单选题How about()them some more hands.AsendBsendingCto sendDto sending

How about()them some more hands.





to send


to sending


解析: 暂无解析


B)翻译(共5小题,计10分)阅读下面的短文,将划线句子翻译成中文。51.Today life is much better than before. Vision phone(可视电话) is used in some provinces. Maybe it will be used in every family. People can have an examination about their health without a doctor or a nurse in the room. 52.Now some people do some shopping at home.53.And how about our education? There have been more educational(教育的) programs on the radio, on TV or on the Internet. Some children live very far away from their schools, more and more of them don’t need to go to school every day now. They can study at home. 54.Teachers teach them on the Internet.In the future, each family will have a robot. 55.Robots will help people with their housework. In some years people can have a trip on the moon and some people can live under the sea in hot summer.51.Today life is much better than before

Some of this food came from America. How about the rest?() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Consumers should do( )than simply complain about the poor quality goods. A、much asB、some moreC、far lessD、far more

C请阅读以下相关信息,然后匹配他们。并将答案的字母编号填在题前的括号内或按当地要求在指定位置处填写。此题答案不能填涂在答题卡上。12.( )66.Miss Jiang is an English teacher. She wants to teach her students better .( )67. Jenny is very interested in computer . She wants know more about it .( )68.Mary is a schoolgirl , she is worried about her math . She doesn't know what to do .( )69. Kate has a 10-year-old son . But her son doen’t like to talk with her . Kate doesn’t know how to do it .( )70. Sandy’s parents are very busy with their work . She wants to help them do some housework.A. How to Learn MathB. How to Communicate with ChildrenC. How to Teach English WellD. How to Make the Waste UsefulE. How to Cook Delicious FoodF. How to Use the InternetG. How to Be Healthy66._________A. How to Learn MathB. How to Communicate with ChildrenC. How to Teach English WellD. How to Make the Waste UsefulE. How to Cook Delicious FoodF. How to Use the InternetG. How to Be Healthy

Why are researches on parrots important according to the passage?A. The Trust shows great concern for the programme.B. We need to know more about how to preserve parrots.C. Many people are interested in collecting parrots.D. Parrots’ intelligence may some day benefit people.

Friends play an important part in our lives, but we dont know much about how to make friends. As we get to know people, we consider things like age, races, looks and social positions. Thus it is more difficult for people to become friends if there is a big difference in age and background. However, some people dont think these factors are of the most importance.

What would you tell the interviewer that you are such a candidate who can adjust yourself to changes quickly?A.About what new things or skills you have been learning at the moment.B.About what changes you encountered before and how you responded.C.About how smart enough you are to be able to stop adverse situations getting worse.D.About how interested you are in some new technologies, methods and applications in your study.

Having acknowledged receipt of the interview letter,you must prepare for the interview. Firms usually take a good deal of trouble over interviews,and there may be three or more people present,which can be a little frightening. Very often the personnel officer will begin by some words of welcome and an invitation to you to tell them a little about yourself. This is really inviting you to repeat the information you have already supplied on the application form,and which they have already read,but it does have some point. It will put you at your ease,because at least you know all about your own level of achievement and can speak about it confidently. It helps them assess your ability to communicate and your serf-esteem. Some people have too high an opinion of themselves,some take an unduly pessimistic view of their achievements,while others have a nicely balanced assessment of their own abilities.

THREE THINGS TO BRING YOU MORE FRIENDS Do you lack friends Do you want to make more friends If so, you may read on… There's a certain beauty in being a lone wolf. You have more time to do the things you want to do. But if you want to make more friends, and do things together with them, please consider these suggestions on how to meet people and form. strong, lasting friendships. Spend more time around people and talk to them. If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out in order to meet people. Friends seldom come knocking on your door while you sit at home playing computer games. Participate in an online community. You don't necessarily need to have a lot of common interests with people in order to make friends with them. Social networking sites such as Wechat, Facebook, Twitter, and My Space are great way to meet new people and learn more about the people you meet. Join a sports team. A common misunderstanding about this is that you have to be really good at playing a particular sport in order to make friends with others on the team, but not all teams are so competitive. As long as you enjoy the sport and support your teammates, joining a local team could be a great way to make new friends.1. How many ways the author suggests on how to make more friends()A. Three.B. Four.C. Two.2. If you want to make more friends, first you need to()A. join a club.B. chat on the internet.C. put yourself out.3. What is the meaning of the word “online” in paragraph3()A. 直线的B. 在线的C. 线下的4. What is misunderstanding about joining a sports team()A. You have to be good at playing a particular sport.B. You must enjoy the sport.C. You must support your teammates.5. The main point of this passage is about ().A. how to talk with friends.B. how to make more friends.C. how to study English well.

