单选题______Atakes Bmakes Cdoes Dholds










结构搭配题。参考第94的解析;根据结构判断此处所缺的是一个动词,与inroads搭配的动词通常都是make,主语是the thirst,所以选makes。


单选题______AThereforeBNeverthelessCOn the contraryDSimilarly


问答题Water Crisis in Spain  There’ve been floods, gales and heat waves across Europe-and some lay the blame for the unpredictable weather on climate change.  Spain is undergoing its worst drought for sixty years with many areas in the south of the country not seeing a drop of rain for months. Some reservoirs are nearly empty while the volume of water in some rivers is down to a third of its normal level.  Guadalajara, in the centre of the country, used to be a prosperous tourist area. Its old Moorish name, ironically, means water running through rocks. But when Emma Jane Kirby visited the small town of Buendia, she found an ecological disaster area in the marketing.  There’s a strange smell around the lake at Buendia, the sort of smell that greets you when you first open the fridge after a week or two away from home—a putrid stench of salad leaves that’ve begun to turn to compost in their cellophane bag. I’m reluctant to mention this to my companion, Marco ObisP0 because this after are is the place where he has spent every one of his summer holidays and a just few hours ago we were pouting over the family photograph books while he reminisced wistfully about his idyllic childhood.  The problem is I don’t recognize this place as being the same one he showed me in the pictures Those images boasted bronzed children racing joyfully down a bank of emerald green grass towards a vast expanse of water so blue that the cornflower sky above looked dazzled. But this landscape is bleached and barren, the banks crusted white, the ponds patchy and the colour of thin ink.  Guadalajara in the centre of Spain has been hit hard by drought. The rains haven’t come since spring last year, leaving the soil parched and lifeless, as cracked and scarred as the face of a small pox victim. The sun has sucked the life from anything that once had the energy to be green and stealthily, its hot tongue has lapped away at the lake’s edge reducing the reservoirs to a fifth of the size they were twenty years ago. As quickly as the water’s evaporated, so have the tourists—the holidaymakers from all over Europe with whom Marco played as a child have been lured away to other areas of Spain where swimming or sailing a boat can be done without fear of scraping knees or hulls on the lake bed.  If the landscape is crying out for new water management, then it’s weeping with painful dust-dry tears. North east of Buendia, only the ancient Spanish pine forests seem able to sustain life, some atavistic survival instinct wing them triumph over droughts which long ago killed off the weaker competition. But the trees are now so dehydrated and sapless they’ve become irresistible to fire-two weeks ago, thirteen thousand hectares were lost to a spark from a barbecue-an inferno that also claimed the lives of eleven men. As far as the eye can see now, the hills are almost bare.

单选题The passage specifically states that __________.Adirect experiences are more valuable than indirect onesBwhatever attitudes a child learns in school have already been introduced at homeCteachers should always conceal their own attitudesDteachers can sometimes have an unwholesome influence on children

单选题“The turtle — along with a few other Cuora species — was once imported into China by the pet trade.” in Paragraph 1 means _________.Athe turtle is a wonderful animal in Chinese historyBit is a logical result that Chinese people treat turtles as petsClong time ago, the turtle and some other Cuora species were brought into China as petsDturtle is a delicate food treated by Chinese like a wonder

单选题The repetitive tasks of industry lead to __________.Aphysical exhaustionBmental stimulationCmental exhaustionDphysical extinction

单选题From the passage, increased automation __________.Acan be successfully opposedBcannot be avoidedChas not yet begunDwill put everyone out of work

单选题The critics tended to speculate to who had the greatest influence on the development of that writer’s novels.Aas to Bso as to CthatDsuch that

单选题The suggestion that the mayor will present the prizes was accepted by everyone.ApresentBpresentsCwould presentDought to present

单选题Incredible as it sounds, that is now the policy of a certain faction of Parliament.AIncredulous BDiscreditable CIndicative DUnbelievable


问答题The On-going Debate over Healthcare Reform  It seems that the government’s so-called Blue Ribbon Commission has already decided what plan it will propose without undertaking any public consultation and is now merely engaged in a PR campaign to convince us they have the answer.  This seems a little head over heels to us. Since it is our money and our health that is in question, shouldn’t we have been consulted at the break about which way we want to go?  There are several models to achieve healthcare reform, and not all of them require us to hand more money over to keep government bureaucrats in big offices. Purely private healthcare may have big problems—but so does the socialised medicine the commission is recommending.  For example, Canada’s universal system of socialised medicine is now busily engaged in transferring costs from the public to the private sector… by reducing covered expenses, by de-insuring some expenses and so on.  Medical authorities are on record as saying that in an effort to manage costs, hospital stays are being shortened (or even dispensed with altogether).  So while we in the Bahamas are citing universal ‘free’ health care as the answer to our problems, in Canada there is an uncoordinated scramble by the public system to reduce and offload the effects of rising health care costs. And we won’t even mention the litany of complaints from users who have to wait for poor service.  But what mostly concerns us about the Blue Ribbon Commission is that they have plumped for social health insurance without determining the cost of their recommended programmer, or of the alternatives.  And they do not seem to have taken into account the impact this plan will have on the fiscal deficit or on our individual pockets. Apparently, the position is that whatever the cost, this is the plan that will be presented to parliament.  An initiative so far-reaching and so potentially damaging to our economy, should require more careful assessment of the alternatives in public. There is always more than one way to skin a cat. And we do not believe that a small group of consultants constitutes ‘the public’.

