单选题5. class Passer3 {   6. final static Passer3 p2 = new Passer3();   7. public static void main(String [] args) {   8. Passer3 p4 = p2.go(p2);   9. Passer3 p3 = p2;   10. System.out.print(p3==p4);   11. }   12. Passer3 go(Passer3 p) {   13. p = new Passer3();   14. return p;   15. }   16. }   结果为:()AtrueBfalseC第 8 行出现一个错误,编译失败D第 9 行出现一个错误,编译失败

5. class Passer3 {   6. final static Passer3 p2 = new Passer3();   7. public static void main(String [] args) {   8. Passer3 p4 = p2.go(p2);   9. Passer3 p3 = p2;   10. System.out.print(p3==p4);   11. }   12. Passer3 go(Passer3 p) {   13. p = new Passer3();   14. return p;   15. }   16. }   结果为:()





第 8 行出现一个错误,编译失败


第 9 行出现一个错误,编译失败


解析: 暂无解析


Which two code fragments correctly create and initialize a static array of int elements() A.static final int[]a={100,200};B.static final int[]a;static{a=new int[2];a[0]=100;a[1]=200;}C.static final int[]a=new int[2]{100,200};D.static final int[]a;static void int(){a=new int[3];a[0]=100;a[1]=200;}

public class Something {public static void main(String[] args) {Other o = new Other();new Something().addOne(o);}public void addOne(final Other o) {o.i++;}}class Other {public int i;}和上面的很相似,都是关于final 的问题,这有错吗?

请完善程序(程序文件名:Java_3.java)并进行调试。请在下画线处填入正确内容,然后删除下画线。请勿删除注释行和其他已有的语句内容。[题目要求]生成下面左边图形界面,单击图中的New按钮,弹出如右图所示的对话框。源程序:import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import javax.swing.*;public class Java_3 {public static void main(String[] args) {MulticastFrame. frame=new MulticastFrame();frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);frame.show();}}class MulticastFrame. extends JFrame. {public MulticastFrame() {setTitle("MulticastTest");setSize(WIDTH,HEIGHT);MulticastPanel panel=new MulticastPanel();Container contentPane=getContentPane();contentPane.add( (1) );}public static final int WIDTH=300;public static final int HEIGHT=200;}class MulticastPanel extends JPanel }public MulticastPanel() {JButton newButton=new JButton("New");add(newButton);ActionListener newListener=new ActionListener() {public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {makeNewFrame();}};newButton.addActionListener(newListener);closeAllButton=new JButton("Close all");add(closeAllButton);}private void makeNewFrame() {final BlankFrame. frame=new BlankFrame();frame.show();ActionListener closeAllListener=new ActionListener() {public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {frame. (2) (); //使窗口隐藏或消除}};closeAllButton.addActionListener( (3) );}private JButton closeAllButton;}Class BlankFrame. extends JFrame. {public BlankFrame() {(4) ++;setTitle("Frame"+counter);setSize(WIDTH,HEIGHT);setLocation(SPACING*counter,SPACING*counter);}public static final int WIDTH=200;public static final int HEIGHT=150;public static final int SPACING=30;private static int counter=0;}

1. public class Outer{  2. public void someOuterMethod() {  3. // Line 3  4. }  5. public class Inner{}  6. public static void main( String[]argv ) {  7. Outer o = new Outer();  8. // Line 8  9. }  10. }  Which instantiates an instance of Inner?()  A、 new Inner(); // At line 3B、 new Inner(); // At line 8C、 new o.Inner(); // At line 8D、 new Outer.Inner(); // At line 8

5. class Passer3 {   6. final static Passer3 p2 = new Passer3();   7. public static void main(String [] args) {   8. Passer3 p4 = p2.go(p2);   9. Passer3 p3 = p2;   10. System.out.print(p3==p4);   11. }   12. Passer3 go(Passer3 p) {   13. p = new Passer3();   14. return p;   15. }   16. }   结果为:()      A、trueB、falseC、第 8 行出现一个错误,编译失败D、第 9 行出现一个错误,编译失败

