单选题Note the following statements that use flashback technology: 1. FLASHBACK TABLE TO SCN ; 2. SELECT * FROM AS OF SCN 123456; 3. FLASHBACK TABLE TO BEFORE DROP; 4. FLASHBACK DATABASE TO TIMESTAMP ; 5. SELECT * FROM VERSIONS AS OF SCN 123456 AND 123999; Which of these statements will be dependent on the availability of relevant undo data in the undo segment?()A1, 2, and 5B1, 3, and 4C2, 3, 4, and 5D1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

Note the following statements that use flashback technology: 1. FLASHBACK TABLE TO SCN ; 2. SELECT * FROM AS OF SCN 123456; 3. FLASHBACK TABLE TO BEFORE DROP; 4. FLASHBACK DATABASE TO TIMESTAMP ; 5. SELECT * FROM VERSIONS AS OF SCN 123456 AND 123999; Which of these statements will be dependent on the availability of relevant undo data in the undo segment?()

1, 2, and 5


1, 3, and 4


2, 3, 4, and 5


1, 2, 3, 4, and 5


解析: 暂无解析


Note the following statements that use flashback technology:1. FLASHBACK TABLE table TO SCN scn;2. SELECT * FROM table AS OF SCN 123456;3. FLASHBACK TABLE table TO BEFORE DROP;4. FLASHBACK DATABASE TO TIMESTAMP timestamp;5. SELECT * FROM table VERSIONS AS OF SCN 123456 AND 123999;Which of these statements will be dependent on the availability of relevant undo data in the undo segment?()A. 1, 2, and 5B. 1, 3, and 4C. 2, 3, 4, and 5D. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

You want to flash back a test database by five hours.You issue this command:SQL > FLASHBACK DATABASE TO TIMESTAMP (SYSDATE - 5/24);Which two statements are true about this flashback scenario?() A. The database must have multiplexed redo logs for the flashback to succeed.B. The database must be MOUNTED for the flashback to succeed.C. The database must use block change tracking for the flashback to succeed.D. The database must be opened in restricted mode for the flashback to succeed.E. The database must be opened with the RESETLOGS option after the flashback is complete.F. The database must be opened in read-only mode to check if the database has been flashed back to the correct SCN.

Youexecutedthefollowingqueryinyourdatabase:SELECToldest_flashback_scn,oldest_flashback_timeFROMV$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG;Whatwouldyoudeterminefromthe output?() A.Thetimewhenthelastflashbackoperationinyourdatabasewasperformed.B.Thetimewhenthefirstflashbackoperationinyourdatabasewasperformed.C.AlistofflashbackoperationsperformedinyourdatabaseusingSCNandtime.D.Theapproximatetimeandthelowestsystemchangenumber(SCN)towhichyoucanflashbackyourdatabase.

You executed the following FLASHBACK TABLE command: FLASHBACK TABLE emp TO TIMESTAMP (’11:45’,’hh12:mi’); Which two statements are correct?()A、The FLASHBACK TABLE statement will not be written to the alert log file.B、The changes made to the EMP table since the specified time will be undone.C、The EMP table that was dropped by mistake from the database will be restored.D、The FLASHBACK TABLE statement will be executed within a single transaction.E、The FLASHBACK TABLE statement will not maintain the existing indexes on the EMP table. F、The list of transactions that have modified the EMP table since the specified time will be displayed.

You are performing flashback of the EMPLOYEE table in SCOTT’s schema because some incorrect data was inserted into the table and committed by mistake. Which two clauses will you use in the FLASHBACK TABLE statement for using the Flashback Table feature? ()A、 RESETLOGSB、 TO TIMESTAMPC、 TO BEFORE DROPD、 RENAME TOE、 TO SCN

