单选题If he ______ here now, he would be doing everything he could to help you.AwereBisCwill beDbe

If he ______ here now, he would be doing everything he could to help you.





will be




本题考查虚拟语气的用法。句意:如果他现在在这里的话,他会尽其所能来帮助你。根据从句的时间状语now和主句中的would be doing可以判断本句是一个表示与现在事实相反的虚拟句。因此从句的动词应为过去式。故A项为正确答案。


Had he worked harder, he () the exams. A、must have got thoughB、would get thoughC、would have got throughD、could get through

He would have come here on time, but he() by the heavy traffic on the way. A、keptB、had keptC、was keptD、had been kept

BJack is a famous writer now.But he said he was not a good student when he was young.He was often late for class and didn’t like doing his homework. Sometimes he slept in class while the teacher was teaching.He didn't understand much, but he always thought he under-stood everything..One day the teacher asked the students a question, "When John was ten years old, his brother was twenty. John is fifteen now and how old is his brother?" Jack answered, "That's easy. His brother is twice as old as John, so he is now thirty. "Another time, the teacher in a science class asked, "When it thunders(打雷) , why do we always see the light before we hear the sound? "But, Miss White," said Jack quickly, "can't you .see our eyes are in front of our ears?"The third time, the teacher in a biology class asked, "Why can fish swim in the water?" "But, Miss White," said Jack quickly, "don't you know fish can-t walk on land?"( )26.Jack was not ________. when he was young.A.strongB.lazyC.cleverD.well

He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he it differently.A. could expressB. would expressC. could have expressedD. must have expressed

After that he knew he could any emergency by doing what be could to the best of his ability.A.get away withB.get on withC.get throughD.get across

but he could see everything clearly. 72.

Greenspan is aware of these problems, but he doesn't seem to believe there was any way he could have done__________ about them.A. anythingB. somethingC. nothingD. everything

______ problems you have, ask Harry here to help you. He knows everything.A. HoweverB. WhateverC. WheneverD. Wherever

“Why isn’t John in class?”“He be sick, or he’d have been here already.”()A. shouldB. mayC. mustD. would

Had he studied hard, he___ the exam. A、would passB、could passC、had passedD、.would have passed

If he had received six more votes, he ________ he chairman now. A. isB. wasC. has beenD. would be

I wish he _______ here at the moment.A、wereB、wasC、would beD、is

( )himself an ideal job.A.Nowhere he could findB.Nowhere could he findC.He could nowhere findD.He could find nowhere

在电话上表示"他不在。" 的说法正确的有:() A、He is not here.B、He is not in.C、He is out at the moment.D、He is here on business.

He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he it differently.A. could express B. would expressC. could have expressed D. must have expressed

He must have had an accident,or he ______ then.A.would have been hereB.should be hereC.had to be hereD.would be here

He asked me what ____________ when he came the next day.A.I would doB.I would be doingC.would I doD.would I be doing

If he had worked harder at his lessons, he___________able to pass the college entrance examination now.A.will beB.would beC.has beenD.would have been

Had he worked harder, he ___________ the exams.A.must have got throughB.would get throughC.would have got throughD.could get through

Had he worked harder,he__the exams.A.must have got throughB.would have got throughC.would get throughD.could get through

Look at Tom! What()?A、does he doB、is he doingC、he is doing

单选题A He enjoyed adventures and couldn't help doing it.B He wanted to help himself and game- and telly-addicted kids.C He wanted to get the kids out of the game room to play with him.D He thought it could bring him hope, excitement and a longer life.

单选题—What’s your father doing now?—He ______ the room.AcleanedBcleansChas cleanedDis cleaning

单选题If he _____ here now, he would be doing everything he could to help you.AwereBisCwill beDbe

单选题I marvel that he ______ , it having been said he had taken his final departure for Portugal.Awas not here nowBshould now be hereChad been awayDhasn’t left

单选题_____ in health, he insisted on doing the experiment.AAs he was poorBPoor as he wasCPoor was heDPoor he was though

单选题______,everything would have been all right.AHe had been thereBHere he had beenCBeen here he hadDHad he been here

单选题He would be studying at the university now if he______the entrance examination.ApassedBhave passedChad passedDshould have passed