单选题The stout fellow over there is ______ the great magician, Charlie Williams, himself.Ano other butBno one thanCno other thanDnone other than

The stout fellow over there is ______ the great magician, Charlie Williams, himself.

no other but


no one than


no other than


none other than


句意:那边那个矮胖的人不是别人,正式伟大的魔术师查理·威廉。none other than不是别的,正是。


问答题Many of the things we do depend (1)____receiving information from other people. (2) Ca____ a train, making a phone call and going to the cinema all involve information which is stored, (3) pro____ and communicated. In the past this information used to be kept on paper in the (4) f____ of for example, books, newspapers and timetables. Now more and more information is put on computers. Computers play an important (5)____in our everyday lives, sometimes without us even (6)____(realize) it. Consider the use of computers in both shops and offices. Big shops, (7) es___ chain stores with branches all over the country, have to deal with very large amounts of information. They have to make sure there are enough goods on the shelves for customers to buy. They need to be able to re-order before stocks run (8)____, and to decide which things are selling well and so on. All these processes get performed quickly and (9)____ effi____ by computers. A lot of office word in the past involved information on paper. Once it had been dealt with by people, the paper was put away for future reference. This way of doing things was not (10)____(particular) easy or fast. A computerized system is much more efficient.

单选题What did Jane say about the village pub?ARather expensiveBNice and FriendlyCVery small

单选题—I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like______ .  —I told you not to eat at a restaurant. You’d better ______ at home.Ato throw up...to eatBthrowing up...eatingCto throw up...eatDthrowing up...eat

单选题Customer: I’m going to hold a farewell party for some friends. I’d like to book a dinner here.  Waiter: How many people of you will come to the dinner?  Customer: About ten.  Waiter: ______  Customer: Deep fried shrimps and roasted pork. As for other dishes,I’ll leave the choice to you if you don’t mind.AWhat can I do for you?BWhat do you like?CAnything particular on the menu?DMay I recommend some dishes?

单选题Where in the museum is there a clothes display?AUpstairs on the left.BUpstairs on the right.CDownstairs on the right.

单选题______ he will finish his work early enough to go to the party is still uncertain.AForBWhetherCThenDWhen

单选题What is not the response of the children to rhythm?AChildren love to beat on toy drums or empty boxes.BThey stamp their feet and chant nursery rhythmsCThey chant nonsense syllables, just like primitive dancers.