单选题Bitmap的可能长度为0,这个Bitmap第一位指示SN为()ol4096的SDU是否被正确接收解调AFMS + 0BFMS + 1CFMS + 2DFMS + 3
FMS + 0
FMS + 1
FMS + 2
FMS + 3
当大量使用大Bitmap对象时,以下哪个说法是正确的?() A.不会崩溃,但要求不再使用的Bitmap对象设置为空B.不会崩溃,但要求经常调用System.gc()通知内存释放C.不会崩溃,因为虚拟机会自动回收内存D.很可能会导致系统崩溃
AutomaticPGAMemoryManagementeliminatestheneedtomanuallyconfigurewhichofthefollowinginitializationparameters?() A.SORT_AREA_SIZEB.HASH_AREA_SIZEC.BITMAP_MERGE_AREA_SIZED.CREATE_BITMAP_AREA_SIZEE.PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET
Automatic PGA Memory Management eliminates the need to manually configure which of the following initialization parameters?() A、 SORT_AREA_SIZEB、 HASH_AREA_SIZEC、 BITMAP_MERGE_AREA_SIZED、 CREATE_BITMAP_AREA_SIZEE、 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET
A folder on your Windows 2000 Professional computer contains bitmap files that have been compressed from 2MB to 1MB. You want to copy one of the compressed bitmap files from the hard disk to 1.4-MBfloppy disk. When you attempt to copy, you receive the following error message ‘Destination drive is Full’. What should to do?()A、Move, rather than copy, the compressed bitmap file to the floppy disk.B、Reformat the floppy disk.Then copy the compressed bitmap file to the floppy disk.C、Use another program to compress the bitmap file before copying it to the floppy disk.D、Copy an empty compressed folder to the floppy disk. Then copy the compressed bitmap file to the folder on the floppy disk.
Which two statements are true about a bitmap index? ()A、It is recommended for the columns that have unique values.B、It can be converted to a B-tree index by using the ALTER INDEX command.C、It has a bitmap segment for each distinct value in the key column, containing a string of bits in which each bit represents the presence or absence of a key column value.D、Updating the key column locks the whole bitmap segment that contains the bit for the key value to be updated.
Why does performance degrade when many UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements are issued on a tablethat has an associated Bitmap index()A、The DML operations re-create the Bitmap index blocks.B、The Bitmap index is rebuilt automatically after a DML operation.C、The smallest amount of a bitmap that can be locked is a bitmap segment.D、Additional time is taken to remove NULL values from the Bitmap index after a DML operation.
A bitmap join index is defined as().A、An index used to join two bitmap indexes on a table.B、A bitmap index created for the join of two or more tables.C、A bitmap index created on the join of two or more indexes.D、A bitmap index created on the join of two or more indexed-organized tables.
单选题Why does performance degrade when many UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements are issued on a tablethat has an associated Bitmap index()AThe DML operations re-create the Bitmap index blocks.BThe Bitmap index is rebuilt automatically after a DML operation.CThe smallest amount of a bitmap that can be locked is a bitmap segment.DAdditional time is taken to remove NULL values from the Bitmap index after a DML operation.
多选题Which two statements are true about a bitmap index? ()AIt is recommended for the columns that have unique values.BIt can be converted to a B-tree index by using the ALTER INDEX command.CIt has a bitmap segment for each distinct value in the key column, containing a string of bits in which each bit represents the presence or absence of a key column value.DUpdating the key column locks the whole bitmap segment that contains the bit for the key value to be updated.
单选题A bitmap join index is defined as().AAn index used to join two bitmap indexes on a table.BA bitmap index created for the join of two or more tables.CA bitmap index created on the join of two or more indexes.DA bitmap index created on the join of two or more indexed-organized tables.