单选题ABC Company is an old-established firm()many year’s experience()the trade.Ahas,ofBwith,inChave,inDwith,of

ABC Company is an old-established firm()many year’s experience()the trade.









解析: 暂无解析


Many of the world’s great novels are reported ________ into films last year. A.to makeB.to have been madeC.to have madeD.to be making

For the year just ended,N company had an earnings of$2 per share and paid a dividend of $1.2 0n its Stock.The growth rate in net income and dividend are both expected to be a constant 7 percent per year,indefinitely.N company has a Beta of 0.8,the risk-free interest rate is 6 percent,and the market risk premium is 8 percent.P Company is very similar to N company in growth rate,risk and dividend payout rati0.It had 20 million shares outstanding and an earnings of$36 million for the year just ended.The earnings will increase to$38.5 million the next year.Requirement:A.Calculate the expected rate of return on N company’S equity.B.Calculate N Company’S current price—eaming ratio and prospective price-earning rati0.C.Using N company’S current price-earning rati0,value P company’S stock price.D.Using N company’S prospective price-earning rati0,value P company’S stock price.

23 The capital structure of a company at 30 June 2005 is as follows:$mOrdinary share capital 100Share premium account 40Retained earnings 6010% Loan notes 40The company’s income statement for the year ended 30 June 2005 showed:$mOperating profit 44Loan note interest (4)___Profit for year 40____What is the company’s return on capital employed?A 40/240 = 162/3 per centB 40/100 = 40 per centC 44/240 = 181/3 per centD 44/200 = 22 per cent

(b) Assuming that Thai Curry Ltd claims relief for its trading loss against total profits under s.393A ICTA 1988,calculate the company’s corporation tax liability for the year ended 30 September 2005. (10 marks)

(b) Chatam, a limited liability company, is a long-standing client. One of its subsidiaries, Ayora, has made lossesfor several years. At your firm’s request, Chatam’s management has made a written representation that goodwillarising on the acquisition of Ayora is not impaired. Your firm’s auditor’s report on the consolidated financialstatements of Chatam for the year ended 31 March 2005 is unmodified. Your firm’s auditor’s report on thefinancial statements of Ayora is similarly unmodified. Chatam’s Chief Executive, Charles Barrington, is due toretire in 2006 when his share options mature. (6 marks)Required:Comment on the ethical and other professional issues raised by each of the above matters and their implications,if any, for the continuation of each assignment.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

5 You are an audit manager in Fox Steeple, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants, responsible for allocating staffto the following three audits of financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2006:(a) Blythe Co is a new audit client. This private company is a local manufacturer and distributor of sportswear. Thecompany’s finance director, Peter, sees little value in the audit and put it out to tender last year as a cost-cuttingexercise. In accordance with the requirements of the invitation to tender your firm indicated that there would notbe an interim audit.(b) Huggins Co, a long-standing client, operates a national supermarket chain. Your firm provided Huggins Co withcorporate financial advice on obtaining a listing on a recognised stock exchange in 2005. Senior managementexpects a thorough examination of the company’s computerised systems, and are also seeking assurance thatthe annual report will not attract adverse criticism.(c) Gray Co has been an audit client since 1999 after your firm advised management on a successful buyout. Grayprovides communication services and software solutions. Your firm provides Gray with technical advice onfinancial reporting and tax services. Most recently you have been asked to conduct due diligence reviews onpotential acquisitions.Required:For these assignments, compare and contrast:(i) the threats to independence;(ii) the other professional and practical matters that arise; and(iii) the implications for allocating staff.(15 marks)

