单选题数组pins的定义如下: int[]pins=newint[4]{9,2,3,1}; 则pins[1]=()A1B2C3D9

数组pins的定义如下: int[]pins=newint[4]{9,2,3,1}; 则pins[1]=()









解析: 暂无解析


Adam Smith, a writer in the 1770s, was the first person to see the importance of the division of labor and to explain part of its advantages. He gives as an example the process by which pins were made in England."One man draws out the wire, another strengthens it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth grinds it at the top to prepare it to receive the head. To make the head requires two or three distinct operations. To put it on is a separate operation, to polish the pins is another. And the important business of making pins is, in this manner, divided into about eighteen distinct operations, which in some factories are all performed by different people, though in others the same man will sometimes perform. two or three of them."Ten men, Smith said, in this way, turned out twelve pounds of pins a day or about 4 800 pins a piece. But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division of labor, they certainly could not turn out any pin, each of them have made twenty pins in a day and perhaps not even one.There can be no doubt that division of labor is an efficient way of organizing work. Fewer people can make more pins. Adam Smith saw this but he also took it for granted that division of labor is in itself responsible for economic growth and development and that it accounts for the difference between expanding economies and those that stand still. But division of labor adds nothing new; it only enables people to produce, more of what they already have.According to the passage, Adam Smith was the first person to______.A.take advantage of the division of laborB.explain the causes of the division of laborC.understand the effects of the division of laborD.introduce the division of labor into England

Adam Smith saw that the division of labor ______.A.enabled each worker to make pins more quickly and more cheaplyB.increased the number of people employed in factoriesC.increased the possible output per workerD.improved the quality of pins produced




下列数组的初始化正确的是_________。 A.int[]score=newint[5]{1,2,3,4,5};B.int[5]score=newint[]{1,2,3,4,5};C.intscore={1,2,3,4,5};D.int[]score=newint[5];


下面不符合Java语言标识符规范的是( )。A.$myvariableB.MYVARIABLEC.myVariableD._9pinsE.9pins

A technician is installing a new power supply into a computer. One of the power supply connectors that the technician needs to connect to the motherboard is square and contains 4-pins. This connector is known as which of the following?()A.SATAB.FDDC.IDED.ATX

数组pins的定义如下: int[]pins=newint[4]{9,2,3,1}; 则pins[1]=()A、1B、2C、3D、9


Bolts, nuts, split pins, hinges, wheels and stoppers should be frequently ().A、checkedB、closedC、removedD、cleared





Which of the following is the correct arrangement of the data pairs in a T568B wire pattern?()A、Orange orange/white on pins 1 2B、Blue blue/white on pins 4 5C、Orange orange/white on pins 4 5D、Brown brown/white on pins 1 2E、Green green/white on pins 3 6

A technician is installing a new power supply into a computer. One of the power supply connectors that the technician needs to connect to the motherboard is square and contains 4-pins. This connector is known as which of the following?()A、SATAB、FDDC、IDED、ATX

Which of the following memory types has 184 pins?()A、DDR3B、DDRC、SDRAMD、DDR2

Which of the following describes the 25 or 9 pin connector with male pins on the back of a laptop computer?()A、Parallel portB、Serial portC、IEEE 1394 portD、USB port

多选题Which of the following is the correct arrangement of the data pairs in a T568B wire pattern?()AOrange orange/white on pins 1 2BBlue blue/white on pins 4 5COrange orange/white on pins 4 5DBrown brown/white on pins 1 2EGreen green/white on pins 3 6



单选题The position of () on the crosshead on a large diesel engine is determined by dowel pins.Athe guidewayBthe piston rodCthe crosshead shoesDthe interlocked circlip

单选题There are some ()(贯穿螺栓) in the toolbox.Athrough boltsBnutsCboltsDsplit pins

单选题Which of the following memory types has 184 pins?()ADDR3BDDRCSDRAMDDDR2

单选题The diameter of the crank-pins should be measured with a ().AsalinometerBthermometerCtachometerDmicrometer