名词解释题Radio Beijing

Radio Beijing


解析: 暂无解析


Everyone is working.Please, ______ a little. A.turn the radio offB.turn the radio upC.turn the radio downD.turn over the radio

How do you like Beijing?(改为同义句)________ do you________ ________Beijing?

The weather in Guangzhou is different from _______. A.Beijing weatherB.that in BeijingC.BeijingD.those in Beijing

GPRS正确的的英文全称描述:() A.Global Packet Radio ServiceB.General Packet Radio ServiceC.General Packet Radio SystemD.Global Packet Radio System

下面的程序段执行后,输出的结果是以下哪个选项( )。StringBuffer buf=new StringBuffer("Beijing2008");buf.insert(7,"@");System.out.println(buf.toString()); A、Beijing@2008B、@Beijing2008C、Beijing2008@D、Beijing#2008

下列选项中正确的语句组是A.char s[8]; s={"Beijing"};B.char s[8]; s="Beijing";C.char *s; s={"Beijing"};D.char *s; s="Beijing";

General average to be __________ in Beijing according to Beijing Adjustment Rules 1996A.arranged and determinedB.adjusted and settledC.handled and treatedD.disposed of and cared for

The portable radio apparatus means ______.A.the radio apparatus fitted on the portside.B.the radio with a portable equipment.C.the radio equipment which is easily movable.D.the portable radio with some apparatus



GPRS全称()A、General Standard Radio SystemB、General Packet Radio SystemC、General Packet Radio ServiceD、Global Packet Radio Service


下列选项中,正确的语句组是()。A、char s[8]; s={“Beijing”};B、char *s; s={“Beijing”};C、char s[8]; s=“Beijing”;D、char *s; s=“Beijing”;

从下列哪条信令中可以解读出业务种类:()A、Radio Access Bearer Assignment RequestB、Radio Link Reconfiguration PrepareC、Radio Link Reconfiguration ReadyD、Radio Link Reconfiguration Commit

GPRS的英文全称为()A、Global Packet Radio ServiceB、General Packet Radio SystemC、General Packet Radio ServiceD、Global Packet Radio System

Radio Beijing




GPRS正确的的英文全称描述:()A、Global Packet Radio ServiceB、General Packet Radio ServiceC、General Packet Radio SystemD、Global Packet Radio System

单选题下列选项中,正确的语句组是()。Achar s[8]; s={“Beijing”};Bchar *s; s={“Beijing”};Cchar s[8]; s=“Beijing”;Dchar *s; s=“Beijing”;

填空题Ms Clark came to Beijing three years ago.→ It has been ____ Ms Clark came to Beijing.

单选题The portable radio apparatus means().Athe radio apparatus fitted on the portsideBthe radio with a portable equipmentCthe radio equipment which is easily movableDthe portable radio with some apparatus

单选题有以下程序:#include #include char *a=you;char *b=Welcome you to Beijing!;main(){ char *p; p=b; while(*p != *a)p++; p+=strlen(a)+1; printf(%s,p);}程序运行后的输出结果是(  )。ABeijing!Byou to Beijing!CWelcome you to Beijing!Dto Beijing!

单选题General average to be()in Beijing according to Beijing Adjustment Rules 1996.Aarranged and determinedBadjusted and settledChandled and treatedDdisposed of and cared for


名词解释题Radio Beijing
