单选题That center around which a vessel trims is called the().Atipping centerBcenter of buoyancyCcenter of gravityDturning center

That center around which a vessel trims is called the().

tipping center


center of buoyancy


center of gravity


turning center


解析: 暂无解析


Free Radio Pratique will be granted by the Port Health Office in the following case ______ .A.Vessel with a case or suspected case of infectious disease on boardB.Vessel with a dead body on boardC.Vessel which has visited plague-infected ports during the current voyageD.Cargo vessel which hasn't called at any plague infected ports during the current voyage and on which there is not any case of infectious disease,or any dead body

A drilling bit which is doughnut shaped to permit recovery of the center portion of the hole drilled is called a ______.A.diverter bitB.hole reamerC.core bitD.conventional bit

A ship lists and trims about the ______.A.Center of gravityB.Center of buoyancyC.Center of flotationD.Centroid of the underwater volume

The extension of the after part of the keel in a single-screw vessel upon which the stern post rests is called the ______.A.bossB.knuckleC.skegD.strut

For a floating vessel, the center of flotation is the point in the waterplane ______.A.about which the vessel lists and trimsB.which coincides with the center of buoyancyC.which, in the absence of external forces, is always vertically aligned with the center of gravityD.which is shown in the hydrostatic tables as VCB

船舶左舷的艉部叫左艉舷。()A、The forward part of a vessel on the starboard side is called starboard quarter.B、The aft part of a vessel on the starboard side is called port quarter.C、The aft part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.D、The forward part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.

If a vessel subject to PSC inspection, PSC Officer shall give the inspection to the Captain, the given timeframe for rectification of each deficiency is commonly given in a coded form which called “action code”, which code listed below is used for indication of detention of the vessel?()A、10B、30C、17D、16

单选题In any case the draught of the vessel at the()shall not be less than that which is necessary to obtain full immersion of the propeller.Aforward perpendicularBamidshipsClongitudinal center of floatationDafter perpendicular

单选题If a vessel subject to PSC inspection, PSC Officer shall give the inspection to the Captain, the given timeframe for rectification of each deficiency is commonly given in a coded form which called “action code”, which code listed below is used for indication of detention of the vessel?()A10B30C17D16

单选题The ship which strikes any other vessel is called the().Aship in the wrongBresponsible vesselCvessel to be responsibleDwrong ship

单选题What is the definition of transverse metacenter?()AThe distance between the actual center of gravity and the maximum center of gravity that will still allow a positive stabilityBThe point to which G may rise and still permit the vessel to possess positive stabilityCThe sum of the center of buoyancy and the center of gravityDThe transverse shift of the center of buoyancy as a vessel rolls

单选题In order to determine the trimming arm for your vessel at any particular draft,which of the following would you compare?().ALongitudinal center of buoyancy and longitudinal center of gravityBLongitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of gravityCLongitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of buoyancyDLongitudinal tipping center and longitudinal center of gravity

单选题Which of following physical abilities is not required as to the routine movement around a vessel?()AMaintain balance and move with agilityBClimb up and down vertical ladders and stairwaysCOpen and close watertight doorsDTake part in vessel evacuation procedures

单选题The center of flotation of a vessel is the point in the waterplane().Aabout which the vessel lists and trimsBwhich coincides with the center of buoyancyCwhich,in the absence of external forces,is always vertically aligned with the center of gravityDwhich is shown in the hydrostatic tables as VCB

单选题The center of flotation of a vessel is().Athe center of volume of the immersed portion of the vesselBthe center of gravity of the water planeCthat point at which all the vertical downward forces of weight are considered to be concentratedDthat point at which all the vertical upward forces of buoyancy are considered to be concentrated

单选题When a vessel is inclined by an external force,the().Ashape of the vessel's underwater hull remains the sameBvessel's center of gravity shifts to the center of the vessel's underwater hullCvessel's center of buoyancy shifts to the center of the vessel's underwater hullDvessel's mean draft increases

单选题A flooded lifeboat on board a vessel would adversely affect the vessel’s stabbility by().Aincreasing the righting momentBdecreasing the vessel's displacementCincreasing the reserve buoyancyDshifting the CG(center of gravity) off center

单选题A vessel which through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel is called().Aa vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverBa vessel not under commandCa vessel engaged in fishingDa vessel constrained by her draught

单选题A drilling bit which is doughnut shaped to permit recovery of the center portion of the hole drilled is called a().Adiverter bitBhole reamerCcore bitDconventional bit

单选题A vessel continually lists to one side and has a normal rolling period. Which statement is TRUE?().AThe vessel has negative GMBThe center of gravity is on the centerlineCThe list can be corrected by reducing KMDThe vessel has asymmetrical weight distribution

单选题The center of the underwater volume of a floating vessel is the().Acenter of buoyancyBcenter of flotationCuncorrected height of the center of gravity of the vesselDcenter of gravity of the vessel corrected for free surface effects

单选题The extension of the after part of the keel in a single-screw vessel upon which the stern post rests is called the().AbossBknuckleCskegDstrut

单选题Which is TRUE of a stiff vessel? ()AIt has a small GMBIt pitches heavilyCIt has an unusually high center of gravityDIts period of roll is short

单选题Which of the following is the reason that the metacentric height is a valid measure of only the initial stabilit?().AThe metacenter does not remain in the same position for large angles of inclinationBThe center of gravity shifts due to inclinationCThe center of gravity shifts above the metacenter as the vessel is inclinedDThe mean draft will change as the vessel is inclined

单选题For a floating vessel,the center of flotation is the point in the waterplane().Aabout which the vessel lists and trimsBwhich coincides with the center of buoyancyCwhich,in the absence of external forces,is always vertically aligned with the center of gravityDwhich is shown in the hydrostatic tables as VCB

单选题The point to which your vessel’s center of gravity (G) may rise and still permit the vessel to have positive stability is called the().Ametacentric pointBmetacenterCmetacentric radiusDtipping center

单选题For a floating vessel,the center of the floating is the point in the waterpiane.().Aaboat which the vessel lists and trimsBwhich coincides with the center of buoyancyCwhich, in the absence of external forces, is always vertically aligned with the center of gravityDwhich is shown in the hydrostatic tables as VCB