1. public class Target {  2. private int i = 0;  3. public int addOne() {  4. return ++i;  5. }  6. }  And:  1. public class Client {  2. public static void main(String[] args) {  3. System.out.println(new Target().addOne());  4. }  5. }  Which change can you make to Target without affecting Client?() A、 Line 4 of class Target can be changed to return i++;B、 Line 2 of class Target can be changed to private int i = 1;C、 Line 3 of class Target can be changed to private int addOne() {D、 Line 2 of class Target can be changed to private Integer i = 0;

Which declaration prevents creating a subclass of an outer class?()A、 Static class FooBar{}B、 Private class FooBar{}C、 Abstract public class FooBar{}D、 Final public class FooBar{}E、 Final abstract class FooBar{}

public class Base {  public static final String FOO = “foo”;  public static void main(String[] args) {  Base b = new Base();  Sub s = new Sub();  System.out.print(Base.FOO);  System.out.print(Sub.FOO);  System.out.print(b.FOO);  System.out.print(s.FOO);  System.out.print(((Base)s).FOO);  } }  class Sub extends Base {public static final String FOO=bar;}  What is the result?() A、 foofoofoofoofooB、 foobarfoobarbarC、 foobarfoofoofooD、 foobarfoobarfooE、 barbarbarbarbarF、 foofoofoobarbarG、 foofoofoobarfoo

1. public class A {  2. void A() {  3. System.out.println(“Class A”);  4. }  5. public static void main(String[] args) {  6. new A();  7. }  8. }  What is the result?()  A、 Class AB、 Compilation fails.C、 An exception is thrown at line 2.D、 An exception is thrown at line 6.E、 The code executes with no output.

现有: 1.class Passer f 2.static final int X=5; 3.public static void main (String [] args) { 4.new Passer( ).go (x); 5.System. out .print (x); 6. ) 7.void go (int x) { 8.System. out .print(x++); 9.} 10.}结果是什么?()A、55B、56C、65D、66

Which two code fragments correctly create and initialize a static array of int elements()A、static final int[]a={100,200};B、static final int[]a;static{a=new int[2];a[0]=100;a[1]=200;}C、static final int[]a=new int[2]{100,200};D、static final int[]a;static void int(){a=new int[3];a[0]=100;a[1]=200;}

class Passer {  static final int x = 5;  public static void main(String [] args) { new Passer().go(x);  System.out.print(x);  }  void go(int x) {  System.out.print(++x);  }  }  结果是什么?() A、55B、56C、65D、66

1. public class enclosingone (  2. public class insideone{}  3. )  4. public class inertest(  5. public static void main (string[]args)(  6. enclosingone eo= new enclosingone ();  7. //insert code here  8. )  9. )    Which statement at line 7 constructs an instance of the inner class?()  A、 InsideOnew ei= eo.new InsideOn();B、 Eo.InsideOne ei = eo.new InsideOne();C、 InsideOne ei = EnclosingOne.new InsideOne();D、 EnclosingOne.InsideOne ei = eo.new InsideOne();

1. import java.util.*;  2.  3. Class FindStuff {  4. public static void  main(String [] args) {  5. // insert code here  6. c.put("x", 123);  7. }  8. } 分别插入到第5行,哪三行允许代码编译?() A、Map c = new SortedMap();B、HashMap c = new HashMap();C、HashMap c = new Hashtable();D、SortedMap c = new TreeMap();

单选题Which declaration prevents creating a subclass of an outer class?()A Static class FooBar{}B Private class FooBar{}C Abstract public class FooBar{}D Final public class FooBar{}E Final abstract class FooBar{}

单选题1. class Passer2 {   2. //insert code here   3. static int bigState = 42;   4. public static void main(String [] args) {   5. bigState = p2.go(bigState);   6. System.out.print(bigState);   7. }   8. int go(int x) {   9. return ++x;   10. }   11. }  和4段代码片段:  static Passer2 p2 = new Passer2();  final static Passer2 p2 = new Passer2();  private static Passer2 p2 = new Passer2();  final private static Passer2 p2 = new Passer2();  有多少行分别插入到第2行,可以编译?()A0B1C3D4

多选题Which three statements are true?()AA final method in class X can be abstract if and only if X is abstract.BA protected method in class X can be overridden by any subclass of X.CA private static method can be called only within other static methods in class X.DA non-static public final method in class X can be overridden in any subclass of X.EA public static method in class X can be called by a subclass of X without explicitly referencing the class X.FA method with the same signature as a private final method in class X can be implemented in a subclass of X.GA protected method in class X can be overridden by a subclass of X only if the subclass is in the same package as X.

