单选题Defective governor in a diesel engine may lead to ().Asmoky exhaustBstarting failureCignition relayDover speed

Defective governor in a diesel engine may lead to ().

smoky exhaust


starting failure


ignition relay


over speed


解析: 暂无解析


For most diesel propulsion and generator engines, the over-speed trip device will stop the engine byA.moving the governor control to stopB.shutting off the lubricating oil supplyC.tripping the governor emergency stop leverD.shutting off the fuel supply

If an auxiliary diesel engine coolant temperature is higher than normal, but the thermostat is determined not to be defective, you would suspect a/anA.cavitation erosion in the water jacketsB.excess corrosion inhibitor in the coolantC.dirty jacket water coolerD.defective turbocharger

In a main propulsion turbocharged diesel engine, the speed of the turbocharger varies according to the _____.A.governor droopB.speeder spring tensionC.fuel rack lagD.load on the engine

One of the factors limiting the amount of toad which can be put on a modem marine diesel engine is the_______.A.governor sensitivityB.exhaust temperatureC.fuel injection pressureD.speed of the cam shaft

On a diesel engine equipped with a hydraulic speed control governor, hunting in many cases can be corrected by adjusting the______.A.accumulator spring compressionB.balance pistonC.compensating(补偿) needle valveD.proportional piston

A bypass line provided around a waste heat auxiliary boiler in a diesel engine exhaust system, may be used to avoid boiler ______.A.corrosion at low engine loadsB.erosion at high engine loadsC.overload at high engine loadsD.scaling at all exhaust temperatures

单选题Defective timing gear in a diesel engine may lead to ().Asmoky exhaustBstarting failureCoverloadDover speed

单选题Diesel oil may be used to cool () of a diesel engine.AcylindersBexhaust valvesCpistonsDfuel valves

单选题The purpose of the compensating adjustment used in a diesel engine hydraulic governor is to ()Acompensate for low oil levelBincrease governor promptnessCprevent governor huntingDlimit engine load

单选题For most diesel propulsion and generator engines, the over-speed trip device will stop the engine by ()Amoving the governor control to stopBshutting off the lubricating oil supplyCtripping the governor emergency stop leverDshutting off the fuel supply

单选题Which of the following procedures should be carried out when a large, low-speed, diesel engine is operated with one cylinder secured?()ALubrication to the defective cylinder should be increasedBCooling water temperature to the engine should be increasedCOnly the turbocharger speed should be reducedDEngine speed should be reduced

单选题Low compression of diesel engine may result from ()Aa worn cylinderBbroken piston ringsCany of A and BDnone of the above

单选题To correct a hunting problem in a main propulsion diesel engine hydraulic governor, you should ().Aincrease the governor oil pressureBadjust the speed droop settingCadjust the speeder spring travelDadjust the compensating needle valve

单选题If a main propulsion diesel engine hunts excessively at idle speed, you should ()Aadjusts the idle speed controlBdrain and flushes the governor and replace the oilCadjusts the compensating needle valve

单选题Defective atomizer in a diesel engine will lead to().Asmoky exhaustBstarting failureCoverloadDover speed

单选题Defective air cooler in a diesel engine will lead to ().Asmoky exhaustBstarting failureCoverloadDover speed

单选题Defective governor in a diesel engine may lead to ().Asmoky exhaustBstarting failureCignition relayDover speed

单选题The load limitation of governor should be reduced when ship navigating at sea, the main reason is to()Aprevent the diesel engine surgingBprevent governor from being damaged because of swingCreduce the probability of the crank shaft being torsional vibrated and resonatedDprevent the main engine being overload or overspeed

单选题The following preparations are essential for any () of marine diesel engine before it may be started.AdoingBmakeCturnDoperating

单选题As for a diesel engine, lack of combustion air may be due to ().Afouling turbineBfuel pump faultsClubrication failureDexcessive cooling

单选题On a diesel engine equipped with a hydraulic speed control governor, hunting in many cases can be corrected by adjusting the ()Aaccumulator spring compressorBbalance pistonCcompensating needle valveDproportional piston

单选题Maximum horsepower of a diesel engine is attained ().Awhen the engine RPM is pulled down by overloadBat rated engine RPMCat 95 % of rated engine RPMDat 95 % of a properly adjusted governor RPM with the engine under full load

单选题If an auxiliary diesel engine temperature is higher than normal ,but the thermostat is determined not to be defective you would suspect a /an ()Acavitation erosion in the water jacketsBexcess corrosion inhibitor in the coolantCdirty jacket water coolerDdefective turbocharger

单选题A defective injector nozzle in a propulsion diesel engine can cause()Aengine power lossesBsmoking due to unburned fuelChigh exhaust temperature readingsDall of the above

单选题A restricted air intake to a diesel engine may result in the engine ().Afailing to reach rated speedBknocking under maximum loadChunting or surging under light loadDoverspeeding and running away

单选题Before being shut down, a diesel engine should idle a few minutes in orderto ()Aprevent governor surging at shutdownBmake sure the fuel nozzles are flushed cleanCprevent pressure buildup in the fuel linesDprevent damage from localized overheating

单选题On a diesel engine equipped with an isochronous governor, if the “speed droop” control is reduced to the “zero” setting, the engine ()Aspeed will drop drastically with any increase in loadBwill stop due to zero fuel supplyCwill stall upon application of loadDspeed will remain fairly constant despite load changes

单选题A device which functions to bring a diesel engine to a full stop to protect it from damage is known as a/an ()Atorque limiterBover-speed tripCover-speed governorDload limit governor