单选题Henry Ford was himself a()mechanic and could build a car with his own hands.AbearBboreCbornDbearing

Henry Ford was himself a()mechanic and could build a car with his own hands.









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What was Peter's job?A.A radio announcer.B.A bank employee.C.A car mechanic.D.A movie actor.

My second and more ________ reason for going to Dearborn was to see the Henry Ford Museum.A forcingB compellingC catchingD imposing

Several boys were hit ( ) the car. A、withB、onC、forD、by

according to the author, who was to be credited for the development of the “american system of production“ in the early nineteenth century?A. John H. Hall.B. Henry Ford.C. Eli Whitney.D. Thomas Edison.

Henry Ford’s introduction of the assembly line vastly reducedthe time it took ______. A.to make a carB.making a carC.for making a carD.while making a car

Detroit owes its rapid growth and one time prosperity ______ the automobile, and above all to Henry Ford.A、atB、fromC、toD、on

( )himself an ideal job.A.Nowhere he could findB.Nowhere could he findC.He could nowhere findD.He could find nowhere

共用题干Ford1 Ford's great strength was the manufacturing process一not invention.Long before he started a car company,he was a worker,known for picking up pieces of metal and wire and turning them into machines.He started putting cars together in 1891.Although it was by no means the first popular automobile,the Model T showed the world just how creative Ford was at combining technology and market.2 The company's assembly line alone threw America's Industrial Revolution into overdrive (高速运转).Instead of having workers put together the entire car , Ford's friends , who were great toolmakers from Scotland,organized teams that added parts to each Model T as it moved down a line. By the time Ford's Highland Park plant was humming(嗡嗡作响) along in 1914,the world's first automatic conveyor belt could turn out a car every 93 minutes.3 The same year Henry Ford shocked the world with the$5-a-day minimum wage scheme,the greatest contribution he had ever made. The average wage in the auto industry thenwas $2.34 for a 9-hour shift. Ford not only doubled that,he also took an hour off the workday.In those years it was unthinkable that a man could be paid that much for doing something that didn't involve an awful lot of training or education.The Wall Street Journal called the plan"an economic crime",and critics everywhere laughed at Ford.4 But as the wage increased later to daily$10,it proved a critical component of Ford's dream to make the automobile accessible(可及的)to all. The critics were too stupid to understand that because Ford had lowered his costs per car,the higher wages didn't matter一 except for making it possible for more people to buy cars.Ford's higher-wage and lower-cost strategy was strongly_______.A:criticized by the mediaB:the low wage in the auto industryC:own acarD:produce cars in large numbersE:the8-hour-shift practiceF:combined technology and market

共用题干Ford1 Ford's great strength was the manufacturing process一not invention.Long before he started a car company,he was a worker,known for picking up pieces of metal and wire and turning them into machines.He started putting cars together in 1891.Although it was by no means the first popular automobile,the Model T showed the world just how creative Ford was at combining technology and market.2 The company's assembly line alone threw America's Industrial Revolution into overdrive (高速运转).Instead of having workers put together the entire car , Ford's friends , who were great toolmakers from Scotland,organized teams that added parts to each Model T as it moved down a line. By the time Ford's Highland Park plant was humming(嗡嗡作响) along in 1914,the world's first automatic conveyor belt could turn out a car every 93 minutes.3 The same year Henry Ford shocked the world with the$5-a-day minimum wage scheme,the greatest contribution he had ever made. The average wage in the auto industry thenwas $2.34 for a 9-hour shift. Ford not only doubled that,he also took an hour off the workday.In those years it was unthinkable that a man could be paid that much for doing something that didn't involve an awful lot of training or education.The Wall Street Journal called the plan"an economic crime",and critics everywhere laughed at Ford.4 But as the wage increased later to daily$10,it proved a critical component of Ford's dream to make the automobile accessible(可及的)to all. The critics were too stupid to understand that because Ford had lowered his costs per car,the higher wages didn't matter一 except for making it possible for more people to buy cars.Higher wages enabled many people to_______.A:criticized by the mediaB:the low wage in the auto industryC:own acarD:produce cars in large numbersE:the8-hour-shift practiceF:combined technology and market

共用题干Ford1 Ford's great strength was the manufacturing process一not invention.Long before he started a car company,he was a worker,known for picking up pieces of metal and wire and turning them into machines.He started putting cars together in 1891.Although it was by no means the first popular automobile,the Model T showed the world just how creative Ford was at combining technology and market.2 The company's assembly line alone threw America's Industrial Revolution into overdrive (高速运转).Instead of having workers put together the entire car , Ford's friends , who were great toolmakers from Scotland,organized teams that added parts to each Model T as it moved down a line. By the time Ford's Highland Park plant was humming(嗡嗡作响) along in 1914,the world's first automatic conveyor belt could turn out a car every 93 minutes.3 The same year Henry Ford shocked the world with the$5-a-day minimum wage scheme,the greatest contribution he had ever made. The average wage in the auto industry thenwas $2.34 for a 9-hour shift. Ford not only doubled that,he also took an hour off the workday.In those years it was unthinkable that a man could be paid that much for doing something that didn't involve an awful lot of training or education.The Wall Street Journal called the plan"an economic crime",and critics everywhere laughed at Ford.4 But as the wage increased later to daily$10,it proved a critical component of Ford's dream to make the automobile accessible(可及的)to all. The critics were too stupid to understand that because Ford had lowered his costs per car,the higher wages didn't matter一 except for making it possible for more people to buy cars.Paragraph 3_______A:Ford's FollowersB:The Assembly LineC:Ford's Great DreamD:The Establishment of the CompanyE:Ford's Biggest ContributionF:Ford's Great Talent

