单选题The author’s purpose in writing the passage is _____.Ato persuade young children not to worry about criticismBto stress the importance of positive reinforcement to childrenCto discuss the skill of combining criticism with encouragementDto teach young athletes how to avoid burnout

The author’s purpose in writing the passage is _____.

to persuade young children not to worry about criticism


to stress the importance of positive reinforcement to children


to discuss the skill of combining criticism with encouragement


to teach young athletes how to avoid burnout




The purpose of the author in writing this passage isA. that, by banning the violent sports, we human beings can improve ourselvesB. that, by banning the dangerous sports, we can improve the lawC. that we must take positive steps to improve social welfare systemD. to show law is the main instrument of social change

The main purpose of the text is to _______.A. describe children’s thinkingB.answer some questions children haveC.stress the importance of communicationD.advise parents to encourage their children

What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To teach patients ways for quick recovery.B. To present a report on a scientific research.C. To show the importance of a good lifestyle.D, To give information about a kind of medicine.

What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?A.To give a prescription for insomnia.B.To urge people to sleep less.C.To analyze the sleep pattern of modern people.D.To throw new light on human sleep.

The writer’s purpose in writing the text is to 。A. show the relationship between parents and childrenB. teach parents ways to keep order at the dinner tableC. report on the findings of a studyD. give information about family problems

The writer's purpose when writing this passage is______.A. to describe how pruning a tree is doneB. to discuss different ways of pruning treesC. to give practical instructions for pruning a treeD. to explain how a tree wound gets diseased and heals

It can be learned from the passage that parents should ________.A. encourage children to paintB. value friendship among childrenC. discover the hidden talent in childrenD. protect rather than destroy children’s dreams

The reasons for teaching writing to students of English as a foreign language include reinforcement, language ___________, learning style and, most importantly, writing as a skill in its own right.A.acquisitionB.learningC.exposureD.development

Compared with parents of 30 years ago,today’s parents__________.A.go to clubs more often with their childrenB.are much stricter with their childrenC.care less about their children’s lifeD.give their children more freedom

共用题干Spelling and WritingThere is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling.No school I have taught in has ever ignored spelling or considered it unimportant as a basic skill.There are , however , vastly different ideas about how to teach it , or how much priority(优先)it must be given over general language development and writing ability. The problem is,how to encourage a child to express himself freely and confidently in writing without holding him back with the complexities of spelling?If spelling becomes the only focal point of his teacher's interest,clearly a bright child will be likely to"play safe".He will tend to write only words within his spelling range,choosing to avoid adventurous language .That's why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal ex- perience:"This work is terrible!There are far too many spelling errors and your writing is illegible(难以辨认的)."It may have been a sharp criticism of the pupil's technical abilities in writing,but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had omitted to read the essay,which contamned some beautiful expressions of the child's deep feelings.The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors,but if his priorities had centered on the child's ideas,an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more motivation to seek improvement. The major point discussed in the passage is______.A: the importance of developing writing skillsB: the complexities of spellingC: the correct way of marking compositionsD: the relationship between spelling and the content of a composition

Which of the following is the suggestion that the author gives to the parents?( ) A.Parents must encourage the children to express their feelings. B.Parents must be deeply involved in their children’s problems. C.Parents must pay more attention to their outlook to show their children the importance of appearance and weight. D.Parents must teach their children to eat everything in their plates.

The passage is primarily concerned with( ) A.the role of involuntary memory in Proust’s writing B.evidence concerning the genesis of Proust’s novel Remembrance of Things Past C.the influence of Saint Beuve s criticism on Proust’s novel Remembrance of Things Past D.Proust’s correspondence and what it reveals about Remembrance of Things Past

Which of the following is the suggestion that the author gives to the parents?( ) A.Parents must encourage the children to express their feelings B.Parents must be deeply involved in their children’s problems C.Parents must pay more attention to their outlook to show their children the importance of appearance and weight D.Parents must teach their children to eat everything in their plates

— Are you sure about that? —()A、You needn’t worry about thatB、I like the idea.C、Oh, no. I’m afraid of thatD、Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive

单选题The author's purpose of writing this passage is to_______.Aargue for teaching right and.not-so-bright pupils in the same classBrecommend pair work and group work for classroom activitiesCoffer advice on the proper use of the libraryDemphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching

单选题Which of the following describes the author’s purpose in writing the passage? ______.AInform the reader.BEntertain the reader.CDisprove a concept.DQuestion a concept.

单选题The author’s tone in writing the passage is _____.AironicBsympatheticCrelievingDangry

单选题The author’s main purpose in writing the last paragraph of the passage was to ______.Aexplain how cold viruses are transmittedBprove that a poor diet causes coldsCdiscuss the relationship between income and frequency of coldsDanalyze the distribution of income among the people in the study

单选题The author’s purpose in writing the passage is _____.Ato persuade young children not to worry about criticismBto stress the importance of positive reinforcement to childrenCto discuss the skill of combining criticism with encouragementDto teach young athletes how to avoid burnout

单选题Which best characterizes how the impact of science on chimpanzees is treated in these two passages?AThe author of Passage 1 lauds the benefits science has produced, while the author of Passage 2 speaks hopefully of possible future benefits.BBoth of the passages react with distrust to the idea of using science to assess chimpanzees.CThe first passage lists the studies that showed positive chimp interactions, while the author of Passage 2 refutes their claims,DThe first passage suggests that science can have a positive impact on perceptions about chimps, whereas the second passage views science as almost universally negative.EThe author of the first passage is more apt to justify using chimps in science than the author of Passage 2.

单选题The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to tell ______.Areaders how to he popular with people aroundBteenagers how to learn to make a decision for themselvesCparents how to control and guide their childrenDpeople how to understand and respect each other

单选题According to the passage parents and coaches should _____.Ahelp children to win every gameBpay more attention to letting children enjoy sportsCenable children to understand the positive aspect of sportsDtrain children to cope with stress

单选题What was the author’s purpose when writing this passage? _____ATo give practical instruction for pruning a tree.BTo give a general description of pruning.CTo explain how trees develop diseases.DTo discuss different methods of pruning.

单选题The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to tell _____.Areaders how to be popular with people aroundBteenagers how to learn to make a decision for themselvesCparents how to control and guide their childrenDpeople how to understand and respect each other

问答题◆Topic 7:TV—the Pandora’s Box to Children?  Questions for Reference:  1) Some people think children’s spending time on TV and video is good, while others think it is bad. Discuss both views.  2) Give your own opinion about this issue.  3) What can we do to ensure the TV and video make a positive effect on our children?

单选题What is the author´s primary purpose in writing the passage?ARevealing the procedures for foreign adoptions.BRecounting an amazing childhood camping experience.CInvestigating how Hidden Valley serves foreign adoption families.DDemonstrating how culture camps help foreign adoption families.

单选题The author’s purpose in writing this passage is primarily to _____.Asuggest the motives behind Mexican and United States intervention in TexasBbring to light previously overlooked research on Mexican AmericansCprovide a historical perspective for a new analysis of Mexican–American cultureDdocument certain early objectives of Mexican- American society

单选题The primary purpose of Passage 1 is ______.Ato persuade the author of Passage 2 of the validity of evolutionary theoryBto describe the process by which protein is created by hemoglobinCto counter a common misconception about the composition of the human bodyDto deny the practical application of macroevolutionary theoryEto deride those who underestimate the complexity of the human body