单选题It worried her a bit _____ her hair was turning grey.AwhileBthatCifDfor

It worried her a bit _____ her hair was turning grey.











As an exchange for asking Maggie questions when they first met, what did Ike agree?() A.to pay for moneyB.to invite her for dinnerC.to buy something for herD.to have his hair washed

A: What does her boyfriend look like? B:(). A、He is intelligent and confidentB、He likes playing footballC、He is quite tall with fair curly hair

Last week Polly decided to give up her job. She is fed up with it, she finds it boring and she wants to change her career. Her employers, 慙ucky Shops? are not too bad. They give her quite good benefits, such as free lunches and paid holidays, but she does not get on with her boss. Her salary is quite good, but, because she is not happy, she wants to look for something else. Last Saturday she talked about it with David and Xiaoyan. They agreed with her. They said she should resign and try another career, so she took action. She looked at advertisements in the paper and picked out three jobs that looked interesting. She had to write out her CV to apply for a job, and she did that on Wednesday evening. Xiaoyan helped her with it. She has a lot of experience of selling and good business training but is worried about her lack of experience in some areas.(1). Polly has decided to ask for a higher salary.A、 RightB、Wrong(2). She doesn’t like her boss.A、 RightB、Wrong(3). Her friends agreed that she should resign.A、 RightB、Wrong(4). She has experience of teaching.A、 RightB、Wrong(5). She’s worried about her lack of experience in some areas.A、 RightB、Wrong

that she had done her duty, Marilyn went home a little bit earlier than usual. A.SatisfyingB.To satisfyC, SatisfiedD.Satisfy

Jane, () and Clayton have an expedition in the jungle.A、her boyfriendB、her dadC、her momD、her girlfriend

Last week Polly decided to give up her job. She is fed up with it, she finds it boring and she wants to change her career. Her employers,‘Lucky Shops',are not too bad. They give her quite good benefits,such as free lunches and paid holidays, but she does not get on with her boss. Her salary is quite goad, but,because she is not happy, she wants to lank far something else. Last Saturday she talked about it with David and Xiaoyan. They agreed with her. They said she should resign and try another career, so she took action. She lacked at advertisements in the paper and picked out three jabs that looked interesting. She had to write out her GV to apply for a jab, and she did that an Wednesday evening. Xiaayan helped her with it. She has a lot of experience of selling and goad business training but is worried about her lack of experience in some areas.1. Polly has decided to ask for a higher salary.A. RightB. Wrong2. She doesn't like her bass.A. RightB. Wrong3. Her friends agreed that she should resign.A. RightB. Wrong4. She has no experience of selling.A. RightB. Wrong5. She's worried about her lack of experience in same areas.A. RightB. Wrong

After all, each of us gets only one mother. So don't wait to care about her until her hair is white. (翻译)

The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, ____.A. her long hair flowed in the breezeB. her long hair was flowing in the breezeC. her long hair flows in the breezeD. her long hair flowing in the breeze

She felt suitably humble just as she _______ when he had first taken a good look at her city self, hair waved and golden, nails red and pointed.A hadB had hadC would have hadD has had

Christine was just a girl in one of my class. I never knew much aboutHer except for that she was strang . she didn’t talk many .her hair was blackand purple, and she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater ,although in thesummer .she was ,infact, rather attractively, and she never seemed ^care whatthe rest if us thought about her .like the rest of my classmate ,I didn’t reallywant to get closest to her . it was only when we did their chemistry projiecttogether that I begin to uanderstand why christine dressed the way she did .__________

Her parents expect ______a qualified doctor.A. her beingB. her of beingC. her to beD. of her to be

Chief,I see that ship ______ to her port.A.turnsB.turningC.to turnD.be turning

In relation to the turning circle of a ship, the term kick means the distance ______.A.around the circumference of the turning circleB.gained at right angles to the original courseC.gained in the direction to the original courseD.or throw of a vessel’s stern from her line of advance upon putting the helm hard over

单选题What did Princess Diana think of her visit to Angola?AIt had caused embarrassment to the British government.BIt had greatly promoted her popularity.CIt had brought her closer to the ordinary people.DIt had affected her relations with the British government.