TQ Company, a listed company, recently went into administration (it had become insolvent and was being managed by a firm of insolvency practitioners). A group of shareholders expressed the belief that it was the chairman, Miss Heike Hoiku, who was primarily to blame. Although the company’s management had made a number of strategic errors that brought about the company failure, the shareholders blamed the chairman for failing to hold senior management to account. In particular, they were angry that Miss Hoiku had not challenged chief executive Rupert Smith who was regarded by some as arrogant and domineering. Some said that Miss Hoiku was scared of Mr Smith.Some shareholders wrote a letter to Miss Hoiku last year demanding that she hold Mr Smith to account for a number of previous strategic errors. They also asked her to explain why she had not warned of the strategic problems in her chairman’s statement in the annual report earlier in the year. In particular, they asked if she could remove Mr Smith from office for incompetence. Miss Hoiku replied saying that whilst she understood their concerns, it was difficult to remove a serving chief executive from office.Some of the shareholders believed that Mr Smith may have performed better in his role had his reward package been better designed in the first place. There was previously a remuneration committee at TQ but when two of its four non-executive members left the company, they were not replaced and so the committee effectively collapsed.Mr Smith was then able to propose his own remuneration package and Miss Hoiku did not feel able to refuse him.He massively increased the proportion of the package that was basic salary and also awarded himself a new and much more expensive company car. Some shareholders regarded the car as ‘excessively’ expensive. In addition, suspecting that the company’s performance might deteriorate this year, he exercised all of his share options last year and immediately sold all of his shares in TQ Company.It was noted that Mr Smith spent long periods of time travelling away on company business whilst less experienced directors struggled with implementing strategy at the company headquarters. This meant that operational procedures were often uncoordinated and this was one of the causes of the eventual strategic failure.(a) Miss Hoiku stated that it was difficult to remove a serving chief executive from office.Required:(i) Explain the ways in which a company director can leave the service of a board. (4 marks)(ii) Discuss Miss Hoiku’s statement that it is difficult to remove a serving chief executive from a board.(4 marks)(b) Assess, in the context of the case, the importance of the chairman’s statement to shareholders in TQCompany’s annual report. (5 marks)(c) Criticise the structure of the reward package that Mr Smith awarded himself. (4 marks)(d) Criticise Miss Hoiku’s performance as chairman of TQ Company. (8 marks)

In many people’s opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant________.A.to deal withB.dealing withC.to be dealt withD.dealt with

-But then we'll have to accept a Board of Directors chosen by our stockholders. Wouldn't that limit us in many ways? -Certainly. But if you consider the massive capital investment that we'll receive, you'll understand that this could take our company ------ .:A from being a big firm to being one of the medium-tier players ;B from being a medium-tier firm to being one of the big players ;C from being a medium-tier firm to being one of the small players

What's up?____________ A.I won't tell youB.The ABC company is suing usC.It's noe of your business

________ offered by the firm include a company car and free health insurance. A、FactorsB、PerksC、ImpactsD、Desires

听力原文:Although the said company is a sun-rising firm, its accounting management should be improved before the loan is extended to it.(9)A.The company is a sun-rising firm so it is worthwhile to extend the loan.B.The company has some accounting problems, some improvement is needed.C.The company is short of funds because it is sun-rising.D.The company has some accounting problems because it is sun-rising.

--Happy new year! -- ____________.A. Many thanksB. The same to youC. That’s OkD. That would be fine

Boston Company, an electing S corporation, has an operating loss of $400,000 for the current year. Hank owns a 40% interest in the company and is a material participant. At the beginning of the year, Hank's adjusted basis in the stock is $30,000. During the year the company borrows $100,000 with a recourse note. How much of the loss can Hank deduct on his current-year income tax return?()A.$0B.$30,000C.$70,000D.$160,000E.$200,000

About a year ago an action was brought()the firm by one of its suppliers. A、ofB、againstC、onD、for

Your firm has been recommended to us by AMK company, () we have done business for many years.Awith whomBwith whoCwhomDwho

Your firm has been recommended to us by AMK company, () we have done business for many years.A、with whomB、with whoC、whomD、who

This year's sales in many companies were lower than ().A、lat year'sB、which of last year'sC、last yearD、in last year

ABC Company is an old-established firm()many year’s experience()the trade.A、has,ofB、with,inC、have,inD、with,of

单选题This year's sales in many companies were lower than ().Alat year'sBwhich of last year'sClast yearDin last year

