


解析: 暂无解析



单选题Not until yesterday _____ anything about the project that will be completed soon.Adid I learnBhave I learntCI learntDthat I learnt?

问答题Practice 5  The sales service includes installation(安装) and training within one week of receiving the order. On the day of installation, our training engineer will spend one hour with your secretary, providing instructions on the operation of this easy-to-use photocopier(复印机). You may call us for help at any time in the future. If necessary, our trainer will go to your company to help you with the operation of the machine.

单选题_____ABuy a train ticket for her.BEnjoy a concert with her.CGo to the meeting with her.DDrive her to the railway station.

单选题I don’t doubt _____ the stock market will recover from the economic crisis.AifBwhatCthatDwhich

单选题They had talked only for a few minutes _____ they found they were of different opinions.AunlessBwhileCbeforeDonce

单选题The message _____ Mr. Black was elected chairman of the committee arrived just in time.AwhichBwhatCthatDhow

单选题The writer thinks that the railways are very much alive because _____.Awe can have a troubled journeyBwe have enough money to fly in planesCwe can now travel by superfast trainsDwe can travel by motorcars as well


单选题_____AOne near a park.BA larger one.CA cheaper one.DOne with a good view.

单选题Candidates should be given the company brochure to read while they are waiting for their interviews.A求职者应帮助公司散发有关的阅读手册,同时等候面试。B在阅读了公司所发给的手册之后,求职者才能等候面试。C在求职者等候面试时,应该发给他们一本公司手册阅读。

填空题Who should be responsible for the fault?____ should be responsible for the fault.

单选题If employees have any health problem, they should _____.Atelephone the factoryBinform the Senior NurseCreport to their line managerDcontact the health and safety officer

填空题What’s the purpose of the hotel’s reconstruction program?To improve its ____.

单选题People now have more leisure time, which is the reason why the demand for services has increased so rapidly.A如今人们有更多的时间去娱乐,从而影响了劳务资源的快速上升。B如今希望有时间娱乐的人越来越多,这是因为服务质量在迅速提高了。C如今人们有了更多的闲暇时间,因而对各种服务的需求增长得如此快。

单选题I didn’t answer the phone _____ I didn’t hear it ring.AifBunlessCalthoughDbecause


填空题I shall appreciate your effort in (correct) ____ this error in my bank account as soon as possible.

单选题_____AHalf an hour.BWorking on weekendsCOne hour and a half.DHaving working experience.

问答题Practice 10  We learned from your advertisement in Globe Boston that you are an exporter of glass art works and we are availing ourselves of this opportunity to ask you to send us some samples of the advertised products. Our firm is a company engaged in import/ export of arts and crafts. Recent years we have put more interest in glass art works. We are thinking of expanding our business to the US and hope we will establish business relations with you soon.

单选题Look at the clock! It’s time _____ work.Awe startedBwe’ll startCwe’re startingDwe have started

单选题News came from the sales manager _____ the new product had been selling well in the local market for three months.AwhoseBwhatCwhichDthat

单选题_____AShe was busy working.BShe was having a holiday.CShe wanted to get relaxed.DShe wanted to shop for Christmas.


单选题Customers consider location as the first factor when _____ a decision about buying a house.AmakeBmadeCto makeDmaking

单选题_____AThree weeks ago.BLast month.CLast week.DLast Monday.

单选题We’re going to _____ the task that we haven’t finished.Atake awayBcarry onCget ontoDkeep off
