单选题() the bodies are, () the friction will be.AThe smoother;the greaterBSmoother;lessCThe rougher;the greaterDrougher;greater

() the bodies are, () the friction will be.

The smoother;the greater




The rougher;the greater




解析: 暂无解析


The organization performed an important _____ in protecting the rights of children. A.functionB.fictionC.fractionD.friction

[A] bodies [B] parties [C] sides [D] units

摩擦成本法(Friction cost approach)

包含体(包涵体,inclusion bodies)

砂粒体(Psammoma bodies)


单选题The mechanical efficiency of an engine is always less than 100% () losses occurring in the form friction.AbecauseBsinceCdue toDowing to

单选题Energy loses ()friction occurs in every engine.AbecauseBthanks toCdues toDowing to

名词解释题Barr小体(Barr bodies)

单选题What will NOT increase friction of a liquid flowing in a pipe and cause a loss of suction head?().ABends in the pipingBSlowing the pumping rateCPipeline valvesDBacking rings for pipe welds

单选题Which of the following is true of the heating system of the Johnstown campus?AThe heat is supplied by human bodies only.BThe heat is supplied by both human bodies and other heat-emitting objects.CThe heat is supplied by both human bodies and conventional fuel.DThe heat is supplied by human bodies, other heat-emitting objects, and conventional fuel.

单选题The oil quantity for bearing lubrication should be applied in such an amount as to be sufficient to carry away the () caused by the friction at the bearings.AacidsBadditivesCheatDgear

名词解释题摩擦成本法(Friction cost approach)

单选题An additive used to improve the ability of a lube oil to reduce friction is known as a/an ().Asuppressant additiveBdispersant additiveCextreme pressure additiveDviscosity improver additive

单选题Simplex tailshaft seal equipment’s working condition is terribleThe main cause is ()Athe shafting’s vertical vibrationBviolent friction and sea water corrosiveCfriction and high temperatureDviolent friction and high temperature

单选题The pipe friction and the resistance will () as a result of an increase in the amount of fluid flowing through the system.AreduceBriseCraiseDfall

单选题The amount of fluid friction or internal friction inherent in a mineral lubricating oil is reflected as a measure of its ().Aspecific gravityBviscosityCS E numberDhydrolytic stability

单选题What is the principle behind dynamic braking as used on an anchor windlass?()AElectrical loadingBMechanical distributionCCompressibility of airDMechanical friction

单选题Moving parts of machines and motor vehicles have to be _____ regularly to reduce friction.AlubricatedBfabricatedCembeddedDdictated