单选题If the current and wind are in the same direction,the sea surface represents a wind speed ().Alower than actually existsBhigher than actually existsCthat actually existsDthat has no proportional relationship

If the current and wind are in the same direction,the sea surface represents a wind speed ().

lower than actually exists


higher than actually exists


that actually exists


that has no proportional relationship


解析: 暂无解析


The best estimate of the wind direction at sea level can be obtained from observing the direction of the ______.A.cloud movementB.vessel headingC.wavesD.swells

If the current and wind are in the same direction,the sea surface represents a wind speed ______.A.lower than actually existsB.higher than actually existsC.that actually existsD.that has no proportional relationship

If the current and wind are in opposite directions,the sea surface represents ______.A.a greatly reduced wind speedB.a higher wind speed than what really existsC.a lower wind speed than what really existsD.more turbulent winds

When recording the wind direction in the weather log,you would report the ______.A.direction the wind is blowing towardB.direction the wind is blowing fromC.duration of the maximum gust of windD.wind chill factor

In the absence of a route leading from seaward,the conventional direction of buoyage generally follows ______.A.an anti-clockwise direction around land massesB.a clockwise direction around land massesC.an anticlockwise direction around sea massesD.a clockwise direction around sea masses

When operating in an area where sea ice and icebergs are present,which statement is TRUE ________.A.Icebergs may travel in a direction many degrees different from the sea iceB.Both icebergs and sea ice will move in approximately the same direction and at the same speedC.Icebergs and sea ice will move in the same direction,but at different speeds due to the sail effect of the bergD.Icebergs and sea ice will move in the same direction,but the iceberg will move slower because of its underwater bulk

The velocity of the apparent wind can be more than the true wind,and come from the same direction,if certain conditions are present.One condition is that the ______.A.Ship's speed must be less than the true wind velocityB.True wind must be from dead asternC.True wind velocity must be faster than the ship's speedD.True wind must be from dead ahead

A wind vane on a moving vessel shows ______.A.dead reckoning wind directionB.true wind directionC.apparent wind directionD.estimated wind direction

For determining the amount of chains used in anchoring operation, which one of the following factors would’t be considered?______.A.selection of landmarksB.character of sea bottomC.strength of current and wind forceD.radius of ship swing to wind or tide

In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind ______.A.changes direction clockwise, as from north to east, etcB.changes direction counterclockwise, as from south to east, etcC.changes direction violently and erraticallyD.remains constant in direction and speed

单选题For determining the amount of chains used in anchoring operation,which one of the following factors wouldn’t be considered?().Aselection of landmarksBcharacter of sea bottomCstrength of current and wind forceDradius of ship swing to wind or tide

单选题A current will develop between areas of different density in ocean waters. If you face in the same direction the current is flowing,the water of().Ahigh density will be on the left in the Northern HemisphereBhigh density will be on the right in the Southern HemisphereClow density will be on the left in the Northern HemisphereDlow density will be on the left in the Southern Hemisphere

单选题When operating in an area where sea ice and icebergs are present,which statement is TRUE? ()AIcebergs may travel in a direction many degrees different from the sea iceBBoth icebergs and sea ice will move in approximately the same direction and at the same speedCIcebergs and sea ice will move in the same direction,but at different speeds due to the sail effect of the bergDIcebergs and sea ice will move in the same direction,but the iceberg will move slower because of its underwater bulk

单选题You are docking a vessel.Wind and current are most favorable when they are().Acrossing your course in the same directionBcrossing your course in opposite directionsCparallel to the pier from aheadDsetting you on the pier

单选题In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind().AChanges direction clockwise,as from north to east,etcBChanges direction violently and erraticallyCRemains constant in direction and speedDChanges direction counterclockwise,as from south to east,etc

单选题The best estimate of the wind direction at sea level can be obtained from observing the direction of the().Acloud movementBvessel headingCwavesDswells

单选题The largest waves (heaviest chop) will usually develop where the wind blows().Aat right angles to the flow of the currentBagainst the flow of the currentCin the same direction as the flow of the currentDover slack water

单选题An instrument that indicates wind direction is known as a(n)().Aweather vane,wind vane or wind sockBhydrometerChygrometerDsling psychrometer

单选题The velocity of the wind,its steady direction,and the amount of time it has blown determines a wind driven current’s().AtemperatureBdensityCdeflectionDspeed

单选题When picking up your mooring at the buoy,the correct method is to().Aapproach the buoy with the wind and current asternBapproach the buoy with the wind and current aheadCapproach the buoy with wind and sea abeamDstop upwind and up current and drift down on the buoy

单选题A stream of water immediately surrounding a moving vessel’s hull,flowing in the same direction as the vessel is known as().Adirectional currentBforward currentCpropeller currentDwake current

单选题An anemometer on a moving vessel measures().Aapparent wind speed onlyBtrue wind speed and true wind directionCtrue wind speed onlyDapparent wind speed and true wind direction

单选题The Rules state that certain factors are to be taken into account when determining safe speed. Those factors include().Astate of wind,sea,and current,and the proximity of navigational hazardsBmaximum attainable speed of your vesselCtemperatureDaids to navigation that are available

单选题A wind blows round anticlockwise defines().Abacking ( of wind )Bbeach ( to )Cveering ( of wind )Dmaintaining direction of the wind

单选题The type of current which will have the greatest effect on the course made good for your vessel is().Aone flowing in the same direction as your course steeredBone flowing in the opposite direction as your course steeredCone that flows at nearly right angles to your course steeredDa rotary current in which the direction of current flow constantly changes

单选题In the Northern Hemisphere,the right half of the storm is known as the dangerous semicircle because().Athe wind speed is greater here since the wind is traveling in the same general direction as the storm's trackBthe direction of the wind and seas might carry a vessel into the path of the stormCthe seas are higher because of greater wind speedDAll of the above

单选题If the current and wind are in opposite directions,the sea surface represents().Aa greatly reduced wind speedBa higher wind speed than what really existsCa lower wind speed than what really existsDmore turbulent winds