单选题What we do if the company cut down on ads?()AcouldBwillCshall

What we do if the company cut down on ads?()







解析: 暂无解析


This place is so crowded What shall we do about it?A.I suggest we should evacuate the theatre as quickly as possible to avoid a trampleB.I advise you not to enter the theatre in order to avoid a trampleC.I’d like to give a tip that you may leave here quickly to avoid a trampleD.I made a suggestion that we cancel the performance immediately to avoid a trample

The true value of life is not in_________, but in_________.() A.which we get, which we giveB.what we get, what we giveC.which do we get, which do we giveD.how we get, how we give

What()I do()I miss the train. A.shall,becauseB.shall,ifC.can,becauseD.shall,although

Cart: Hi,Mary, are you free tonight?Mary: _________. Cart?Cart: Shall we have a game of chess?A. What about itB. What of itC. What forD. What is it

Nothing shall _________ us from doing what we think right.ApreferBtripleCcraveDdeter

A: What a nice day!B: Yes. Let's go camping,_____ ?A. don't we.B. won't weC. shall we

Do you think you could cut it 30%() A、byB、atC、down

Let’s go to the cinema, ( ) A、will youB、shall weC、do youD、do we

She asked Mr.Palmer if she ( ) type the letter right then. A、wouldB、willC、shouldD、shall

What()we do if the company cut down on ads?A、 couldB、 willC、 shall

A: What do you do, Polly? B: I work for an IT company.()

Lets do the cleaning right after class, ?()A. will youB. shall weC. do youD. can we

We shall do our best to () your requirements.A、satisfyB、metC、supplyD、answer

In order to()handling and shipping expenses as()as possible, we suggest that you ship the large order in containers. A、cut down⋯muchB、cut out⋯muchC、subtract⋯lowD、decrease⋯high

Gregory: Let's take a coffee break, shall we?Flora:_______, but I can't.A、I wish I couldB、We shallC、Yes, let'sD、You will

What time shall we {pass} the Suez Canal?A.reachB.bearC.transitD.watch

We forgot to bring our tickets,but please let us enter,__________?A.do youB.can weC.will youD.shall we

()of mast paint shall we put on?A、What coatsB、How much coatC、How many coatsD、Where coats

How would you like your hair done?()A、Can you do it?B、Cut down.C、Fell down.D、Cut short.

“午餐准备什么菜肴”用英文表示为()。A、What are we going to prepare?B、What is my job for today?C、What dishes do we prepare for lunch?D、What are we do for lunch?

翻译:We regret to say that your price is on the high side, we do not think there is any possibility of business unless you cut your price by 20%.

We shall do everything possible to assist you in()a mutually beneficial trade.A、developingB、developedC、developD、development

单选题We shall do everything possible to assist you in()a mutually beneficial trade.AdevelopingBdevelopedCdevelopDdevelopment

单选题Captain, do you know which side shall we get()?AbesideBalongsideCuponDside

单选题We'll do what we can to get the goods____on time, said the manager of the company.AreachedBdeliveredCreturnedDcome

问答题翻译:We regret to say that your price is on the high side, we do not think there is any possibility of business unless you cut your price by 20%.

单选题—Shall we go skating or stay at home?—Which _____ do yourself?Ado you ratherBwould you ratherCwill you ratherDshould you rather

单选题What we do if the company cut down on ads?()AcouldBwillCshall