A mainframe customer would like to receive a proposal for a mainframe storage system with 120 TB raw capacity. The  mainframe server load is not too high, and they need hard disk drives with the lowest possible power consumption to keep operating costs low. The customer will notincrease the capacity of their mainframe applications in the future but rather invest later into their System p servers.  Which of the following solutions best meets these requirements at the lowest cost()A、offer a DS8700 system with 600 GB FC drivesB、offer a DS8800 system with standard cabling and 600 GB SAS drivesC、offer a DS8800 system with business class cabling and 600 GB SAS drivesD、offer a DS8800 system with SATA drives

A mainframe customer would like to receive a proposal for a mainframe storage system with 120 TB raw capacity. The  mainframe server load is not too high, and they need hard disk drives with the lowest possible power consumption to keep operating costs low. The customer will notincrease the capacity of their mainframe applications in the future but rather invest later into their System p servers.  Which of the following solutions best meets these requirements at the lowest cost()

  • A、offer a DS8700 system with 600 GB FC drives
  • B、offer a DS8800 system with standard cabling and 600 GB SAS drives
  • C、offer a DS8800 system with business class cabling and 600 GB SAS drives
  • D、offer a DS8800 system with SATA drives


What do we know about Olivetti ?A.It produced the best typewriter in the word.B.It designed the word’s first mainframe. computer.C.It exported more typewriter than other computer.D.It has five independent companies with its head office in lvrea.

设计电子商务网站时,某页面框架代码如下: <frameset rows="80,*" cols="*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0"> <frame. src="banner. htm" name="topFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize> <frameset cols="80,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0"> <frame. src="left",htm" name="leftFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize> <frame. src="main.htm" name="mainFrame"> </frameset> </frameset> 该网页中定义了(64)个框架。A.1B.2C.3D.4

You are a database administrator in the Los Angeles branch office of a specialty foods supplier. A mainframe. database at the headquarters contains all company data. Each branch office contains a SQL Server 2000 computer that imports regional data from the mainframe. database.The server in Los Angeles contains a Data Transformation Services (DTS) package that uses OLE DB to connect to the company's mainframe. database. The DTS package extracts and transforms data about buyers and products for that region. The DTS package then writes the data to the SQL Server database in Los Angeles.You need to configure a SQL Server computer for the new branch office in Sydney. You want to copy the Los Angeles package and modify it so that it writes data to the SQL Server database in Sydney.You use the DTS Designer to modify the DTS package so that it imports regional data from the mainframe. database to the server in Sydney. The modified DTS package runs successfully on the server in Los Angeles. You save this DTS package to the server in Sydney, but the server in Sydney cannot connect to the mainframe. database.You want to enable the server in Sydney to connect to the mainframe. database. What should you do?A.Change the connection properties in the DTS package so that the package uses new login credentials to connect to the mainframe. database.B.Modify the workflow in the DTS package so that the server in Sydney is included.C.On the server in Sydney, install an OLE DB provider for the mainframe. database.D.On the server in Sydney, delete and then re-create the DTS package.

阅读以下说明和Java代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】下面的Java程序演示了如何在用户等待载入主程序时显示logo图片的例子。logo图片mylogo.gif存放在文件夹image下面。显示logo图片的是一个线程类logo。【Java程序】import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import javax.swing.ImageIcon.*;import java.lang.Runnable;public class mainFrame. extends JFrame{public static void main(String[] args){Logo lg=new Logo("image/mylogo.gif");lg. (1);mainFrame. main_framE. = new mainFrame();main_frame.setTitle("使用logo图片示例程序”);Thread.sleep(1);//程序暂时挂起main_frame.setVisible(true);lg. (2);//使logo图片不可见}}class Logo extends JWindow implements (3){String filename;//Logo图像文件的文件名public Logo(Stringname){filename = name;}public void run(){ImageIcon ig = new ImageIcon(filename);JButton btn = new JButton(ig); //将图片给JButton显示getContentPane(). (4); //将按钮加到JPanel里Toolkit kit = Toolkit.getDefauhToolkit();Dimension screenSize = kit.getScreenSize(); //获得屏幕的大小setLocation(screenSize.width/4,screenSize.height/4);//将Logo窗口显示在屏幕宽的1/4,高的1/4处setSize(ig. getIconWidth(),ig. getIconHeight()); //将Logo窗口大小设成图像的大小toFront(); //将Logo窗口显示为最前面的窗口setVisible(true) (5); //显示该窗口}public void setNOtVisible(){setVisible(false);}}

