单选题After being rescued from the vessel accident,the people agreed that they had much to().AthankBbe thankfulCbe thankedDbe thankful for

After being rescued from the vessel accident,the people agreed that they had much to().



be thankful


be thanked


be thankful for


解析: 暂无解析


It was not long __________ the news spread and people from all over the country came to visit the village. A.beforeB.whenC.untilD.after

Shortly after the accident, Terry Lapham was _____ from his post as project manager. A.dismissedB.discussedC.disappearedD.discovered

Yesterday the plane ______ nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning building. A. attackedB. overC. saveD. rescued

For centuries, the Atlantic Ocean kept the New World from____by the people of EuropeA.discoverB.discoveredC.discoveringD.being discovered

The_______action of the policemen saved the people in the house from being burnt.A、promptB、supremeC、significantD、vital

For centuries, the Atlantic Ocean kept the America from ____________ by the people of Europe.A、discoveringB、being discoveringC、being discoveredD、discovered

The passage is intended to _____________A. warn us of the danger in the subwayB. show US how to save people in the subwayC. tell US about a subway rescueD. report a traffic accident

After a collision or accident involving an uninspected vessel,regulations require that the operator assist persons affected,but only if the operator can do so without ______.A.further damaging the other vesselB.undue delayC.serious danger to his or her own vesselD.creating a panic on either vessel

Every seaman injured on a fishing vessel must reportthe injury to the Master,individual in charge,or otheragent of the employer ______.A.before the end of the voyageB.no later than 24 hours after the vessel docksC.no later than 7 days after the injury occurredD.only if the injury prevents him from working

The Charterers to have the benefit of any return insurance premium receivable by the Owners from the Underwriters by reason of the Vessel being in port for a minimum period of 30 days provided the Vessel be on hire. This indicates that return insurance premium is to be reimbursed by the Owners to __________.A.ShippersB.CharterersC.ConsignersD.Consignees

A vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies is 24 nautical miles from the nearest land.Which type of garbage is prohibited from being discharged?A.GlassB.CrockeryC.MetalD.Dunnage

A vessel or object being towed astern shall display a(n) ______.A.forward masthead lightB.after masthead lightC.stern lightD.All of the above

In a Salvage Contract the word Salvor means ______.A.The Captain of the rescued vesselB.The salving vessel or the likeC.The rescued vesselD.The salvage operations

材料:Condor a catamaran vessel operating between the Channel Islands and France.The vessel has two main engines in each hull.All propulsion units are duplicated,with each set independent from the other.Shortly after leaving St Helier,Jersey,with 31 passengers and 18 crew,the fire alarm sounded indicating a fire in the starboard engine room.This was confirmed by the closed circuit television surveillance system which showed flames in the vicinity of the starboard outer main engine.The vessel was immediately stopped,all machinery in the starboard engine room was stopped and the fuel supplies shut down.Jersey Radio was informed of the situation two minutes after the alarm sounded. After closing all ventilation openings and accounting for all personnel,halon fire smothering gas was released into the starboard engine room.This was done five minutes after the fire alarm first sounded. The crew maintained boundary cooling and intermittently operated the sprinkler system to the affected space.Twenty minutes after the alarm sounded the situation was considered to be under control.Using the port main engines the vessel returned to St Helier where assistance was available from shore based emergency services.问题:Condor has two ________ main engines.A.combinedB.independentC.coupleD.doubleThe fire accident happened in ________.A.both the engine roomsB.neither engine roomsC.the port engine roomD.the starboard engine roomThe fire was mainly extinguished with ________.A.waterB.chemical agentC.foamD.powderIt can be concluded that ________.A.no officials from any authority know the accident after it happenedB.some officials ashore must have learnt the accident at very beginningC.there must be casualties even they were not mentioned in the reportD.fire is not dangerous on board vessel请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

After being launched from a vessel, totally enclosed survival craft which have been afloat over a long period require ______.A.frequent opening of hatches to permit entry of fresh airB.regular checks of bilge levelsC.use of ear plugs to dampen engine noiseD.frequent flushing of the water spray system with fresh water

If practical, when shall a manned vessel being towed sound her fog signal?______.A.Immediately before the towing vessel sounds hersB.Immediately after the towing vessel sounds hers.C.As close to the mid-cycle of the towing vessel’s signals as possibleD.At any time as long as the interval is correct

单选题A vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies is 24 nautical miles from the nearest land. Which type of garbage is prohibited from being discharged? ()AGlassBCrockeryCMetalDDunnage

单选题The best treatment for preventing traumatic shock after an accident is to().Ahave the victim exercise to increase circulationBkeep the victim from electrical equipmentCkeep the victim warm and dry while lying downDapply ice packs and avoid excitement

单选题After being launched from a vessel,totally enclosed survival craft which have been afloat over a long period require().Afrequent opening of hatches to permit entry of fresh airBregular checks of bilge levelsCuse of ear plugs to dampen engine noiseDfrequent flushing of the water spray system with fresh water

单选题Which statement is TRUE in an overtaking situation().AOne vessel is approaching another vessel from more than 20° abaft the beamBIt is the duty of the vessel being overtaken to get out of the wayCAny later change of bearing between the two vessels shall not make the overtaking vessel a crossing vesselDAll of the above

单选题The Charterers to have the benefit of any return insurance premium receivable by the Owners from the Underwriters by reason of the Vessel being in port for a minimum period of 30 days provided the Vessel be on hire. This indicates that return insurance premium is to be reimbursed by the Owners to().AShippersBCharterersCConsignersDConsignees

填空题Assess home security is the primary thing should people do after being burglarized.____

单选题After a collision or accident involving an uninspected vessel,regulations require that the operator assist persons affected,but only if the operator can do so without().Afurther damaging the other vesselBundue delayCserious danger to his or her own vesselDcreating a panic on either vessel

单选题Every seaman injured on a fishing vessel must reportthe injury to the Master,individual in charge,or otheragent of the employer().Abefore the end of the voyageBno later than 24 hours after the vessel docksCno later than 7 days after the injury occurredDonly if the injury prevents him from working

单选题After being rescued from the vessel accident,the people agreed that they had much to().AthankBbe thankfulCbe thankedDbe thankful for

单选题The tendency of a vessel to return to its original trim after being inclined by an external force is().AequilibriumBbuoyancyCtransverse stabilityDlongitudinal stability

单选题If you hear the firing of a gun at one minute intervals from another vessel,this indicates that().Athe gun is being used to sound passing signalsBthe vessel is in distressCall vessels are to clear the areaDall is clear and it is safe to pass

单选题The sentence “Traffic accidents decline millions of lives” means” ______.ATraffic accidents make some people become millionairesBMany people die from traffic accidentsCMillions of people say they themselves have had traffic accidentsDMillions of people remain healthy after traffic accidents