单选题Your firm has been recommended to us by AMK company, () we have done business for many years.Awith whomBwith whoCwhomDwho

单选题In order to meet the steady demand of the market, the factory has turned out ______Atwice more TV sets this year as last yearBTV sets this year twice as many as last yearCtwice as many TV sets this year as last yearDTV sets twice more this year than last year

单选题What does the graph show?AThe sales figures of an industryBThe trading volume of a company’s sharesCThe forecast of the next fiscal year’s profitsDThe effect of a new product on a company’s sales

问答题Passage 14Questions 8—12  ● Read the article below about GE.  ● Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.  ● For each gap (8—12), mark one letter (A—G) on your Answer Sheet.  ● Do not use any letter more than once.  ● There is an example at the beginning, (0).A slipping crown  For decades America’s General Electric (GE) has worn its AAA credit rating as a badge of pride. The company has also used it to mint money in its financial-services business, GE Capital. No longer (0)______. That added insult to the injury that GE has already suffered.  Last year the outfit generated a profit of $8.6 billion or almost 48% of GE’s total earnings. By exploiting its AAA rating, GE Capital was able to raise capital cheaply and then deploy it to fund everything from commercial-property and home loans to credit-card lending and insurance. (8)______. Announcing its decision to downgrade the business, SP predicted rising credit losses in coming months in several areas of GE Capital’s portfolio.  Although GE’s demotion from AAA was bad news, it triggered a rise in the firm’s shares, which had recently been trading at about the same price as one of the light bulbs that the company makes. (9)______. They may also have taken comfort from the agency’s conclusion that GE’s industrial businesses should continue to pump oodles of cash, in spite of the global downturn.  Yet some financial analysts are still fretting that GE Capital’s portfolio may contain more nasty surprises. (10)______. They also wonder out loud whether Moody’s, another rating agency, will take a more pessimistic view of GE’s prospects when it finishes a review of the AAA rating that it still assigns to the firm.  Next week GE plans to hold an in-depth briefing on the state of the assets in GE Capital’s portfolio, which will help to dispel the cloud still hanging over the business. It has also been telling anyone who will listen that it doesn’t expect this week’s downgrade to have a significant impact on its business, though it does plan to keep shrinking GE Capital’s activities so that the unit represents no more than 30% of total profit. (11)______. GE is sitting on $48 billion of cash and has already raised over 90% of its long-term debt needs for this year—no mean feat in a dire credit market.  The company also plans to slash its dividend from the second half of 2009, which it reckons to conserve an additional $9 billion a year on an ongoing basis. (12)______.. In his annual letter to shareholders published recently, Mr. Immelt admitted that GE’S reputation had been “tarnished”.  A. This has made some of the company’s small investors apoplectic; they have grown used to juicy dividend payments.  B. Jeff Immelt, GE’s CEO, has said that the overall company will continue to manage itself like a AAA-rated firm, notably by keeping plenty of liquidity to hand.  C. Resolving lingering doubts over GE Capital quickly will be essential if one of America’s most iconic companies is to regain its shine.  D. They point out that the business does not mark many of its assets to their market price—a practice that has blown huge holes in the finances of many big banks.  E. No doubt investors were relieved that SP didn’t make an even deeper cut in the company’s rating.  F. But the chaos triggered by the credit crunch has taken the shine off GE’s cash machine, which has seen some of its property and other loans turn sour.  G. SP stripped the company and its financial arm of their top-notch ratings, downgrading them to AA-plus.

单选题Which topic is Mr. Ruiz asked to research?APossible ways of cutting wagesBThe firm's current hiring plansCChanges to the overtime policyDThe company's marketing agreement

单选题A complete copy of this year’s annual company report will be provided ______ the marketing directors.AofBonCbyDalong

单选题Sales growth at Medico plc is 1.8% this year, compared to an earlier forecast of 2.5%.The company’s sales growth for this year isAlower than expectedBthe same as expectedChigher than expected