You are working in an online transaction processing (OLTP) environment. You use the FLASHBACKTABLE command to flash back the CUSTOMERS table. Before executing the FLASHBACK TABLE command, the system change number (SCN) was 663571. After flashing back the CUSTOMERS table, you realize that the table is not in the correct state. Now, you need to reverse the effects of the FLASHBACK TABLE command. Which is the fastest and the most efficient option to reverse the effects of the FLASHBACK TABLE command?()A、Restore the backup control file and open the database with RESETLOGS option.B、Perform point-in-time recovery because flashback cannot be performed again on this tableC、Execute the FLASHBACK DATABASE statement to retrieve the CUSTOMERS table as it was at SCN 663571D、Execute another FLASHBACK TABLE statement to retrieve the CUSTOMERS table as it was at SCN 663571

You executed the following query in your database: SELECT oldest_flashback_scn, oldest_flashback_time FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG; What would you determine from the output?()A、 The time when the last flashback operation in your database was performed.B、 The time when the first flashback operation in your database was performed.C、 A list of flashback operations performed in your database using SCN and time.D、 The approximate time and the lowest system change number (SCN) to which you can flash back your database.

You are working in an online transaction processing (OLTP) environment. You used the FLASHBACK TABLE command to flash back the CUSTOMERS table. Before executing the FLASHBACK TABLE command, the System Change Number (SCN) was 663571. After flashing back the CUSTOMERS table, you realize that the table is not in the correct state and the resultant changes are not what you had desired. So, you need to reverse the effects of the FLASHBACK TABLE command while ensuring that:  a) No other user data in the database is affected.  b) The operation takes the minimum possible time.  Which option would you choose?()A、use the ROLLBACK command with SCN 663571B、perform Flashback Transaction Query with SCN 663571C、execute the FLASHBACK DATABASE statement to retrieve the CUSTOMERS table as it was at SCN 663571D、execute another FLASHBACK TABLE statement to retrieve the CUSTOMERS table as it was at SCN 663571

You executed the following query in your database:  FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG;  What would you determine from the output?()A、the time when the last flashback operation in your database was performedB、the time when the first flashback operation in your database was performedC、a list of flashback operations performed in your database using SCN and timeD、the approximate time and the lowest system change number (SCN) to which you can flash back your database

Note the output of the following query;   SQL SELECT flashback_archieve_name, status FROM dba_flashback_archieve; FLASHBACK_ARCHIEVE_NAME STATUS FLA1   You executed the following command to enable Flashback Data Archive on the EXCHANGB_PATE table:   ALTER TABLE exchange_rate FLASHBACK ARCHIEVE;   What is the outcome of this command?()  A、 The table uses the default Flashback Data Archive.B、 The Flashback Data Archive Is created In the SYSAUX tablespace.C、 The Flashback Data Archive is created in the same tablespace where the tables are stored.D、 The command generates an error because no flashback Data Archive name is specified and there is no default Flashback Data Achieve.

Which of the following statements is true regarding implementing a Flashback Table recovery?  ()A、 An SCN is never used to perform a Flashback Table recovery.B、 If a significant number of changes have been made to the table, row movement must be enabled.C、 The tablespace must be offline before performing a Flashback Table recovery.D、 Flashback Table recovery is completely dependent on the availability of undo data in the undo tablespace.

You have just performed a FLASHBACK TABLE operation using the following command:   flashback table employees to scn 123456;   The employees table has triggers associated with it.  Which of the following statements is true regarding the state of the triggers during the Flashback Table operation?()  A、 All the triggers are disabled.B、 All the triggers are enabled by default.C、 Enabled triggers remain enabled and disabled triggers remain disabled.D、 Triggers are deleted when a Flashback Table operation is performed.

You are performing flashback of the ORDERS table in the Scott’s schema because some important data is deleted in the table by mistake. The SCN number was 771513 at the time of deletion. You issued the following statement to perform Flashback Table:  SQL FLASHBACK TABLE ORDERS TO SCN 771513;   What is the prerequisite to perform Flashback Table?()A、 You must configure OMF in your database.B、 You must enable block change tracking feature in your database.C、 You must enable ROW MOVEMENT feature on the ORDERS table.D、 You must use the Flashback Version Query before using the Flashback Table feature.

