AMD的SLORA架构使用了()总线A、SIMDB、Hyper ThreadingC、Hyper TransportD、ALPHA EV6


  • A、SIMD
  • B、Hyper Threading
  • C、Hyper Transport


V5下面多个特性NAS同时具备的?() A.Hyper LockB.Hyper MetroC.Smart Tier

归档场景用到的特性主要是()。 A.Hyper LockB.Hyper MetroC.Smart CacheD.Smart Partition

Hyper Transport技术最初由AMD公司研制成功,并得到合作伙伴的大力支持。此技术主要是面向IT业和电信行业,但是任何需要时间快、反映速度短的应用都适合使用这种技术。从系统设计的观点看,Hyper Transport技术的I/O总线把相同类型的总线规定为广泛使用的PCI总线,同时也把相同的排序规则用做PCI。

Hyper Transport技术最初由AMD公司研制成功,并得到了合作伙伴的大力支持。此技术主要是面向IT业和电信行业,但是任何需要速度快、反应时间短的应用都适合使用这种技术。从系统设计的观点看,Hyper Transport技术的I/O总线把相同类型的总线规定为广泛使用的PCI总线,同时也把相同的排序规则用做PCI。

An administrator is attempting to use Hyper-V on a server with an AMD processor but is receiving an error. Which of the following should be enabled to resolve the error?() A. XDB. NXC. VTD. Hyperthreading

()enables a computer processor to process two sets of instructions at the same time. A.Multi-taskingB.Hyper-threadingC.Hyper-cachingD.Caching

YouhaveaWindowsServer2008R2Hyper-Vserver.Youneedtoensurethatyouarepromptedtospecifyacustomsnapshotnamewhenyoucreateasnapshot.Whatshouldyouusetocreatethesnapshot?() A.Hyper-VManagerB.WindowsServerBackupC.theVirtualMachineConnectionwindowD.theBackupcommand-linetool(alsoknownaswbadmin.exe)


下列哪些属于基于Intel架构的服务器虚拟化技术() A.Hyper-VB.LPARC.XenD.Vmware

关于总线下列说法错误的是()。 A.前端总线也称为CPU总线B.前端总线是PC系统中的工作频率最快的总线C.前端总线主要由CPU使用,用来与高速缓存主存和北桥之间传送数据D.Intel采用了Hyper Transport来完成CPU与主板北桥芯片组之间的连接

AMD OPTERON处理器主要创新() A.增加CPU内部缓存B.HYPER TRANSPORT技术C.0.18微米D.内部集成的内存控制

AMD的SLORA架构使用了()总线 A.SIMDB.Hyper ThreadingC.Hyper TransportD.ALPHA EV6

AMD OPTERON处理器主要创新()A、增加CPU内部缓存B、HYPER TRANSPORT技术C、0.18微米D、内部集成的内存控制

HTTP英文全称是()。A、High Text Transfer ProtocolB、Hyper Tag Transfer ProtocolC、Hyper Text Transfer ProtocolD、Hyper Text Translate Protocol

服务器虚拟化技术分为寄居架构和裸金属架构.下列虚拟化产品中不属于裸金属架构的是()A、VMware WorkstationB、H3C CASC、Hyper-VD、VMware ESXi

增色效应(hyper chromic effect)

An administrator is attempting to use Hyper-V on a server with an AMD processor but is receiving an error. Which of the following should be enabled to resolve the error?()A、XDB、NXC、VTD、Hyperthreading

()enables a computer processor to process two sets of instructions at the same time.A、Multi-taskingB、Hyper-threadingC、Hyper-cachingD、Caching

关于总线下列说法错误的是()。A、前端总线也称为CPU总线B、前端总线是PC系统中的工作频率最快的总线C、前端总线主要由CPU使用,用来与高速缓存主存和北桥之间传送数据D、Intel采用了Hyper Transport来完成CPU与主板北桥芯片组之间的连接

You install Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Full Installation). You need to add the Hyper-V role to the server.  What are two possible ways to achieve this goal?()A、Run the start /w hvconfig command.B、Run the start /w ocsetup Microsoft-Hyper-V command.C、Run the Add-WindowsFeature Hyper-V PowerShell cmdlet.D、Run the Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-Hyper-V PowerShell cmdlet.

You install Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Server Core Installation). You need to add the Hyper-V role to the server. Which command should you run?()A、start /w hvconfigB、start /w ocsetup Microsoft-Hyper-VC、start /w ServerManagerCMD Cinstall Hyper-VD、net start " hyper-v virtual machine management "

You deploy two Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V servers. You manage the servers by using Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 R2. You need to ensure that you can restore virtual machines (VMs) in the event of a hardware failure.   What should you do?()A、Use a PowerShell script to create a snapshot of each VM. Run the script every 60 minutes on each Hyper-V serverB、Use a PowerShell script to create a checkpoint of each VM. Run the script every 60 minutes on each Hyper-V serverC、Use a PowerShell script to pause, export, and start each VM, and then to copy the export to the opposite Hyper-V server. Run the script once per day on each Hyper-V serverD、Use a PowerShell script to shut down, export, and start each VM, and then to copy the export to the opposite Hyper-V server. Run the script once per day on each Hyper-V server

Your highly available virtual environment includes Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V servers. You are developing a strategy to apply Hyper-V updates. You need to ensure that you can deploy updates while minimizing server downtime. What should you do on each Hyper-V server?()A、Migrate the VMs, apply the update to the Hyper-V server, apply the update to each VM, and then migrate the VMs back to the Hyper-V serverB、Pause the VMs, apply the update to the Hyper-V server, and then apply the update to the VMsC、Apply the update to the Hyper-V server, and then apply the update to the VMsD、Take a snapshot of the VMs, and then apply the update to the Hyper-V server

You add the Hyper-V role to your Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter server. You see the following error in the Windows system event log: Hype-V launch failed: No-execute (NX) or DEP not enabled on processor 0x0 (check BIOS settings). You need to be able to start the Hyper-V services. What should you do?()A、Remove and re-add the Hyper-V role.B、Restart the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management service.C、Enable the Intel XD bit (exclude disable bit) or AMD NX bit (no execute bit).D、Enable the Intel Virtualization Technology (Intel VT) or AMD Virtualization (AMD-V).

单选题AMD的SLORA架构使用了()总线ASIMDBHyper ThreadingCHyper TransportDALPHA EV6

单选题An administrator is attempting to use Hyper-V on a server with an AMD processor but is receiving an error. Which of the following should be enabled to resolve the error?()A XDB NXC VTD Hyperthreading

单选题You plan to implement Hyper-V live migration. You configure the Hyper-V hosts to connect to a shared storage. You need to prepare the Hyper-V hosts for the implementation of live migration. What should you configure on the Hyper-V hosts?()AMicrosoft System Center Operations Manager with Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO)Bvirtual machine queue (VMQ)CNetwork Load Balancing (NLB) for the VMsDquick migrationEMicrosoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2FNetwork Load Balancing (NLB) for the Hyper-V hostsGCluster Shared Volumes (CSV)HWindows System Resource Manager (WSRM)IVirtual Machine ChimneyJpass-through disksKa failover cluster for the Hyper-V hostsLSecond-Level Address Translation (SLAT)Ma failover cluster between the VMsNNetwork Attached Storage (NAS)