单选题The joint face between the cylinder cover and the liner is arranged ()the combustion process as possible.Asuch far away fromBsuch near byCas far away fromDas near by

The joint face between the cylinder cover and the liner is arranged ()the combustion process as possible.

such far away from


such near by


as far away from


as near by


解析: 暂无解析


The space between cylinder liner and jacket is called _____.A.the cooling waterB.the circulating waterC.the coolerD.the cooling water space

The cylinder cover is not provided with ( )A.fuel valveB.the starting valveC.lubricator

Diesel engine blow-by is the leakage of combustion gases past the( ).A.oil rings onlyB.compression and scraper ringsC.cylinder liner sealingD.cylinder liner ring grooves

The main factor which determines the output of each cylinder is _____.A.the cylinder weightB.the cylinder boreC.the cylinder lengthD.the cylinder cover

单选题Low compression in a diesel engine can be caused by ()Aclogged coolant passagesBa leaking cylinder head gasketClow fuel oil pressureDworn or broken cylinder liner sealing rings

单选题The rate of wear on a cylinder liner depends on the ()Aquality of air filtrationBeffectiveness of lubricationCtype of fuel usedDall of the above

单选题In addition to lubricating, cylinder oil assists in forming a gas seal and contains () which clean the cylinder liner.AadditivesBwaterCgreaseDacid solution

单选题The bore of each cylinder is formed in a liner which can be () when worn out.AweldedBreplacedCdrilled againDbored

单选题In a diesel engine, excessive cylinder liner wear will cause () (1) increased blow-by (2) wear between the piston ring and grooveA(1) only is correctB(2) only is correctCboth (1) and (2) are correctDneither (1) or (2) axe correct

单选题Improper cooling of a diesel engine cylinder liner due to the accumulation of scale deposits may cause ().Alow compression pressureBincreased piston wearCincreased cylinder lube oil consumptionDpoor contact between compression rings and liner

单选题Visual inspection of chrome-plated piston compression rings reveals a black ring face at the position of the cylinder liner portsThis condition indicates a ring which()Ahas a crown-faceBexceeds wear limits through normal wearChas excessive blow-byDis in good condition

单选题In order to inspect both piston and cylinder wall thoroughly, the cylinder cover should be taken off and the piston should be ().Acraned outBrolled outClifted outDturned out

单选题The main function of piston compression rings is to ()Aprevent excessive cylinder liner wearBreduce friction losses in the engineCseal the space between the piston and the linerDlimit upward flow of lube oil into the combustion space

单选题The cylinder liner forming the cylinder wall and the inside of the water jacket is called a()Adry linerBwet linerCjacket linerDcorrugated liner

单选题In a diesel engine, an integral liner is one in which the cooling water () Ⅰ.flows through the cylinder liner jackets Ⅱ.touches the outer side of the linerAⅠ onlyBⅡ onlyCboth Ⅰ and ⅡDneither Ⅰ and Ⅱ

单选题In order to increase the wearing resistance, the cylinder liner surfaces are sometimes ().Aaluminum-platedBbronze-platedCzinc-platedDchromium-plated

单选题Cylinder liner cooling is often referred to as ().Apiston coolingBsleeve coolingCcentral coolingDjacket cooling

单选题The cylinder head, cylinder liner and () form the combustion chamber.AframeBpistonCcrankcaseDexplosion plate

单选题The joint face between the cylinder cover and the liner is arranged ()the combustion process as possible.Asuch far away fromBsuch near byCas far away fromDas near by

单选题On the top of the cylinder is mounted the cylinder cover which is pressed onto () of the cylinder liner by means of nuts and studs.Athe camshaftBthe flangeCthe ridgeDthe bulge

单选题Which of the following statements concerning cylinder liner wear is true?()ALiner wear is distributed equally between the upper and lower portions of the cylinderBExcessive liner wear causes wear between piston ring and grooveCExcessive, but uniform liner wear will not cause wear between piston ring and grooveDLiner wear is normally greatest in the middle of the cylinder

单选题There is a support ring between the cylinder block and collar of the cylinder liner, thus carrying both the liner and the cylinder coverIt also passes to the cooling bores and to the cover()Acooling waterBcooling oilCrefrigerantDlubricate oil

单选题The cylinder is fitted with internal liner so that a water space is left () the liner and the outer wall.AaroundBamongCinDbetween

单选题Piston compression rings used in a diesel engine function to ()Atransfer heat from the cylinder to the pistonBscrape oil from the sides of the pistonCseal the combustion space from the crankcasesDprevent any piston contact with the cylinder liner

单选题In a diesel engine, excessive cylinder liner wear will cause () Ⅰ.increased blow-by Ⅱ.wear between the piston ring and grooveAⅠonly is correctBⅡ only is correctCboth Ⅰ and Ⅱ are correctDneither Ⅰ or Ⅱ are correct

单选题Which of the following problems may occur if the clearance between a piston and cylinder liner is insufficient?()AExcessive wearBScuffing of the linerCPiston seizureDAll of the above

单选题A properly honed diesel engine cylinder liner will()Aprevent piston ring wearBshorten the ring break-in periodCprevent cylinder liner glazingDappear slick and glazed

单选题Cold clearances between the skirt of an aluminum piston and the cylinder liner is about ()Atwice as large as with a cast iron pistonBthe same size as with a cast iron pistonChalf as large as with a cast iron pistonDthe same size as the crown of an aluminum piston