A: How ________ is the rent? B: It’s about 200 pounds a month. A.manyB.muchC.more

() is when people are focused on the present or past and consider them more important than the future. They care more about immediate gratification than long-term fulfillment.

A new term has begun.Teachers are _____1_____ about the fact that new students are not easy to deal with.They like to bring cellphones and MP3 players to school.What is _____2_____ , some students even use cellphones _____3_____ out-of-class matters in class, or sometimes just for fun.Some_____4_____ students listen to MP3 players when they are having a lesson that they are not interested in.Are these new students really that _____5_____ ? “Yes.” says Delaney Kirk, a professor at Drake University._____6_____ she adds it’s not their fault._____7_____ , the teachers should be blamed(责备).Mrs Kirk first began thinking about students’ manners six years ago.“I had my first class in which students were sleeping or talking to each other.It seemed that _____8_____ well had nothing to do with them.” she says.“At first, I got worried about this.” but then I said to _____9_____ , “You’re giving _____10_____ , and you need to manage this kind of situation.These students need to know more about manners.It’s time to help them develop some good _____11_____ .They shouldn’t waste time doing nothing when they are young.Sooner or later, they may regret the time they _____12_____ .”Mrs Kirk also _____13_____ a list of suggestions to help teachers better manage their classes.The following are among her suggestions:On the first day of class, tell students how they will benefit(受益) by taking the class and the importance _____14_____ listening carefully in class.Do not allow them to bring cellphones or MP3 players to the class at all.Tell them how to use cellphones or MP3 players _____15_____ .第 1 题 ( )A.excitedB.worriedC.surprisedD.interested

Generation gap(代沟) has become a serious problem in our society.l read a (11) about it in the morning newspaper. It is said that some children even want to kill themselves after hav-ing quarrels(争吵) with their (12) .1 think this is because parents and children don't often (13) each other. Parents now spend more and more time in the office,(14) they don't have much time to stay with their children. As time goes by,they both feel that they don't have the (15) topic to talk about.T0 (16) this problem,parents should spend more time being with their children,getting to know them and (17) them As for children,you should show your (18) to your parents and let them (19) your thoughts.Parents are the people who love you best. They (20) un-derstand you as long as(只要) you tell them. But the point is that you should try your best to understand them,too.( )11.A.messageB.instructionC.reportD.letter

In a world where self-gratification is emphasized,empathy is in short supply but high demand Here,'s how to teach your kids how to have empathy.Empathy is one of those strange qualities-some thing almost everyone wants,but few know how to truly give or receive it.this is all the more reason to teach the next generation what it means to have empathy for those around them 1.While some children are gifted with naturally kind hearts,in most cases kids need to see empathy modeled by the adults around them.It begins with the way parents relate to their children.Parents who show an interest in the things that matter to their kids and respond to emotions in a positive and caring way are teaching the skill of empathy 2.When children have their emotional needs met,two things happen They learn how to meet the emotional needs of others and they are anchored in what they are receiving,meaning that they are secure enough to give to others when the need arises but first they need to receive.An empty jug cannot fill a cup.3.There is nothing like a real life example to model what you are teaching Look for situations that affect another person and talk to your kids about what it means to the people involved and how they might feel.For example,if you see an ambulance speed past,talk about how the family members of the sick person might be feeling 4.Younger kids in particular love to pretend that they are someone or something else.You can use ese fun times for teaching empathy.Get your kids playing the role of another person.This might be a character in a book or on tv,or even someone you know who has been througn a significant experience lately.You can act out the story together and ask your kids to stop and imagine how their character night have been feeling at any given moment.This will focus their attention on the emotions that another person might experience when in that situation.You can ask them to make faces that reflect the feelings of their character.5.Teaching your kids the difference between right and wrong from a young age gives them a strong internal moral compass that will direct them to make good choices.In situations that require a decision,help them to see how our choices and behavior affect others.Talk to them about how wrong doing harms others and help them to see the hurt and damage that it causes.It's a good idea to talk to them about the little things such as calling a sibling an unkind name that hurts her feelings or refusin to play with the leir brother when friends visit.When building a strong moral foundation,start small and begin with the basics.3选?A.Develop their inner moral compassB.Empathetic kids:givers not takersC.Kids need to see adults show empathyD.Look for real life situations to practice empathyE.Talk to kids about emotional needsF.Meet emotional needsG.Play games

Suppose you are planning a tour of a historical site for a group international students.Write an email to tell them about the site,and give them some tips for the tour You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name.Use“Li Ming”instead.

