单选题They called in an electrician _______ he could put a finger on the cause of the short circuit.Ato hope Bto be hoping ChopingDto have hoped

They called in an electrician _______ he could put a finger on the cause of the short circuit.

to hope  


to be hoping    




to have hoped




Had he worked harder, he () the exams. A、must have got thoughB、would get thoughC、would have got throughD、could get through

She said that she_____what he could_____us, but she was too busy then. A、would do, help.B、could have done, to help.C、would have done, helping.D、could do, helped

He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he it differently.A. could expressB. would expressC. could have expressedD. must have expressed

By saying "Let's hope that this time it really will be the last one", the father meant that ______.A. he wished people had not built the bonfireB. he hoped people would not build any more bonfiresC. he hoped there would be no more wars in the worldD. he wished the Second World War had not happened

Ben did not rush in help Mrs. Tailor because_____A. he thought that she could be necking themB. he knew that they could not have been in the treeC. he did not the old lady fall downD. he was afraid of the three-legged cat

But that he saw it, he ___it.A、could not have believedB、did not believeC、could not believeD、cannot believe

As a man with plenty of guts, he is the person who is expected to bring success to this company which is on the verge of bankruptcy. A、the great white hopeB、the great red hopeC、the great green hopeD、the great black hope

Had he studied hard, he___ the exam. A、would passB、could passC、had passedD、.would have passed

_______ as he is, jack could have made such a mistake.A、A foolB、FoolC、The foolD、Fools

He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he it differently.A. could express B. would expressC. could have expressed D. must have expressed

共用题干第三篇Acceptance of Chronic IllnessHolding on to hope may not make patients happier as they deal with chronic illnesses or diseases, according to a new study by University of Michigan Health System researchers."Hope is an important part of happiness,"said Peter A.Ubel,M.D.director of the U-M Center for Behavioral and Decision Sciences in Medicine and one of the authors of the happily hopeless study,"but there's a dark side of hope.Sometimes,if hope makes people put off getting on with their life,it can get in theway of happiness."The results showed' that people do not adapt well to situations if they are believed to be short-term. Ubel and his co-authors一both from U-M and Carnegie Mellon University一studied patients who had new colostomies:their colons were removed and they had to have bowel movements in a pouch that lay outside their body.At the time they received their colostomy,some patients were told that the colostomy was reversible一that they would undergo a second operation to reconnect their bowels after several months.Others were told that the colostomy was permanent and that they would never have normal bowel function again. The second group一the one without hope一reported being happier over the next six months than those with reversible colostomies."We think they were happier because they got on with their life. They realized the cards they were dealt,and recognized that they had no choice but to play with those cards,"said Ubel,who is also a professor in the Department of Internal Medicine."The other group was waiting for their colostomy to be reversed," he added."They contrasted their current life with the life they hoped to lead,and didn't make the best of their current situation.""Hopeful messages may not be in the best interests of the patient and may interfere with the patient's emotional adaptation,"Ubel said."I don't think we should take hope away.But I think we have to be careful about building up people's hope so much that they put off living their life."The other group was not as happy because_________.A:they accepted their current situation B:they were anxious to get betterC:they missed their previous lifeD:they refused to play cards

Had he worked harder, he ___________ the exams.A.must have got throughB.would get throughC.would have got throughD.could get through

Had he worked harder,he__the exams.A.must have got throughB.would have got throughC.would get throughD.could get through

共用题干第三篇Acceptance of Chronic IllnessHolding on to hope may not make patients happier as they deal with chronic illnesses or diseases. accorcting to a new study by University of Michigan Health System researchers."Hope is an important part of happiness,"said Peter A. Ubel, M. D. director of the U-M Center forBehavioral and Decision Sciences in Medicine and one of the authors of the happily hopeless study,"but there's a dark side of hope.Sometimes,if hope makes people put off getting on with their life,it can get in the way of happiness."The results showed that people do not adapt well to situations if they are believed to be short-term.Ubel and his co-authors一both from U-M and Carnegie Mellon University一studied patients who had new colostomies:their colons were removed and they had to have bowel movements in a pouch that lay outside their body.At the time they received their colostomy,some patients were told that the colostomy was reversible一that they would undergo a second operation to reconnect their bowels after several months.Others were told that the colostomy was permanent and that they would never have normal bowel function again.The second group一the one without hope一reported being happier over the next six months than those with reversible colostomies."We think they were happier because they got on with their life.They realized the cards they were dealt, and recognized that they had no choice but to play with those cards,"said Ubel,who is also a professor in the Department of Internal Medicine."The other group was waiting for their colostomy to be reversed,"he added."They contrasted their current life with the life they hoped to lead,and didn't make the best of their current situation.""Hopeful messages may not be in the best interests of the patient and may interfere with the patient's emotional adaptation,"Ubel said."I don't think we should take hope away.But I think we have to be careful about building up people's hope so much that they put off living their life."What could be the message of the passage?A:Giving up hope means giving up happiness.B:Letting go of hope is at times a better choice.C:Hope is what makes people move on.D:Hope frequently gets in the way of happiness.

