单选题A number of applications issue the following SQL statement:SELECT d.deptno, e.empno, e.salary FROM department d INNER JOIN employee e ON d.deptno = e.deptnoA database administrator wishes to store this query within the database. Which of the following database objects can be used to accomplish this?()AAliasBViewCSchemaDTrigger

A number of applications issue the following SQL statement:SELECT d.deptno, e.empno, e.salary FROM department d INNER JOIN employee e ON d.deptno = e.deptnoA database administrator wishes to store this query within the database. Which of the following database objects can be used to accomplish this?()









解析: 暂无解析


The PRODUCTS table has these columns:PRODUCT_ID NUMBER(4)PRODUCT_NAME VARCHAR2(45)PRICE NUMBER(8,2)Evaluate this SQL statement:SELECT *FROM PRODUCTSORDER BY price, product _ name;What is true about the SQL statement? ()A. The results are not sorted.B. The results are sorted numerically.C. The results are sorted alphabetically.D. The results are sorted numerically and then alphabetically.

Which of the following cannot be used as input to the SQL Tuning Advisor?() (Choose all that apply.) A. A single SQL statement provided by a userB. An existing SQL Tuning Set (STS)C. A preprocessed Database Replay workloadD. A schema nameE. SQL statement identified in EM as using excessive resources

View the Exhibit for some of the current parameter settings. A user logs in to the HR schema and issues the following commands:SQL CREATE TABLE emp(empno NUMBER(3),ename VARCHAR2(20),sal NUMBER(8,2));SQL INSERT INTO emp(empno,ename) VALUES(1,‘JAMES‘);At this moment, a second user also logs in to the HR schema and issues the following command:SQL ALTER TABLE emp MODIFY sal NUMBER(10,2);What happens in the above scenario?()A. The second user‘s session immediately produces the resource busy error.B. The second user‘s command executes successfully.C. The second user‘s session waits for a time period before producing the resource busy error.D. A deadlock is created.

From SQL*Plus, you issue this SELECT statement:You use this statement to retrieve data from a data table for()。 A. UpdatingB. ViewingC. DeletingD. InsertingE. Truncating

You are the Database Administrator (DBA) of your company. You execute the following statement on an Oracle 10g instance:   SQL ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE;   Which two tasks are performed when the statement is executed? ()A、 The DBWn process writes to the datafile.B、 Changes in the background process are recorded.C、 The log file is updated with the current SCN number.D、 The System Change Number (SCN) is recorded in the control file.E、 The changes to the listener configuration in the listener.ora file are recorded.

You issue this statement:ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE;  What does the statement generate?()A、A text copy of the control file.B、A binary copy of the control file.C、A file containing a SQL statement which will re-create the database.D、A file containing a SQL statement which will re-create the control file.

Application A is designed to execute the following SQL statements within a single Unit of Work (UOW). UPDATE employee SET salary = salary * 1.1 WHERE empno='000010' UPDATE department SET deptname = 'NEW dept' WHERE deptno='A00'Application B is designed to execute the following SQL statements within a single Unit of Work (UOW). UPDATE department SET deptname = 'OLD DEPT' WHERE deptno='A00' UPDATE employee SET salary = salary * 0.5 WHERE empno='000010' Application A and application B execute their first SQL statement at the same time. When application A and application B try to execute their second SQL statement, a deadlock occurs. What will happen?() A、The database manager will rollback the transaction in both applications.B、The database manager will rollback the transaction in one of the two applications.C、Application B will successfully update the EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT tables; Application A will be placed in a lock wait state.D、Application A will successfully update the EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT tables; Application B will terminate when the lock timeout value is reached.

A batch application executes a large number of update statements. The service level agreement for the application states that the application must complete its work as quickly as possible to ensure that dependent workloads can start ontime. What is one way to help the application complete quickly?()A、Code the application to issue a LOCK TABLE statement.  B、Code the application to issue a LOCK ROW statement.  C、Decrease the number of I/O servers.  D、Increase the locklist parameter.

Which of the following will begin a new unit of work?()A、The CONNECT statementB、The first FETCH of a cursorC、The BEGIN TRANSACTION statementD、The first executable SQL statement

A number of applications issue the following SQL statement:SELECT d.deptno, e.empno, e.salary FROM department d INNER JOIN employee e ON d.deptno = e.deptnoA database administrator wishes to store this query within the database. Which of the following database objects can be used to accomplish this?()A、AliasB、ViewC、SchemaD、Trigger

Which of the following identifies and creates an index to minimize the DB time for a particular SQL statement?()  A、 The SGA Tuning AdvisorB、 The SQL Access AdvisorC、 The SQL Tuning AdvisorD、 The Memory Advisor

From SQL*Plus, you issue this SELECT statement: SELECT* FROM order; You use this statement to retrieve data from a data table for ().A、UpdatingB、ViewingC、DeletingD、InsertingE、Truncating

Which of the following advisors within the Oracle advisory framework will analyze a single SQL statement and make recommendations for performance improvement?()A、SQL Repair AdvisorB、SQL OptimizerC、SQL Access AdvisorD、SQL Tuning Advisor

Which of the following cannot be used as input to the SQL Tuning Advisor?() (Choose all that apply.)A、A single SQL statement provided by a userB、An existing SQL Tuning Set (STS)C、A preprocessed Database Replay workloadD、A schema nameE、SQL statement identified in EM as using excessive resources