以下哪种SCADA系统是所有的监控功能依赖于一台主机(mainframe),采用广域网连接现场RTU和主机()。 A、分布式SCADA系统B、集中式SCADA系统C、网络式SCADA系统D、RTU系统


A complete computer system contains(74)。A.arithmetic unit, control unit and memoryB.input/output devices and mainframeC.mainframe. and programs of utilityD.hardware system and software system

Is a desktop or notebook size computing device 。A.MicrocomputerB.MinicomputerC.Mainframe computerD.Supercomputer

- 在c++中是什么意思? 能解释下这句话中—m_hIcon=AfxGetApp()-LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME);

A mainframe customer has requested a proposal to replace an existing storage system. Which information does Disk Magic provide?() A. logical volume sizesB. cache usage by applicationC. storage processor utilizationD. disk capacity needed forFlashCopy

认真阅读以下网页制作和网页编程的内容,回答问题1~5,将解答填入对应的解答栏内。下面的网页使用了框架,网页效果如下图所示。[hillFrameset.html文档的内容]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><metahttp-equiv="Content-Type"content="text/html;charset=gb2312"><title>中国名山</title></head><framesetcols="80,*"frameborder="NO"border="0"framespacing="0"><framesrc="menu.html"name="leftFrame"scrolling="NO"noresize title="leftFrame"><framesrc="first.html"name="mainFrame"title="mainframe"></frameset><noframes><body></body></noframes></html>[menu.html文档的内容]<!DOCFYPE HTML PUBLIC“-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html><head><metahttp-equiv="Content-Type"content="text/html;charset=gb2312"><title>menu</title></head><body><p aliqn="center"><a href="taishan. htm"target="mainframe">泰山</a></p><p align="center"><a href="huashan.htm" target="mainFrame">华山</a></p><P align= "center"><ahref="nanhengshan.htm"target="mainframe">衡山</a></p><P align= "center"><ahref="beihengshan.htm"target="mainFrame">恒山</a></p><p align= "center"><ahref="songshan.htm"target="mainFrame">嵩山</a></P><p align= "center"><ahref="huangshan.htm"target="_blank">黄山</a></p></body></html>[first.html文档的内容]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html><head><metahttp-equiv="content-Type"content="text/html;charset=gb2312"><title>first</title><style. type="text/css"><!--.txt{font-family:"宋体";font-size:12px;color:000000;--></style></head><body><span class="txt">五岳是远古山神崇敬拜、五行观念和帝王巡猎封禅相结合的产物,<br>后为道教所继承,被视为道教名山,它们是:<br></span><ul><li class="txt",东岳泰山(1532米),位于山东泰安市。</li><li class="txt">西岳华山(1997米),位于陕西华阴市。</li><li class="txt">南岳衡山(1512米),位于湖南长沙以南的衡山县。</li><li class="txt">北岳恒山(2017米),位于山西浑源县。</li><li class="txt"><span class="txt">中岳嵩山(1440米),位于河南登封市。</span></li></ul><p><IMG nClick=over(this) title=放大src="huangshan.jpg"width="150"height="150"alt="黄山"align="left"hspace="10"vspace="10"><br><span class="txt">    黄山,古称黟山,唐天宝六年(公元747年)<br>依轩辕黄帝曾在黄山炼丹羽化升天的传说,唐<br>明皇敕改黟山为黄山。它地跨市内歙县、休宁、<br>黟县和黄山区、徽州区,面积1200平方公里,<br>现划入黄山风景区的154平方公里,是号称<br>"五百里黄山"的精华部分。</span><br><span class="txt">    中国安徽黄山是世界文化、自然遗产,也是中<br>国十大风景名胜中唯一的山岳风景区。人间仙<br>境般的黄山自古就有”五岳归宋不看山,黄山归<br>来不看岳"、"登黄山天下无山”的美誉。</span><br></body></html>该网页使用了几个框架,名字分别是什么?




