ADSL技术,即Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line,是一种非对称的传输技术,通过不同的调制方法,在铜缆上实现高速数据传输,MA5100产品中采用()调制方式。A、CAPB、AMC、FMD、DMT
ADSL技术,即Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line,是一种非对称的传输技术,通过不同的调制方法,在铜缆上实现高速数据传输,MA5100产品中采用()调制方式。
- B、AM
- C、FM
● 关于ADSL 接入技术,下面的论述中不正确的是 (22) 。(22 )A. ADSL 采用不对称 的传输技术B. ADSL 采用了时分复用技术C. ADSL 的下行速率可达 8Mb/sD. ADSL 采用了频分复用技术
ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop)即对称数字用户环路技术,它是利用现有的一对电话铜线为用户提供上、下行对称的传输速率(带宽)。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。
Which encryption type is used to secure user data in an IPsec tunnel?() A. symmetric key encryptionB. asymmetric key encryptionC. RSAD. digital certificates
阅读以下-基于代理服务器的ADSL宽带接入的技术说明,根据要求回答问题1至问题5。【说明】非对称数字用户线(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line,ADSL)是一种利用现有的传统电话线路高速传输数字信息的技术。某单位通过电信部门提供ADSL与Internet相连,并通过代理服务器使内部各计算机终端(数目不超过150台)访问Internet,连接方式如图5-9所示.电信部门分配给该单位的公网IP地址为202.117.12.36/30,DNS的IP地址为202.101.98.55.该单位内部网络IP地址规划为10.0.0.0/24。ADSL技术可以充分利用现有铜线网络,只要在用户线路两端加装ADSL设备即可为用户提供服务。请从以下术语选择适当的编号,将图5-9所示的拓扑结构中(1)~(4)空缺处的名称填写完整。【供选择的答案】A.程控交换机 B.二层交换机C.用户端ADSL MODEM D.ATU-C模块E.局端ADSL MODEM F.内部服务器G.局端PS H.代理服务器
ADSL概述()ADSL是英文“Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line”的缩写,中文翻译为:(),它是数字用户线(DSL)技术的一种,可在普通铜线电话用户线上传送()业务的同时,向用户提供1.5~8Mb/s速率的数字业务,在上行、下行方向的传输速率()。
Asymmetric and symmetric ciphers differ in which of the following way(s)? () A、Asymmetric ciphers use pre-shared keysB、Symmetric ciphers are faster to computeC、Asymmetric ciphers are faster to computeD、Asymmetric ciphers use public and private
ADSL技术,即Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line,中文名称为(),ADSL为充分利用频谱,ADSL一般采用()调制技术。,提供宽带接入,上行速率可达到1Mbit/s,下行速率可达到()bit/s。
下列哪一种网路宽带技术主要利用「电话线」作为传输媒介?()A、ADSL(Asymmetric Digita lSubscribe rLine)B、Cable ModemC、Direct PCD、FTTH(Fiber To The Home)
Birthday attacks are used against which of the following?()A、 digital signaturesB、 symmetric cipheringC、 hashalgoritmsD、 asymmetric cipheringE、 digital certificates
Which encryption type is used to secure user data in an IPsec tunnel?()A、symmetric key encryptionB、asymmetric key encryptionC、RSAD、digital certificates
Which two statements regarding asymmetric key encryption are true?()A、The same key is used for encryption and decryption.B、It is commonly used to create digital certificate signatures.C、It uses two keys: one for encryption and a different key for decryption.D、An attacker can decrypt data if the attacker captures the key used for encryption
填空题ADSL技术,即Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line,中文名称为(),ADSL为充分利用频谱,ADSL一般采用()调制技术。,提供宽带接入,上行速率可达到1Mbit/s,下行速率可达到()bit/s。
单选题Birthday attacks are used against which of the following?()A digital signaturesB symmetric cipheringC hashalgoritmsD asymmetric cipheringE digital certificates
多选题Which two statements regarding asymmetric key encryption are true?()AThe same key is used for encryption and decryption.BIt is commonly used to create digital certificate signatures.CIt uses two keys: one for encryption and a different key for decryption.DAn attacker can decrypt data if the attacker captures the key used for encryption
单选题Which Application Layer security protocol requires two pair of asymmetric keys and two digital certificates?以下那个应用层协议需要两对非对称秘钥和两个数字证书()ASSLBPEMCS/HTTPDSET
填空题ADSL概述()ADSL是英文“Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line”的缩写,中文翻译为:(),它是数字用户线(DSL)技术的一种,可在普通铜线电话用户线上传送()业务的同时,向用户提供1.5~8Mb/s速率的数字业务,在上行、下行方向的传输速率()。
多选题Which two statements regarding asymmetric key encryption are true?() (Choose two.)AThe same key is used for encryption and decryption.BIt is commonly used to create digital certificate signatures.CIt uses two keys: one for encryption and a different key for decryption.DAn attacker can decrypt data if the attacker captures the key used for encryption.