共用题干第三篇Acceptance of Chronic IllnessHolding on to hope may not make patients happier as they deal with chronic illnesses or diseases. accorcting to a new study by University of Michigan Health System researchers."Hope is an important part of happiness,"said Peter A. Ubel, M. D. director of the U-M Center forBehavioral and Decision Sciences in Medicine and one of the authors of the happily hopeless study,"but there's a dark side of hope.Sometimes,if hope makes people put off getting on with their life,it can get in the way of happiness."The results showed that people do not adapt well to situations if they are believed to be short-term.Ubel and his co-authors一both from U-M and Carnegie Mellon University一studied patients who had new colostomies:their colons were removed and they had to have bowel movements in a pouch that lay outside their body.At the time they received their colostomy,some patients were told that the colostomy was reversible一that they would undergo a second operation to reconnect their bowels after several months.Others were told that the colostomy was permanent and that they would never have normal bowel function again.The second group一the one without hope一reported being happier over the next six months than those with reversible colostomies."We think they were happier because they got on with their life.They realized the cards they were dealt, and recognized that they had no choice but to play with those cards,"said Ubel,who is also a professor in the Department of Internal Medicine."The other group was waiting for their colostomy to be reversed,"he added."They contrasted their current life with the life they hoped to lead,and didn't make the best of their current situation.""Hopeful messages may not be in the best interests of the patient and may interfere with the patient's emotional adaptation,"Ubel said."I don't think we should take hope away.But I think we have to be careful about building up people's hope so much that they put off living their life."Chronically ill patients may be happier___________.A:if they keep thinking of their pastB:if they believe they'll recoverC:if they put off moving onD:if they manage to get on with their life

共用题干第三篇Acceptance of Chronic IllnessHolding on to hope may not make patients happier as they deal with chronic illnesses or diseases. accorcting to a new study by University of Michigan Health System researchers."Hope is an important part of happiness,"said Peter A. Ubel, M. D. director of the U-M Center forBehavioral and Decision Sciences in Medicine and one of the authors of the happily hopeless study,"but there's a dark side of hope.Sometimes,if hope makes people put off getting on with their life,it can get in the way of happiness."The results showed that people do not adapt well to situations if they are believed to be short-term.Ubel and his co-authors一both from U-M and Carnegie Mellon University一studied patients who had new colostomies:their colons were removed and they had to have bowel movements in a pouch that lay outside their body.At the time they received their colostomy,some patients were told that the colostomy was reversible一that they would undergo a second operation to reconnect their bowels after several months.Others were told that the colostomy was permanent and that they would never have normal bowel function again.The second group一the one without hope一reported being happier over the next six months than those with reversible colostomies."We think they were happier because they got on with their life.They realized the cards they were dealt, and recognized that they had no choice but to play with those cards,"said Ubel,who is also a professor in the Department of Internal Medicine."The other group was waiting for their colostomy to be reversed,"he added."They contrasted their current life with the life they hoped to lead,and didn't make the best of their current situation.""Hopeful messages may not be in the best interests of the patient and may interfere with the patient's emotional adaptation,"Ubel said."I don't think we should take hope away.But I think we have to be careful about building up people's hope so much that they put off living their life."The other group was not as happy because__________. A:they accepted their current situationB:they were anxious to get betterC:they missed their previous lifeD:they refused to play cards

-Could you help me put up the signs on the wall? -()A、No problemB、I hope soC、That's all rightD、That's a good idea

我希望没有让你久等。()A、I hope I have not kept you waiting for long.B、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a short time.C、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a while.D、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a little time.

单选题A He enjoyed adventures and couldn't help doing it.B He wanted to help himself and game- and telly-addicted kids.C He wanted to get the kids out of the game room to play with him.D He thought it could bring him hope, excitement and a longer life.

单选题_____ of accusing his neighbor of dishonesty, the man hoped that he could avoid blame by apologizing.ASureBGuiltyCJustifiedDPitiful

单选题I could have called you yesterday, but I ______ your telephone number.Adidn’t haveBwon’t haveChadn’t hadDwouldn’t have

单选题Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but he hung up _____ I could answer the phone.AasBsinceCuntilDbefore

单选题His opponent having sprained his wrist, Andrew could have won by exploiting this weakness, but he chose not to do it.AHis opponent having sprained his wrist, Andrew could have won by exploiting this weakness, but he chose not to do it.BAndrew could have won by exploiting this weakness after his opponent sprained his wrist, but he chose not to do so.CChoosing not to do so, Andrew could have won after his opponent sprained his wrist by exploiting this weakness.DAfter his opponent sprained his wrist, Andrew could have won by exploiting this weakness, but he chose not to do so.EAfter his opponent sprained his wrist, Andrew could have, but chose not to do it, won by exploiting this weakness.

单选题-Could you help me put up the signs on the wall? -()ANo problemBI hope soCThat's all rightDThat's a good idea

单选题They called in an electrician _____ he could put a finger on the cause of the short circuit.Ato hopeBto be hopingChopingDto have hoped

单选题我希望没有让你久等。()AI hope I have not kept you waiting for long.BI hope I have not kept you waiting for a short time.CI hope I have not kept you waiting for a while.DI hope I have not kept you waiting for a little time.

单选题The young Party member felt that socialism was the most important cause to which he could _____ himself.AdedicateBinvolveCintroduceDdecorate