Which of the following best describes why a customer would choose x86 server solutions over mid-range or mainframe solutions?()A、x86 servers are more reliable than mid-range and Mainframe servers.B、x86 servers require less support personnel.C、Microsoft Operating Systems require less maintenance than mid-range and Mainframe Operating Systems.D、x86 solutions cost less.


A customer needs to achieve a very aggressive RTO of 30 minutes or less. A critical requirement is a continuous availability and disaster recovery solution for the mainframe environment. What IBM solution should be recommended to this customer?()A、Metro MirrorB、Metro/Global MirrorC、Geographically Dispersed Open Servers (GDOS)D、Geographically Dispersed ParallelSysplex (GDPS)

A mainframe customer with a 2105-800 storage subsystem will be migrating to a new data center.They will be replacing existing servers with newer hardware and the 2105 subsystem with an IBMSystem Storage DS8100. The data centers are 613 kilometers apart. The data migration andproduction cutover must be accomplished with minimal disruption. Which solution best meetsthese requirements?()A、Metro MirrorB、HSMC、SVCD、Global Copy

A mainframe customer wants to add additional disk capacity to an IBM System Storage DS8100to accommodate a projected workload increase. They ask the storage specialist to assess theimpact of the additional capacity on the DS8100 without other upgrades. Which tool bestassesses the impact of the upgrade on response times?()A、Capacity MagicB、TPC for DiskC、RMF disk reportsD、Disk Magic

A mainframe customer has requested a proposal to replace an existing storage system. Which information does Disk Magic provide?()A、logical volume sizesB、cache usage by applicationC、storage processor utilizationD、disk capacity needed forFlashCopy

The customer has an IBM Enterprise Storage Server 800 coming off lease this year. Themaintenance charges are becoming very expensive and they are looking at a new storage solutionto attach to their mainframe environment. Which of the following solutions would be most costeffective?()A、DS8300B、DS8700 C、Storwize V7000 D、XIV Storage System

Which of the following situations would suggest to a System x Sales Specialist that the customer could benefit from an iSCSI solution?()A、The customer is looking for a fibre SAN solution to increase reliability and performance.B、The customer wants to implement an energy-efficient solution to comply with their Go Green initiative.C、The customer is cost-conscious and is looking for a centralized storage solution.D、The customer is a large telecommunications firm and is looking to centralize storage for all their System x,System p,and mainframe servers.

In a scale-out environment,what is a benefit of running DB2 pureScale compared to other solutions?()A、Provides a highly available cluster of Power Systems enabling near linear scalability and disaster recovery across different sites.B、Incorporates a hardware locking mechanism which resembles the Parallel Sysplex on the mainframe, delivering performance and scalability.C、Enables near linear scalability by partitioning and clustering the database across multiple nodes, and adding nodes dynamically when needed.D、Provides scalability by employing a highly available cluster of servers interconnected by an Infiniband network and a central locking mechanism.

单选题Which of the following functions does Hitachi Data Systems claim about the HDS USP V(Universal Storage Platform)?()A scalable cache up to 32 GB with non-definable usageB internal bandwidth equates to increased storage performanceC performance increases as more devices are added to FC-AL loopD priority I/O queuing feature is supported on both mainframe and open systems environment


单选题Which of the following best describes why a customer would choose x86 server solutions over mid-range or mainframe solutions?()Ax86 servers are more reliable than mid-range and Mainframe servers.Bx86 servers require less support personnel.CMicrosoft Operating Systems require less maintenance than mid-range and Mainframe Operating Systems.Dx86 solutions cost less.

单选题Which of the following situations would suggest to a System x Sales Specialist that the customer could benefit from an iSCSI solution?()AThe customer is looking for a fibre SAN solution to increase reliability and performance.BThe customer wants to implement an energy-efficient solution to comply with their Go Green initiative.CThe customer is cost-conscious and is looking for a centralized storage solution.DThe customer is a large telecommunications firm and is looking to centralize storage for all their System x,System p,and mainframe servers.