名词解释题全层施肥 whole layer fertilization

全层施肥 whole layer fertilization


解析: 暂无解析


单面板中用来放置元件的工作层是()A.顶层(Top Layer)B.底层(Bottom Layer)C.禁止布线层(Keep Out Layer)D.多层(Multilayer)

物理层与层2的接口是『____』。(The interface between physical layer and layer 2 is 『____』.)

PPP的执行在OSI模型哪个层?() A.Layer3B.Layer4C.Layer2D.Layer5

Together with the network layer,the transport layer is the heart of the protocol ( 请作答此空).The network layer provides end-to-end () delivery using datagrams or virtual circuits.The transport layer builds on the network layer to provide data transport from a process on a () machine to a process on a destination machine with a desired level of reliability that is independent of the physical () currently in use.It provides the abstractions that applications nedd to use the network..Without the () layer,the whole concept of layered protocols would make little sense.A.transportB.networkC.hierarchyD.service

ICMP and IGMP belong to which layer of the OSI model? ICMP和IGMP协议在OSI模型中属于那层?()A、Datagram Layer.数据报文层B、Network Layer.网络层C、DataLink Layer.数据链路层D、Transport Layer.传输层



全层施肥 whole layer fertilization

施肥诊断法 diagnosis method of fertilization



施肥制度 fertilization system

分层施肥 separated layer fertilization

养分平衡施肥 balanced nutrients fertilization

施肥 fertilization

根外施肥 exoroot fertilization


QOS一般对流量的分类算法都局限在IP报文的头部,链路层(Layer 2)、网络层(layer 3)和()A、传输层B、会话层C、表示层D、程序层

PPP的执行在OSI模型哪个层?()A、Layer 3B、Layer 4C、Layer 2D、Layer 5

名词解释题经济施肥 economic fertilization

名词解释题施肥诊断法 diagnosis method of fertilization

名词解释题根外施肥 exoroot fertilization

单选题通常,一个Web服务可以分为4个逻辑层,分别为数据层(Data Layer)、数据访问层(Data Access Layer)、业务层(Business Layer)和监听者(Listener)。离客户端最近的是监听者,离客户最远的是()。A数据层(Data Layer)B数据访问层(Data Access Layer)C业务层(Business Layer)D监听者(Listener)


名词解释题分层施肥 separated layer fertilization


名词解释题营养诊断施肥 diagnosis nutrient and fertilization