单选题Type II error是指()A过度控制B控制不足
Type II error是指()
清使用VC6或使用【答题】菜单打开考生文件夹projl下的工程projl,此工程中包含了类Pets(“宠物”) 和主函数main的定义。程序中位于每个“//ERROR****found ****”之后的一行语句有错误,请加以改 正。改正后程序的输出结果应为: Name:sonny Type:dog Name:John Type:dog Name:Danny Typc:cat Name:John Type:dog 注意:只修改每个“//ERROR ****found ****”下的那一行,不要改动程序中的其他内容。 includeiostream using namespace sm; enum Pets_type{d09,cat,bird,fish}; class Pets{ private: char *name; Pets_type type; public: Pets(const char *name=”sonny”,Pets_type type=dog); Petsoperator=(const Petss); ~Pets; void showeonst;}; Pets::Pets(eonst char$naIne,Pets_type type) //构造函数 { This -name=new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(this一name,name); //ERROR *********found********* type=type; }{ Pets::~Pets//析构函数,释放name所指向的字符串 { //ERROR *********found********* name=’/0‘; } PetsPets::0perator=(const Petss){ if(s==this)//确保不要向自身赋值 return *this; delete[]name; name=new char[strlen(S.name)+1];//ERROR *********found********* strcpy(this一nmne,name); type=S.type: return *this;} void Pets::showconst cout“Name:”name”Type:”: Pets mypetl,mypet2(’’John”,dog);
关于GetPodAction定义,下面赋值正确的是()type Fragment interface {Exec(transInfo *TransInfo) error}type GetPodAction struct {}func (g GetPodAction) Exec(transInfo *TransInfo) error {...return nil} A. var fragment Fragment = new(GetPodAction)B. var fragment Fragment = GetPodActionC. var fragment Fragment = &GetPodAction{}D. var fragment Fragment = GetPodAction{}
One type of frame switching uses low-latency forwarding and then switches to a higher-latency error checking mode when an error threshold is exceeded. What is the name of this frame switching mode?() A. store and forwardB. fragment-freeC. adaptive cut-throughD. fast-forward
一笔记本上有一个Type II的PCMCIA插槽,用户想升级系统内存,但是只有一个Type I的PCMCIA的内存卡,他可以使用这个内存卡吗()。A、Yes,该卡兼容B、Yes,但是需要一个适配器来转换成Type IIC、No,Type I卡与Type II插槽相矛盾D、No,PCMCIA是周边设备扩展不包括内存
When a client using the SERVER_ENCRYPT authentication type connects to a server using the SERVER authentication type, what happens?()A、An error will occur.B、Data passed between the client and the server is encrypted.C、User IDs and passwords are passed to the server unencrypted.D、User IDs and passwords are encrypted before they are passed to the server.
下面哪项不是response对象的方法()A、set Content Type(String contentTypestr)B、set Header(String headername,String headervalue)C、get Parameter(String str)D、send Error(int errorcode)
One type of frame switching uses low-latency forwarding and then switches to a higher-latency error checking mode when an error threshold is exceeded. What is the name of this frame switching mode?()A、store and forwardB、fragment-freeC、adaptive cut-throughD、fast-forward
LCP,作为PPP的一部分,主要是用于协商下列哪些功能()。A、callbackB、IP addressC、纠错(error correction)D、认证类型(authentication type)
Automatic error notification can be configured to manage which type of disk error?() A、 Hard errorsB、 Media errorsC、 Temporary errorsD、 All disk error types
单选题Automatic error notification can be configured to manage which type of disk error?()A Hard errorsB Media errorsC Temporary errorsD All disk error types
单选题一台标准的笔记本电脑有两个PCMCIA槽,一个Type II的PCMCIA modem被安装在一个插槽中,你想添加一个Type III的PCMCIA硬盘驱动器卡,你应该做什么样的配置()。A不能实现,Type III卡不能在一个标准的笔记本上工作B移除Type II安装上一个Type III卡C在另一个PCMCIA插槽中安装硬盘驱动器D把type III PCMCIA卡插在USB上
单选题One type of frame switching uses low-latency forwarding and then switches to a higher-latency error checking mode when an error threshold is exceeded. What is the name of this frame switching mode?()Astore and forwardBfragment-freeCadaptive cut-throughDfast-forward
多选题LCP,作为PPP的一部分,主要是用于协商下列哪些功能()。AcallbackBIP addressC纠错(error correction)D认证类型(authentication type)
单选题一笔记本上有一个Type II的PCMCIA插槽,用户想升级系统内存,但是只有一个Type I的PCMCIA的内存卡,他可以使用这个内存卡吗()。AYes,该卡兼容BYes,但是需要一个适配器来转换成Type IICNo,Type I卡与Type II插槽相矛盾DNo,PCMCIA是周边设备扩展不包括内存
问答题什么是“第一类错误(Type Ⅰ error)”?