单选题Which of the following statements is true regarding implementing a Flashback Table recovery?  ()A An SCN is never used to perform a Flashback Table recovery.B If a significant number of changes have been made to the table, row movement must be enabled.C The tablespace must be offline before performing a Flashback Table recovery.D Flashback Table recovery is completely dependent on the availability of undo data in the undo tablespace.

单选题Note the following statements that use flashback technology: 1. FLASHBACK TABLE TO SCN ; 2. SELECT * FROM AS OF SCN 123456; 3. FLASHBACK TABLE TO BEFORE DROP; 4. FLASHBACK DATABASE TO TIMESTAMP ; 5. SELECT * FROM VERSIONS AS OF SCN 123456 AND 123999; Which of these statements will be dependent on the availability of relevant undo data in the undo segment?()A1, 2, and 5B1, 3, and 4C2, 3, 4, and 5D1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

单选题You are working in an online transaction processing (OLTP) environment. You used the FLASHBACK TABLE command to flash back the CUSTOMERS table. Before executing the FLASHBACK TABLE command, the System Change Number (SCN) was 663571. After flashing back the CUSTOMERS table,you realize that the table is not in the correct state and the resultant changes are not what you had desired. So, you need to reverse the effects of the FLASHBACK TABLE command while ensuring that:  a) No other user data in the database is affected.  b) The operation takes the minimum possible time.  Which option would you choose?()Ause the ROLLBACK command with SCN 663571Bperform Flashback Transaction Query with SCN 663571Cexecute the FLASHBACK DATABASE statement to retrieve the CUSTOMERS table as it was at SCN 663571Dexecute another FLASHBACK TABLE statement to retrieve the CUSTOMERS table as it was at SCN 663571

多选题You executed the following FLASHBACK TABLE command: FLASHBACK TABLE emp TO TIMESTAMP (’11:45’,’hh12:mi’); Which two statements are correct? ()AThe FLASHBACK TABLE statement will not be written to the alert log file.BThe EMP table that was dropped by mistake from the database will be restored.CThe changes made to the EMP table since the specified time will be undone.DThe FLASHBACK TABLE statement will not maintain the existing indexes on the EMP table.EThe FLASHBACK TABLE statement will be executed within a single transaction.FThe list of transactions that have modified the EMP table since the specified time will be displayed.

单选题You have just performed a FLASHBACK TABLE operation using the following command:   flashback table employees to scn 123456;   The employees table has triggers associated with it.  Which of the following statements is true regarding the state of the triggers during the Flashback Table operation?()A All the triggers are disabled.B All the triggers are enabled by default.C Enabled triggers remain enabled and disabled triggers remain disabled.D Triggers are deleted when a Flashback Table operation is performed.

多选题You are performing flashback of the EMPLOYEE table in SCOTT’s schema because some incorrect data was inserted into the table and committed by mistake. Which two clauses will you use in the FLASHBACK TABLE statement for using the Flashback Table feature? ()ARESETLOGSBTO TIMESTAMPCTO BEFORE DROPDRENAME TOETO SCN

单选题Before a Flashback Table operation, you execute the following command: ALTER TABLE employees ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT; Why would you need this to be executed?()ABecause row IDs may change during the flashback operationBBecause the object number changes after the flashback operationCBecause the rows are retrieved from the recycle bin during the flashback operationDBecause the table is moved forward and back to a temporary during the flashback opertion

单选题You are working in an online transaction processing (OLTP) environment. You use the FLASHBACKTABLE command to flash back the CUSTOMERS table. Before executing the FLASHBACK TABLE command, the system change number (SCN) was 663571. After flashing back the CUSTOMERS table, you realize that the table is not in the correct state. Now, you need to reverse the effects of the FLASHBACK TABLE command. Which is the fastest and the most efficient option to reverse the effects of the FLASHBACK TABLE command?()ARestore the backup control file and open the database with RESETLOGS option.BPerform point-in-time recovery because flashback cannot be performed again on this tableCExecute the FLASHBACK DATABASE statement to retrieve the CUSTOMERS table as it was at SCN 663571DExecute another FLASHBACK TABLE statement to retrieve the CUSTOMERS table as it was at SCN 663571