多选题Her ______ for acting led to lessons, bit parts in independent movies and eventually a solid career in Hollywood.AaptitudeBweaknessClivelihoodDabhorrenceEtalentFsubstitute

单选题Her hair and coat were wet because it _____ .Awould be rainingBhad been rainingCwould have been rainingDhad rained

单选题The phrase get on her nervesin Paragraph l is closet in meaning to_____.Amake her illBmake her excitedCmake her annoyedDmake her frightened

单选题In relation to the turning circle of a ship , the term kick means the distance().Aaround the circumference of the turning circleBgained at right angles to the original courseCgained in the direction of the original courseDor throw of a vessels stern from her line of advance upon putting the helm hard over

单选题What does the woman say about her ability?AIt is directly associated with her moods.BIt can make her feel depressed.CIt has made her very famous.

单选题Chief, I see that ship()to her port.AturnsBturningCto turnDbe turning

单选题Although worried about the dangers on going into debt, Helena’s concern was more about the possibility of losing her business.AHelena’s concern was more about the possibility of losing her businessBit was the possibility of losing her business that gave Helena more concernCHelena was more concerned towards her business and the possibility of losing itDthe possibility of losing her business gave Helena more concernEHelena was more concerned about the possibility of losing her business

单选题No sooner had Elizabeth accepted the job to teach AP biology at her daughter’s private school but her former boss persuaded her to return to work at the laboratory.Abut her former boss persuaded her to returnBhowever she was persuaded by her former boss that she shouldCbut her former boss had her persuaded into returningDwhen she was persuaded to return by her former bossEthan her former boss persuaded her to return

单选题It worried her a bit _____ her hair was turning grey.AwhileBthatCifDfor

单选题He felt a bit () because her life seemed completely out of balance.AdepressedBsuppressCthoughtfulDweakness

单选题What did the writer’s mother think of her lunch soup after she tasted it?AIt was delicious.BIt wasn’t so bad as the author said.CIt couldn’t be worse.DIt was as good as her cook did.

单选题—Where’s Cathy?  —______ Anything wrong?  —I asked her to do something, but she wouldn’t.  —______  —To wash her hair before supper.AShe is upstairs in her room. What for?BShe is ill. ; What did you tell her to do?CShe is upstairs in her room. ; What did you tell her to do?DShe has gone to see a doctor. ; What is she going to do?

单选题She cut her hair short and tried to()herself as a man.AdecorateBdisguiseCfabricateDfake

问答题Practice 7  When Mary Lennox was sent to Misselthwaite Manor to live with her uncle everybody said she was the most disagreeable-looking child ever seen. It was true, too. She had a little thin face and a little thin body, thin light hair and a sour expression. Her hair was yellow, and her face was yellow because she had been born in India and had always been ill in one way or another. Her father had held a position under the English Government and had always been busy and ill himself, and her mother had been a great beauty who cared only to go to parties and amuse herself with gay people. She had not wanted a little girl at all, and when Mary was born she handed her over to the care of an Ayah, who was made to understand that if she wished to please the Mem Sahib she must keep the child out of sight as much as possible. So when she was a sickly, fretful, ugly little baby she was kept out of the way, and when she became a sickly, fretful, toddling thing she was kept out of the way also. She never remembered seeing familiarly anything but the dark faces of her Ayah and the other native servants. And as they always obeyed her and gave her her own way in everything, because the Mem Sahib would be angry if she was disturbed by her crying, by the time she was six years old she was as tyrannical and selfish a little pig as ever lived. The young English governess who came to teach her to read and write disliked her so much that she gave up her place in three months, and when other governesses came to try to fill it they always went away in a shorter time than the first one. So if Mary had not chosen to really want to know how to read books she would never have learned her letters at all.