Very few of our birds stay with us the year round.Some come to us in the winter from the cold?north.Others come from the south to spend the summer with us.How do they know the way?Suppose?you were told to find your way to a place hundreds of miles away,do you think you could do it?Yet birds travel over mountains,forests,lakes and even across the oceans,and do not stray from?the path.They find their way back in the spring to the same orchard(果园)and the very trees where?they nested the summer before.It is wonderful how quickly birds travel such long distances from their summer homes to their?winter ones.Some birds have been known to fly hundreds of miles in a day.But others travel much?more slowly.Why do birds undertake these long journeys twice a year?Perhaps cold weather and lack of?food drive them from us in the autumn,but we cannot tell why they leave the sunny south to come?back to us in the spring.We know only that many of them like to make their nests and rear their?young in the north.We are sorry to see them go,but we know that when winter is over they will come back to us.How far do birds usually travel from their summer homes to their winter ones?A.About hundreds of miles.B.About thousands of miles.C.The distance that takes a bird to fly the whole morning.D.The passage does not tell us.

The scientists are()a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness.AdefiningBhavingCcarryingDdoing

Such problem ()air, water, and noise pollutions are becoming more and more serious in some big cities.A、likeB、asC、ofD、about

单选题The scientists are()a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness.AdefiningBhavingCcarryingDdoing

单选题How can we get _____ the new taxes and keep for some more money for our business?AoutBaroundConDaway

单选题How can we remember things more easily according to the woman?ABy connecting them with a physical object.BBy looking at them very carefully first.CBy having people remind US of them.

单选题Some of the meat came from Canada. How about ______?AanotherBthe otherCothersDthe rest

单选题According to the passage sport is positive for young people in that _____.Ait can help them learn more about societyBit teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselvesCit enables them to find flaws in themselvesDit can provide them with valuable experiences

单选题—Would you like some more chicken?  —Yes, please, it’s really delicious.  —Well, I’m glad you like it. How about some Jiaozi too?  —______ANo, thanks, I’m already too full. BThanks, I can eat Jiaozi.CGood, I’ll try my best. DNo, I don’t like to eat it.

问答题We live in a society which there is a lot of talk about science, but I would   1.______say that there are not 5 percent of the people who are equipped with schooling,including college, to understand scientific reasoning. We are more ignorant ofscience than people with comparable education in Western Europe.           ?2.______There are a lot of kids who know everything about computers — how tobuild them, how to take them apart, and how to write programs for games. So    ? ? 3.______if you ask them to explain about the principles of physics that have gone into   ? ?4.______creating the computer, you don’t have the faintest idea.             ? ? 5.______  The failure to understand science leads to such things like the neglect of   ? ?6.______human creative power. It also takes rise to blurring of the distinction between   ? 7.______science and technology. Lots of people don’t differ between the two. Science is the 8.______production of new knowledge that can be applied or not, and technology is theapplication of knowledge to the production of some products, machinery or thelike. The two are really very different, and people who have the faculty for onevery seldom have a faculty for the others.                      ?9.______Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as soon as it can providetechnology, it is not necessarily harmful. No society has yet learned to forecast   10.______the consequences of new technology, which can be enormous.

问答题It is important to think about the people of a destination country and how tourism affects them.

问答题We live in a society which there is a lot of talk about science, but I would   1._______say that there are not 5 percent of the people who are equipped with schooling,including college, to understand scientific reasoning. We are more ignorant ofscience as people with comparable education in Western Europe.         2._______  There are a lot of kids who know everything about computers — how tobuild them, how to take them apart, and bow to write programs for games. So    3._______if you ask them to explain about the principles of physics that have gone into   4._______creating the computer, you don’t have the faintest idea.             5._______  The failure to understand science leads to such things like the neglect of   6._______human creative power. It also takes rise to blurring of the distinction between   7._______science and technology. Lots of people don’t differ between the two. Science is the8._______production of new knowledge that can be applied or not, and technology is theapplication of knowledge to the production of some products, machinery or thelike. The two are really very different, and people who have the faculty for onevery seldom have a faculty for the others.                      9._______  Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as soon as it can providetechnology, it is not necessarily harmful. No society has yet learned to forecast 10._______the consequences of new technology, which can be enormous.