名词解释题SNS(Social Network Software,社会网络)

SNS(Social Network Software,社会网络)


解析: 暂无解析


社会网络(SNS)所基于的主要理论是()。 A.网络理论B.“六度分隔”理论C.长尾理论D.人际关系理论

社会性网络服务(SNS)所基于的主要理论是()。 A.人际关系理论B.“六度分隔”理论C.长尾理论D.网络理论


SNS: Social ( ) Services(社交媒体营销)。

( )A.physical componentsB.network architectureC.software architectureD.interface architecture

Which of the following tools would allow an administrator to push out a software update to allswitches on the network?() A. Network managementB. Protocol analyzerC. Network monitoringD. System diagnostic

Computer ( ) focuses on protecting information,hardware,and software,and software from unauthorized use and damade.A.network B.virus C.security D.architecture

在通信系统中,SDN 是网络虚拟化的一种实现方式,其英文全称是 ( )。当前接入互联网的重要手段之 WiFi 的英文全称是 ( ) 。A.Software Defined Network B.Sun Developer Network C.Specially Designated Network D.Switched Digital Network A.Wireless Fidelity B.Wire Fidelity C.Wireless Find D.Wireless Fine

【Recently, telecommunication carriers has been building All-IP core networks in order to effectively support various kinds of fixed and mobile broadband services,such as up-and down-loading You tube and SNS(Social Networking Services)with rich video file,as well as broadband mobile Internet services. Such All-IP network is called NGN(Next Generation Network),which guarantees secure authentication and QoS such as the bandwidth and the delay. From the service point of view,convergence of fixed and mobile communications,known as FMC(Fixed Mobile Convergence)is becoming a key increasing new services and expanding the market.】 Form the paragraph above,we can see that()can be defined as a network that can effectively support various kinds of fixed and mobile broadband services,with guaranteed QoS in terms of()and etc. And the key to develop new services and gain larger market share should be()A.All-IP access network B.broad band network C.NGN D.social network A.data rate B.error rate C.availability D.band width, delay A.mobile communications B.Internet C.All-IP core network D.Fixed Mobile Convergence

社交网络服务(Social Networking Service,简称SNS)主要作用是为一群拥有相同兴趣与活动的人创建在线社区。以下关于社交网络说法错误的是( )。A.社交网络提供聊天、寄信、影音、文件分享、博客、讨论组群等方式让用户交互起来B.社交网站能有效防止财务信息被盗等情况C.社交网站源自网络社交,网络社交的起点是电子邮件D.社交网络含义包括硬件、软件、服务及应用


SNS(Social Network Software,社会网络)





Which of the following is the EASIEST way to centrally deploy software?()A、Network shareB、PXEC、USBD、Optical media



When installing a new PCIe network card, when should manufacturer software and drivers beinstalled?()A、Before inserting the PCIe network card in the caseB、After inserting the new PCIe network card in the caseC、They will be automatically loaded after installationD、Load them concurrently with the PCIe network card

Which of the following tools would allow an administrator to push out a software update to allswitches on the network?()A、Network managementB、Protocol analyzerC、Network monitoringD、System diagnostic


判断题SDN(Software Defined Network)软件定义网络,是由美国斯坦福大学clean slate研究组提出的一种新型网络创新架构A对B错


名词解释题SNS(Social Network Software,社会网络)