单选题Note the output of the following query;   SQL SELECT flashback_archieve_name, status FROM dba_flashback_archieve; FLASHBACK_ARCHIEVE_NAME STATUS FLA1   You executed the following command to enable Flashback Data Archive on the EXCHANGB_PATE table:   ALTER TABLE exchange_rate FLASHBACK ARCHIEVE;   What is the outcome of this command?()A The table uses the default Flashback Data Archive.B The Flashback Data Archive Is created In the SYSAUX tablespace.C The Flashback Data Archive is created in the same tablespace where the tables are stored.D The command generates an error because no flashback Data Archive name is specified and there is no default Flashback Data Achieve.

单选题You are performing flashback of the ORDERS table in the Scott’s schema because some important data is deleted in the table by mistake. The SCN number was 771513 at the time of deletion. You issued the following statement to perform Flashback Table:  SQL FLASHBACK TABLE ORDERS TO SCN 771513;   What is the prerequisite to perform Flashback Table?()A You must configure OMF in your database.B You must enable block change tracking feature in your database.C You must enable ROW MOVEMENT feature on the ORDERS table.D You must use the Flashback Version Query before using the Flashback Table feature.

单选题You executed the following query in your database:  FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG;  What would you determine from the output?()Athe time when the last flashback operation in your database was performedBthe time when the first flashback operation in your database was performedCa list of flashback operations performed in your database using SCN and timeDthe approximate time and the lowest system change number (SCN) to which you can flash back your database

单选题A user named Arren is executing this query:   select table_name,operation,undo_sql  from  flashback_transaction_query t,  (select versions_xid as xid  from employees versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue  where employee_id = 123) e  where t.xid = e.xid;   When the query runs,he receives an ORA-01031: insufficient privileges error. Since the user owns the employees table,you know that it is not the problem.  Which of the following SQL statements will correct this problem?()A GRANT SELECT ANY TRANSACTION TO ARRENB GRANT SELECT ON FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY TO ARRENC GRANT SELECT_ANY_TRANSACTION TO ARREND GRANT FLASHBACK TO ARRENE GRANT SELECT ANY VIEW TO ARREN

单选题You are working in an online transaction processing (OLTP) environment. You used the FLASHBACK TABLE command to flash back the CUSTOMERS table. Before executing the FLASHBACK TABLE command, the System Change Number (SCN) was 663571. After flashing back the CUSTOMERS table, you realize that the table is not in the correct state and the resultant changes are not what you had desired. So, you need to reverse the effects of the FLASHBACK TABLE command while ensuring that:  a) No other user data in the database is affected.  b) The operation takes the minimum possible time.  Which option would you choose?()A Use ROLLBACK command with SCN 663571.B Perform Flashback Transaction Query with SCN 663571.C Execute the FLASHBACK DATABASE statement to retrieve the CUSTOMERS table as it was at SCN 663571.D Execute another FLASHBACK TABLE statement to retrieve the CUSTOMERS table as it was at SCN 663571.

单选题You executed the following query in your database: SELECT oldest_flashback_scn, oldest_flashback_time FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG; What would you determine from the output?()A The time when the last flashback operation in your database was performed.B The time when the first flashback operation in your database was performed.C A list of flashback operations performed in your database using SCN and time.D The approximate time and the lowest system change number (SCN) to which you can flash back your database.

单选题Before a Flashback Table operation,you execute the following command:   ALTER TABLE employees ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT;   Why would you need this to be executed?()A Because row IDs may change during the flashback operationB Because the object number changes after the flashback operationC Because the rows are retrieved from the recycle bin during the flashback operationD Because the table is moved forward and back to a temporary during the flashback opertion