You issued the following statement in your SQL*Plus session:   SQLALTER SESSION ENABLE RESUMABLE TIMEOUT 600;   Which operation is neither suspended nor resumed using the Automatic Resumable Allocation feature in your database?()A、 creating a table in your schema and you exceed your allocated space quota on the tablespaceB、 executing a long query that involves a sort operation and the statement runs out of temporary spaceC、 loading data into tables by using the SQL*Loader and the number of extents in the table reaches the maximum limitD、 creating a table in a dictionary-managed tablespace with an explicit MAXEXTENTS setting which results in an out of space error

Which of the following cannot be used as input to the SQL Tuning Advisor?()A、 A single SQL statement provided by a userB、 An existing SQL Tuning Set (STS)C、 A preprocessed Database Replay workloadD、 A schema nameE、 SQL statement identified in EM as using excessive resources

单选题Which of the following identifies and creates an index to minimize the DB time for a particular SQL statement?()AThe SGA Tuning AdvisorBThe SQL Access AdvisorCThe SQL Tuning AdvisorDThe Memory Advisor

单选题Which of the following identifies and creates an index to minimize the DB time for a particular SQL statement?()A The SGA Tuning AdvisorB The SQL Access AdvisorC The SQL Tuning AdvisorD The Memory Advisor

单选题To make audit information more productive, the DBA executes the following command before starting an auditoperation: SQL ALTER SYSTEM SET AUDIT_TRAIL=DB,EXTENDED SCOPE=SPFILE; Which statement is true regarding the audit record generated when auditing starts after restarting Thedatabase()AIt contains only the plan for the SQL statement executed by the user.BIt contains the SQL text executed by the user and the bind variables used with it.CIt contains the plan and statistics associated with the SQL statement executed by the user.DIt contains the plan for the SQL statement executed by the user and the bind variables used with it

多选题You are the Database Administrator (DBA) of your company. You execute the following statement on an Oracle 10g instance:   SQL ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE;   Which two tasks are performed when the statement is executed? ()AThe DBWn process writes to the datafile.BChanges in the background process are recorded.CThe log file is updated with the current SCN number.DThe System Change Number (SCN) is recorded in the control file.EThe changes to the listener configuration in the listener.ora file are recorded.

单选题Which of the following advisors within the Oracle advisory framework will analyze a single SQL statement and make recommendations for performance improvement?()A SQL Repair AdvisorB SQL OptimizerC SQL Access AdvisorD SQL Tuning Advisor

单选题You issued the following statement in your SQL*Plus session:   SQLALTER SESSION ENABLE RESUMABLE TIMEOUT 600;   Which operation is neither suspended nor resumed using the Automatic Resumable Allocation feature in your database?()A creating a table in your schema and you exceed your allocated space quota on the tablespaceB executing a long query that involves a sort operation and the statement runs out of temporary spaceC loading data into tables by using the SQL*Loader and the number of extents in the table reaches the maximum limitD creating a table in a dictionary-managed tablespace with an explicit MAXEXTENTS setting which results in an out of space error

单选题You issue this statement:ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE;  What does the statement generate?()AA text copy of the control file.BA binary copy of the control file.CA file containing a SQL statement which will re-create the database.DA file containing a SQL statement which will re-create the control file.

单选题You created the ORDERS table in your database by using the following code:   SQL CREATE TABLE ORDERS (ORDER_DATE TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE);   Then, you inserted data in the ORDERS table and saved it by issuing the following statements:SQL INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES(’18-AUG-00 10:26:44 PM America/New_York’);   SQL INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES(’23-AUG-02 12:46:34 PM America/New_York’);   SQL COMMIT;   Next, you issued the following statement to change the time zone for the database:   SQL ALTER DATABASE SET TIME_ZONE=’Europe/London’;   What will be the result of executing the above statement?()A The statement will fail.B The statement will be executed successfully, and the new time zone will be set for the database.C The statement will be executed successfully, but the new time zone will be set for the current session.DThe statement will be executed successfully, but the new time zone will neither be set for the database nor for a specific session.

单选题The PRODUCTS table has these columns: PRODUCT_ID NUMBER(4) PRODUCT_NAME VARCHAR2(45) PRICE NUMBER(8,2) Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS ORDER BY price, product _ name; What is true about the SQL statement? ()AThe results are not sorted.BThe results are sorted numerically.CThe results are sorted alphabetically.DThe results are sorted numerically and then alphabetically.

多选题Which of the following cannot be used as input to the SQL Tuning Advisor?() (Choose all that apply.)AA single SQL statement provided by a userBAn existing SQL Tuning Set (STS)CA preprocessed Database Replay workloadDA schema nameESQL statement identified in EM as using excessive resources

多选题From SQL*Plus, you issue this SELECT statement: SELECT* FROM order; You use this statement to retrieve data from a data table for ().AUpdatingBViewingCDeletingDInsertingETruncating

多选题Which of the following cannot be used as input to the SQL Tuning Advisor?()AA single SQL statement provided by a userBAn existing SQL Tuning Set (STS)CA preprocessed Database Replay workloadDA schema nameESQL statement identified in EM as using excessive resources