单选题With respect to diesel fuel, the ease with which a cold engine will start is dependent upon the()Aignition quality of the fuelBhigh heating value of the fuelCamount of carbon residue after combustionDinternal flow resistance in the injectors

With respect to diesel fuel, the ease with which a cold engine will start is dependent upon the()

ignition quality of the fuel


high heating value of the fuel


amount of carbon residue after combustion


internal flow resistance in the injectors


解析: 暂无解析


Which of the listed factors will indicate the most about the ability of a fuel to ignite in a diesel engine?A.ViscosityB.Sulfur contentC.Pour pointD.Cetane number

One of the factors limiting the amount of toad which can be put on a modem marine diesel engine is the_______.A.governor sensitivityB.exhaust temperatureC.fuel injection pressureD.speed of the cam shaft

Which product is volatile ________.A.BenzeneB.Diesel fuelC.Coal tarD.Heavy industrial fuel oil

单选题Which of the listed problems would be indicated by an accumulation of water in one cylinder, in addition to the crankcase of an idle diesel engine?()AExcessive cylinder linerBwater in the fuel systemCCracked cylinder linerDLeaking lube oil cooler

单选题Black smoke exhausting from an operating diesel engine is an indication of poor combustion which may be caused by ()Awater in the fuelBinsufficient fuel for combustionCclogged air intake passagesDburning lubricating oil

单选题The knock occurring when a cold diesel engine is started and continues while running at low speed, but stops when the engine reaches normal operating speed and temperature, is().Acaused by retarded injection timingBcaused by a mechanical defect in one cylinderCcaused by high fuel injection pressuresDnormal for these conditions

单选题When the opening pressure of a diesel engine fuel injector is greater than that specified by the engine manufacturer, which of the following problems can be expected?()AQuantity of fuel injected tends to be decreasedBQuantity of fuel injected will always be increasedCStart of injection tends to be advancedDDuration of injection will always greater

单选题Starting a large low-speed propulsion diesel engine on diesel fuel during cold weather conditions, will be made easier by ()Aincreasing the quantity of starting airBincreasing the lube oil pressureCheating the engine fuel supplyDheating the engine coolant

单选题Which of the listed substances can be satisfactorily removed from diesel fuel by centrifuging?()ASludgeBGasolineCFuel oilDLube oil

单选题Burning fuel with a high sulfur content in a diesel engine will ()Aincrease thermal efficiencyBcause clogging of the fuel systemCincrease the ability of the engine to start in cold weatherDproduce corrosion in the cylinder and exhaust system at low loads

单选题Which of the following statements is true concerning the cetane number rating of diesel fuel? ()AThe cetane number is obtained by comparing the fuel with cetane a colorless liquid hydrocarbonBThe higher the cetane number, the shorter the ignition lagCThe highest cetane number of fuel is 100DAll of the above

单选题Which of the following conditions could be a cause of excessive fuel dilution of diesel engine lube oil?()ALeaking fuel injectorsBLower than normal compressionCDelayed fuel injectionDAll of the above are correct

单选题The diesel engine is a type of internal combustion engine which ignites the fuel by injecting it into hot, high pressure air in a ().Aair bottleBair compressorCcrank caseDcombustion chamber

单选题Why is it important for fuel oil tanks not to be topped off at the inner bottom level when loading on a cold day?()AIncreased viscosity of the product needs higher loading pressure, which increases the chances of a spillBAir pockets may cause the fuel to bubble out of the ullage holeCThe temperature rise of the fuel will cause an overflowDFueling valve may become stuck closed and cause the fuel oil to spill before the valve can be opened

单选题Cold weather starting of a diesel engine may be made easier by()Adecreasing the compression ratioBusing a special fuel having a high ignition temperatureCincreasing the starting air supplyDheating the jacket water

单选题Which of the following is true about the fuel injection with an ordinary diesel engine?()AThe process begins after TDCBThe process ends before TDCCWhen the piston is near to the TDC the fuel injection endsDNone of the above is true

单选题Injection lag in a diesel engine may be caused by()Aa higher cetane number of fuel oilBthe diesel fuel used having a high viscosityCmechanical rigidity in the lube pump mechanismDa decrease rigidity in the fuel pump delivery pressure

单选题Which of the listed factors will indicate the most about the ability of a fuel to ignite in a diesel engine?()AViscosityBSulfur contentCPour pointDCetane number

单选题After the ship is out of the harbour and in “Full Speed”, well change ().Ato fuel oil instead of diesel oilBfor fuel oil instead of diesel oilCto diesel oil into fuel oilDfor diesel oil into fuel oil

单选题Fuel injected into a diesel engines cylinder is ignited by ().Athe heat compressed fuel/air mixture in the cylinderBthe fuel igniterCthe fuel injectorDthe fuel pump

单选题When the incinerator is stopped, which of the following is wrong?()AAfter stopping supplying sludge oil, the value and pipe should be flushed by flushed by diesel oil and the incinerator continue burning for 10 minutesBClose auxiliary burner firstly and then close main burnerCAfter stopping fuel, restoring the position of main fuel supply valveDStop blower as soon as stopping supplying fuel oil

单选题Before engaging the turning gear and turning the diesel engine, which of the following operation should be done except()Aopen the indicator cocksBsupply some CYL Oil to cylinder liner wall with lubricator (only for two stoke diesel engine)Cput the fuel handle in the “stop” positionDpump up the air bottle

单选题The direct acting mechanical governor used with some small diesel engines, controls fuel flow to the engine by()Agovernor flyweight action on a pilot valve which controls fuel injectionBgovernor flyweight motion acting on fuel controls through suitable linkageCpositioning a butterfly valve in the fuel delivery system positioningDa servomotor piston attached to the fuel controls

单选题Which of the listed conditions will affective pressure the most in the cylinder of a diesel engine?()ATBN of the lubricating oilBTemperature of the lube oilCCompleteness in the mixing of the fuel and airDTemperature of the cooling (sea) water

单选题When running a large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine on heavy fuel, which of the following precautions should be observed when switching back over to diesel oil?()AThe diesel oil must never be allowed to mix with the heavy fuelBThe temperature of the fuel from the pre–heater should be gradually reduced after switching over the three–way valveCThe heating steam to the pre-heater should be secured as soon as the diesel fuel passes through the three-way valveDThe heating steam must be secured before the diesel oil passes through the three-way valve

单选题Turbulence in a diesel engine cylinder is of major importance in providing ().Aproper fuel meteringBcomplete fuel/air mixingCminimal fuel penetrationDproper fuel timing

单选题The most effective method in removing water from diesel fuel oil is by()Acentrifuging the fuelBusing it in the engineCheating the fuel tanksDstarting the fuel