单选题The comment Sure enough,. in lines 50-51 is intended to imply that ______.Aneither woman was expecting to see Nathaniel standing on the porchBRachel may have hopes regarding Nathaniel beyond afternoon teaCNathaniel did not appear to be as amiable as Rachel hopedDAphra is disappointed that Nathaniel is not aloneERachel isn't expecting to have an enjoyable time at the Hamiltons'

The comment Sure enough,. in lines 50-51 is intended to imply that ______.

neither woman was expecting to see Nathaniel standing on the porch


Rachel may have hopes regarding Nathaniel beyond afternoon tea


Nathaniel did not appear to be as amiable as Rachel hoped


Aphra is disappointed that Nathaniel is not alone


Rachel isn't expecting to have an enjoyable time at the Hamiltons'




A spokesman said: ―We have no comment _______ the publication of these photographs.‖ (A) regarded(B) regard(C) regarding(D) to regard

3 Better budgeting in recent years may have been seen as a movement from ‘incremental budgeting’ to alternativebudgeting approaches.However, academic studies (e.g. Beyond Budgeting – Hope Fraser) argue that the annual budget model may beseen as (i) having a number of inherent weaknesses and (ii) acting as a barrier to the effective implementation ofalternative models for use in the accomplishment of strategic change.Required:(a) Identify and comment on FIVE inherent weaknesses of the annual budget model irrespective of the budgetingapproach that is applied. (8 marks)

Why could many looters run away?A. The police could not see them in the dark.B. Policemen did not have guns.C. They could hide in the shop.D. There were not enough policemen to catch them all.

They would have intended ____ a new computer if they ____ aside enough money. A.to have bought...setB.to buy...had setC.buying...setD.having bought...had set

As a naturalist writer, Theodore Dreiser was greatly influenced by _______. A.Nathaniel HawthorneB.Charles DarwinC.Henry JamesD.Ralph Waldo Emerson

The chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism is __________A、Nathaniel HawthorneB、Ralph Waldo EmersonC、Henry David ThoreauD、Washington Irving

According to Nathaniel Hawthorne, there is _________ in every hearer, which may remain latent, perhaps, through the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it to activity.A、evilB、virtueC、kindnessD、tragedy

Never before _________ see such a terrible car accident on the road! A. did IB. I haveC. have I

After shopping, Mother and I went to a restaurant for lunch. I notice Mother looking at anearby table occupy by an elderly woman and young couple. They are silently, and it was clearlythat things were not going well. As we left, Mother stopped on their table. “Excuse me,” she said,put her arm around the unhappy old woman. “You remind me so many of my mother. May I hug ”(拥抱) you?” The woman smiled happily as she accepted to it. After we left, I said, “That wasvery nice of you, Mother. So I didn’t think she looked like Grandma.” “Neither did me.” saidMother cheerfully.

Who should consult page 78 of the directions?A.Those who worked for an employer during 2006B.Those who expect to receive a refund from the governmentC.Those who did not have enough tax withheld from their payD.Those who are not sure how much they earned in 2006

I′ll consider?Ms.Smith tonight,but I am not sure if I have the time.A.to seeB.seeingC.to have seenD.see

Uncle Tom′s Cabin was written by ( ) A.Nathaniel Hawthome B.Harriet Beecher Stowe C.Stephen Crane D.Eugene O’Neil

Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of those who()transcendentalism.AsupportedBwas indifferent toCattackedDhad nothing to do with

Never before()see such a terrible car accident on the road!A、I haveB、have IC、I didD、did I

May I see your tickets, please?()A、No, they are mine.B、No, you can't.C、Sure.D、Yes, you can.

Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of those who()transcendentalism.A、supportedB、was indifferent toC、attackedD、had nothing to do with

单选题Where a clause in a charter-party stated Charterers to have full use of the ship’s gear as on board,it was held()this did not imply that the Charterers were to be responsible for stowage.AwhenBwhereCwhichDthat

单选题The conversation between Aphra and Nathaniel in 57-66 is best characterized as ______.Aan easy conversation between close friendsBan earnest conversation between loversCa formal introduction of two young peopleDa polite exchange between acquaintancesEa playful repartee between adversaries

单选题Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of those who()transcendentalism.AsupportedBwas indifferent toCattackedDhad nothing to do with

填空题The young man did not have enough money; otherwise he (buy) ____ a more expensive watch.

单选题Who should consult page 78 of the directions?AThose who worked for an employer during 2006BThose who expect to receive a refund from the governmentCThose who did not have enough tax withheld from their payDThose who are not sure how much they earned in 2006

单选题—Do you have any plans for this Sunday?—I’m not sure. I ______ go to the countryside to see my grandmother.AcanBmustCmayDneed

单选题The reference to Nathaniel standing flanked by stately columns and two servants in line 52 evokes an image of ______.Athe intimidation felt by the EdwardsesBthe social status of the HamiltonsCstrength in numbersDthe stateliness of the Hamiltons' homeENathaniel's rigid personality

单选题The injection may be delayed, ()the pumps are in good order, if the fuel lines to the injection valves have not been cleared of air.AbecauseBthoughCsinceDuntil

单选题The author mentions the Palio horse race (lines 50-51) primarily to ______.Aprovide an additional supporting example for the passage's main argumentBdescribe an interesting anachronismCsuggest regional variations in a long-standing Italian preoccupationDindicate changes in the significance of a symbol over timeEextend the author's argument into the present day

单选题ATo state what he likes about the theatre.BTo learn more about the woman’s interests.CTo imply that the woman should be a director.DTo compliment the woman on her abilities.

单选题Identify the true statement regarding Temporary Coherence cluster members()A it should have localstorage set to TRUEB it should be configured so as to not trigger re-partitioning C both A and B are TRUED Neither A and B are TRUE