单选题1. public class enclosingone (  2. public class insideone{}  3. )  4. public class inertest(  5. public static void main (string[]args)(  6. enclosingone eo= new enclosingone ();  7. //insert code here  8. )  9. )    Which statement at line 7 constructs an instance of the inner class?()A InsideOnew ei= eo.new InsideOn();B Eo.InsideOne ei = eo.new InsideOne();C InsideOne ei = EnclosingOne.new InsideOne();D EnclosingOne.InsideOne ei = eo.new InsideOne();

单选题1. public class Outer{  2. public void someOuterMethod() {  3. // Line 3  4. }  5. public class Inner{}  6. public static void main( String[]argv ) {  7. Outer o = new Outer();  8. // Line 8  9. }  10. }  Which instantiates an instance of Inner?()A new Inner(); // At line 3B new Inner(); // At line 8C new o.Inner(); // At line 8D new Outer.Inner(); // At line 8

单选题现有:   1. class Book {    2.   private final void read() { System.out.print("book "); }    3. }   4. class Page extends Book {    5.   public static void main(String [] args) {    6.     // insert code here   7.   }    8.   private final void read() { System.out.print("page "); }    9. }    和如下三个代码片段 ( x, y, z ):   x. // just a comment    y. new Page().read();   z. new Book().read();    分别插入到第6行,有几个允许代码通过编译并可以运行且无异常?()A 0B 1C 2D 3

多选题Which two code fragments correctly create and initialize a static array of int elements?()Astatic final int[] a = { 100,200 };Bstatic final int[] a; static { a=new int[2]; a[0]=100; a[1]=200; }Cstatic final int[] a = new int[2]{ 100,200 };Dstatic final int[] a; static void init() { a = new int[3]; a[0]=100; a[1]=200; }

单选题现有:  class Passer f  static final int X=5;  public  static void main (String  []  args)  {      new  Passer().go (x);      System. out .print (x);      }  void go (int x)  {     System. out .print(x++);     }     结果是什么?()A55B56C65D66

单选题final class Tree {  private static String tree = "tree ";  String getTree() { return tree; }  }  class Elm extends Tree {  private static String tree = "elm "; public static void main(String [] args) {  new Elm().go(new Tree());  }  void go(Tree t) {  String s = t.getTree()+Elm.tree+tree+(new Elm().getTree());  System.out.println(s);  } }  结果为:()Aelm elm elm elmBtree elm elm elmCtree elm tree elmD编译失败

单选题class Passer {  static final int x = 5;  public static void main(String [] args) { new Passer().go(x);  System.out.print(x);  }  void go(int x) {  System.out.print(++x);  }  }  结果是什么?()A55B56C65D66

单选题1. public class A {  2. void A() {  3. System.out.println(“Class A”);  4. }  5. public static void main(String[] args) {  6. new A();  7. }  8. }  What is the result?()A Class AB Compilation fails.C An exception is thrown at line 2.D An exception is thrown at line 6.E The code executes with no output.

单选题1. class Pizza {  2. java.util.ArrayList toppings;  3. public final void addTopping(String topping) {  4. toppings.add(topping); 5. }  6. }  7. public class PepperoniPizza extends Pizza {  8. public void addTopping(String topping) {  9. System.out.println(”Cannot add Toppings”);  10. }  11. public static void main(String[] args) {  12. Pizza pizza = new PepperoniPizza();  13. pizza.addTopping(”Mushrooms”);  14. }  15. }  What is the result?()A Compilation fails.B Cannot add ToppingsC The code runs with no output.D A NullPointerException is thrown in Line 4.

单选题public class Base {  public static final String FOO = “foo”;  public static void main(String[] args) {  Base b = new Base();  Sub s = new Sub();  System.out.print(Base.FOO);  System.out.print(Sub.FOO);  System.out.print(b.FOO);  System.out.print(s.FOO);  System.out.print(((Base)s).FOO);  } }  class Sub extends Base {public static final String FOO=bar;}  What is the result?()A foofoofoofoofooB foobarfoobarbarC foobarfoofoofooD foobarfoobarfooE barbarbarbarbarF foofoofoobarbarG foofoofoobarfoo