Labor’s DayC.When is Teacher’s DayD. When is Christmas Day

_____, water turns into ice.A、When freezingB、When frozenC、When it has been frozenD、When freezes to it

Whichtwotriggersaremousemovementtriggers?() A.When-Mouse-UpB.When-Mouse-MoveC.When-Mouse-DownD.When-Mouse-ClickE.When-Mouse-Leave

Which configuration statement allows local non-root users access to the router only when theRADIUS server is unreachable?() A.B.C.D.

When a non-root user connects to a JUNOS platform and enters a username and password, the user is immediately placed at which level?() A.UNIX shellB.user level CLIC.configuration modeD.operational mode

When is it necessary for a TDA to be conducted on an installed IBM DS8800? () A. when installing SSD drivesB. when adding a new workloadC. when installing SATA drivesD. when adding more Linux hosts

When does the warranty of the XIV Storage System start? () A. when the order is placedB. when the product is shippedC. when the product is deliveredD. when the product is installed


When should traffic shaping be implemented on Frame Relay PVCs?()A、When you want to drop excess traffic above the CIRB、When there is a speed mismatch between the central site and the remote siteC、When using Frame Relay SVCsD、When over-subscribing the central site linkE、When LLQ is implemented on the Frame Relay PVCF、When Multilink PPP LFI is implemented on the Frame Relay PVC

When is it necessary for a TDA to be conducted on an installed IBM DS8800? ()A、when installing SSD drivesB、when adding a new workloadC、when installing SATA drivesD、when adding more Linux hosts

When does a transaction complete?()A、when a DELETE statement is executed B、when a ROLLBACK command is executed C、when a PL/SQL anonymous block is executed D、when a data definition language (DDL) statement is executed E、when a TRUNCATE statement is executed after the pending transact ion

Which of the following is a good choice to use a process application monitor?()A、 A process stated by cronB、 A shell script owned by a non-root userC、 A process with a specific name and ownerD、 An application defined to SRC without the restart (-O) flag

When optimizing a standalone point-to-multipoint bridge installation with eight non-root bridges. Which of the following rts threshold and cwmin settings would be correct for the non-root bridges?()A、rts threshold=4000,cwmin=3B、rts threshold=1,cwmin=4C、rts threshold=4000,cwmin=5D、rts threshold=1,cwmin=5

In an Ethernet network, under what two scenarios can devices transmit?()A、when they receive a special tokenB、when there is a carrierC、when they detect no other devices are sendingD、when the medium is idleE、when the server grants access

When assigning a standalone access point a non-root role, which two parameters, other than Role in theradio network settings,must be configured on the SSID Manager page?()A、Set Data Beacon RateB、Set Infrastructure SSIDC、Enable IP redirection on this SSIDD、Multiple BSSIDE、Force Infrastructure Devices to associate only to this SSID

When setting an access point to a non-root role, what two parameters,other than Role in theRadio Network,must be configured on the SSID Manager page?()A、Infrastructure devices to associate only to this SSIDB、Enable IP redirection on this SSIDC、Set Data Beacon RateD、Multiple Basic Service Set Identification (BSSID)E、Set infrastructure SSID

When is a first-hop redundancy protocol needed in the distribution layer?()A、when HSRP is not supported by the designB、when multiple vendor devices need to be supportedC、when preempt tuning of the default gateway is neededD、when a robust method of backing up the default gateway is neededE、when the design implements Layer 2 between the access switch and the distribution switchF、when the design implements Layer 3 between the access switch and the distribution switch

When does the warranty of the XIV Storage System start? ()A、when the order is placedB、when the product is shippedC、when the product is deliveredD、when the product is installed

A pSeries server is being used as a file server and all data is stored on a non-root volume group and resides on mounted filesystems. Which of the following commands provides the quickest way to backup all of the data and filesystem definitions?()A、tarB、cpioC、savefsD、savevg

Which two triggers are mouse movement triggers?()A、When-Mouse-Up B、When-Mouse-Move C、When-Mouse-DownD、When-Mouse-Click E、When-Mouse-Leave

You are managing the Oracle database. Which of the following choices correctly identifies when Oracle reads the contents of the init.ora file?()A、When the instance is started B、When the database is mounted C、When the database is opened D、When the database is closed

单选题Which of the following settings will reduce packet overhead and overall latency in a standalonepoint-to-point bridge deployment?()Aenable concatenation on the non-root bridge onlyBenable concatenation on the root bridge onlyCenable concatenation on both the root bridge and non-root bridgeDenable concatenation on the root bridge and set it as desirable on the non-root bridgeEset concatenation as desirable on the root bridge and enable it on the non-root bridge

单选题Which of the following is a good choice to use a process application monitor?()A A process stated by cronB A shell script owned by a non-root userC A process with a specific name and ownerD An application defined to SRC without the restart (-O) flag

单选题When a non-root user connects to a JUNOS platform and enters a username and password, the user is immediately placed at which level?()AUNIX shellBuser level CLICconfiguration modeDoperational mode

单选题When optimizing a standalone point-to-multipoint bridge installation with eight non-root bridges,which of the following RTS threshold and CWmin settings would be correct for the non-root bridges?()ARTS threshold = 4000, CWmin = 3BRTS threshold = 1, CWmin = 4CRTS threshold = 4000, CWmin = 5DRTS threshold = 1, CWmin = 5

单选题Which of the following settings will reduce packet overhead and overall latency in a standalone point-to-point bridge deployment?()Aenable concatenation on the non-root bridge onlyBenable concatenation on the root bridge onlyCenable concatenation on both the root bridge and non-root bridgeDenable concatenation on the root bridge and set it as desirable on the non-root bridgeEset concatenation as desirable on the root bridge and enable it on the non-root bridge

多选题When assigning a standalone access point a non-root role, which two parameters, other than Rolein the radio network settings, must be configured on the SSID Manager page?()AForce Infrastructure Devices to associate only to this SSIDBSet Infrastructure SSIDCMultiple BSSIDDSet Data Beacon RateEEnable IP redirection on this SSID