单选题______Aincome Bconscience Cresponsibility Dwillingness

单选题The word “it” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to __________.Athe experimentBeconomic motivationCthe Western Electric Hawthorn plantDthe Hawthorne effect

单选题All mammals have hair, but not always evident.Abut it is notBbut it isCbut they are notDbut they are

单选题What is the best title for the passage?AUps and Downs of Online BusinessBOnline Business vs Traditional BusinessCApparel Online StoresDThe Future of Online Stores

单选题______Abetter than Binstead of Cas well as Drather than

单选题Until about a century ago, the deep ocean floor, was completely inaccessible, hidden beneath waters averaging 3,600 meters deep.AunderstandableBrecognizable Cunreachable Dunusable

单选题Very little was said about the matter, wasn’t it?Ais it Bwas there Cwas itDwasn’t he

单选题As a matter of fact, Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves are only second with those of Kuwait.Acome second falling Bcome second with Care only second toDare second only to


单选题They know that strong winds, mild and humid air, and cold air near to each other might trigger a really explosive weather situation.Acause Bimply Cforecast Dreduce

问答题Is There Life on Mars?  The American space agency, NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration), has drawn up a short list of ten research projects that will form the basic of an ambitious program to explore the planet Mars in a mission scheduled for launch in 2007. Scientists are being asked to use their ingenuity to devise novel ways to explore the red planet using intelligent robots and probes that might perhaps answer the biggest question of all—-is there life on Mars?  NASA chose the ten projects from a list of 43 hopefuls. It has included missions for returning samples of Martian dust and gas to Earth, networks of small landers, orbiting constellations of microprobes and a rover that would try to date the precise age of rocks and soils. The ten concepts are part of the Mars Scout program to be launched in six years. This follows a decade of the most intensive interest in Mars since the two Viking probes of 1976 which sent back eerie images of the Martian landscape some 400 million kilometers away.  But the history of Mars exploration is littered with failure—more than half of the 30 missions to date have ended in fiasco. It was NASA’s announcement in August 1996 of possible signs of life  in a Martian meteorite which had fallen to Earth that rekindled intense interest in Earth’s nearest neighbor. It was assumed that liquid water had once flowed on Mars and an ancient atmosphere might have supported living organisms. However, opposing camps of scientists bitterly disputed NASA’s evidence for primitive life-forms in the Martian meteorite ALH84001. This led to the conclusion that the only way of finding out whether life ever existed on Mars is to go there and have a look.  NASA planned a bold series of increasingly complex missions involving the launch of a couple of space probes every year for a dozen years. One of the most successful so far was the shoe-box-sized So-journer rover which thrilled a world Internet audience when it was wheeled out in 1997. Since then, however, NASA has suffered a series of setbacks.  In September 1999 its Mars Climate Orbiter was lost as a failed rocket bum plunged it into the Martian atmosphere. NASA blamed it on one of its team using imperial units and another using metric. Three months later, NASA lost contact with its Polar Lander as it approached touchdown on the frozen South Pole of the planet. Space commentators muttered darkly about Mars being a cosmic equivalent of the Bermuda triangle.  The year of 2001 saw the successful completion of the Global Surveyor mission, an orbiting probe that took pictures of what some scientists say are channels in the dust where water may still occasionally flow from underground well. More recently, the Mars Odyssey probe was launched without hitch and is due to arrive in 2008.  Meanwhile, the European Space Agency is planning its own visit to the red planet with the launch of its Mars Express mission scheduled for take-off in .June 2003. Britain is designated to take a lead role in the project with the Beagle 2 Lander, a small craft, the size of a kitchen sink designed to shuffle over the Martian landscape taking soil and rock samples, analyzing them for signs of life and transmitting the data back to Earth. Beagle 2—framed after the ship that carded Charles Darwin on his voyage of discovery—will weigh just 60 kilograms and will cost about US $225,000 to build, a fraction of the cost of building the Viking space probes more than 25 years ago.  Beagle 2 will look for water, minerals and organic matter. Although it will reach Mars before NASA’s Scout mission is even launched, it will be considerably less sophisticated in tea’ms of analytical technology. The focus now for NASA is on what instruments and robots to put on the Mars Scout mission in six years. Ed Weiler, NASA’s associate administrator for space science, had to decide on a top ten to concentrate NASA’s limited resources.  Each project is to receive a grant of $150,000 to see them through the next six months of development. It all has to come out of a total project budget capped at $300 million. These Scout concepts embody the spirit I first thought about more than a year ago; and will enable us to explore the diversity of Mars in new ways, Dr Weiler said.

单选题______Athought Bproved Crealized Dgot

单选题The ice cream cone, the hamburger, and iced tea were all introduced at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition informally known as the St. Louis Fair.Apreviously Bunofficially Cvisibly Dexperimentally

单选题How I wish John knew how to apply grammatical rules properly and recognizes the fact that he is nearly always in the wrong.Arecognize BrecognizedCto recognizeDrecognizing

单选题______Acreate Bconserve Charness Dreserve

单选题The noun phrase “the medicine” underlined in Paragraph 1 refers to the _________.AturtleBmedicine made from turtleCcancer cureDpet trade