The only car not yet repaired by that mechanic is ( ). A.my B.me C.him D.mine

Bruce McLaren is different from most of the drivers in that__________.A.he himself designs chassisB.he has an engineering degreeC.he manufactures chassisD.he is a gifted mechanic

共用题干Ford1 Ford's great strength was the manufacturing process一not invention.Long before he started a car company,he was a worker,known for picking up pieces of metal and wireand turning them into machines.He started putting cars together in 1891.Although it was by no means the first popular automobile,the Model T showed the world just how creative Ford was at combining technology and market.2 The company's assembly line alone threw America's Industrial Revolution into overdrive (高速运转).Instead of having workers put together the entire car, Ford's friends, who were great toolmakers from Scotland,organized teams that added parts to each Model T as it moved down a line.By the time Ford's Highland Park plant was humming(嗡嗡作响) along in 1914,the world's first automatic conveyor belt could turn out a car every 93 minutes.3 The same year Henry Ford shocked the world with the $ 5-a-day minimum wage scheme,the greatest contribution he had ever made.The average wage in the autoindustry then was $2.34 for a 9-hour shift.Ford not only doubled that,he also took an hour off the workday.In those years it was unthinkable that a man could be paid that much for doing something that didn't involve an awful lot of training or education.The Wall Street Journal called the plan"an economic crime",and critics everywhere laughed at Ford.4 But as the wage increased later to daily $10,it proved a critical component of Ford's dream to make the automobile accessible(可及的)to all.The critics were too stupid to understand that because Ford had lowered his costs per car,the higher wages didn't matter一except for making it possible for more people to buy cars.Ford was the first to adopt________.A:criticized by the mediaB:the low wage in the auto industryC:their lower pricesD:produce cars in large numbersE:the 8-hour shiftF:combined technology and market

共用题干Ford1 Ford's great strength was the manufacturing process一not invention.Long before he started a car company,he was a worker,known for picking up pieces of metal and wireand turning them into machines.He started putting cars together in 1891.Although it was by no means the first popular automobile,the Model T showed the world just how creative Ford was at combining technology and market.2 The company's assembly line alone threw America's Industrial Revolution into overdrive (高速运转).Instead of having workers put together the entire car, Ford's friends, who were great toolmakers from Scotland,organized teams that added parts to each Model T as it moved down a line.By the time Ford's Highland Park plant was humming(嗡嗡作响) along in 1914,the world's first automatic conveyor belt could turn out a car every 93 minutes.3 The same year Henry Ford shocked the world with the $ 5-a-day minimum wage scheme,the greatest contribution he had ever made.The average wage in the autoindustry then was $2.34 for a 9-hour shift.Ford not only doubled that,he also took an hour off the workday.In those years it was unthinkable that a man could be paid that much for doing something that didn't involve an awful lot of training or education.The Wall Street Journal called the plan"an economic crime",and critics everywhere laughed at Ford.4 But as the wage increased later to daily $10,it proved a critical component of Ford's dream to make the automobile accessible(可及的)to all.The critics were too stupid to understand that because Ford had lowered his costs per car,the higher wages didn't matter一except for making it possible for more people to buy cars.The assembly line made it possible to________.A:criticized by the mediaB:the low wage in the auto industryC:their lower pricesD:produce cars in large numbersE:the 8-hour shiftF:combined technology and market

Henry VIII declared himself Supreme Head of the Church of England in()A1529B1534C1535D1547

()your help, I could not have finished my work so early.A、withB、byC、forD、without

No one should blind himself () the well-known fact.A、withB、toC、forD、over

Henry VIII declared himself Supreme Head of the Church of England in()A、1529B、1534C、1535D、1547

现自:  class Car implements Serializable  ()      class Ford extends Car  {}  如果试图序列化一个Ford实例,结果为()  A、编译失败B、两个对象被序列化C、—个对象被序列化D、运行时异常被抛出

单选题Henry VIII declared himself Supreme Head of the Church of England in()A1529B1534C1535D1547

单选题AA radio announcerBA bank employee.CA car mechanic.DA movie actor.

单选题ATo fix the car for the woman.BTo pay for the woman’s meal.CTo give the woman a lift after class.DTo try using the woman s mechanic in the future.

单选题Detroit owes its rapid growth and one time prosperity()the automobile, and above all to Henry Ford.AatBfromCtoDon

单选题现自:  class Car implements Serializable  ()      class Ford extends Car  {}  如果试图序列化一个Ford实例,结果为()A编译失败B两个对象被序列化C—个对象被序列化D运行时异常被抛出

问答题Practice 2  Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, but he was the first man to mass-produce it, and this made it available to the ordinary man. Many automobiles were being built by the hand at the turn of the century and were much too expensive for all but the wealthy. In 1903 Henry Ford's first mass-produced Model T cars cost $850. By the early 1920s he was able to reduce the price, to $350. Between 1903 and 1927 Ford manufactured 15 million Model T Fords and earned a profit of $700 million. In 1927 he produced his sedan Model A, which was much more comfortable than the open, windswept Model T.  Henry Ford was himself a born mechanic and could build a car with his own hands. So he respected his workers and treated them well. In 1914, when the basic wage for an industrial worker in Detroit was $11 a week, Ford announced that he would pay his Workers $5 a day. Ford believed in the dignity of work, and did not wish his men to become underpaid robots. He also built them a special town on the outskirts of the city.

单选题To achieve interchangeability, Henry Ford insisted that the same gauging system for every part ______ all the way through the entire manufacturing process.Aget used toBshould utilize Cbe usedDapply

单选题Henry Ford was himself a()mechanic and could build a car with his own hands.AbearBboreCbornDbearing

单选题Jim Hatfield. decided to become ado-it-yourselfer when _____.Ahis car repairs cost too muchBthe car repair class was not helpfulCthe could not possibly do two jobsDhe had to raise the children all by himself