单选题The details of the order ID, order date, order total, and customer ID are obtained from the ORDERS table. If the order value is more than 30000, the details have to be added to the LARGEjDRDERS table. The order ID, order date, and order total should be added to the ORDERJHISTORY table, and order ID and customer ID should be added to the CUSTJHISTORY table.   Which multitable INSERT statement would you use? ()A Pivoting INSERTB Unconditional INSERTC Conditional ALL INSERTD Conditional FIRST INSERT

The details of the order ID, order date, order total, and customer ID are obtained from the ORDERS table. If the order value is more than 30000, the details have to be added to the LARGEjDRDERS table. The order ID, order date, and order total should be added to the ORDERJHISTORY table, and order ID and customer ID should be added to the CUSTJHISTORY table.   Which multitable INSERT statement would you use? ()

 Pivoting INSERT


 Unconditional INSERT


 Conditional ALL INSERT


 Conditional FIRST INSERT


解析: 暂无解析


在Oracle中,语句()将ORDER_DATE日期值’2000年3月18日’显示为‘2000年1月1日’。 A.SELECTROUND(order_date,’day’)FROMinventoryB.SELECTROUND(order_date,’YEAR’)FROMinventoryC.SELECTROUND(order_date,’month’)FROMinventoryD.SELECTROUND(to_char(order_date,’yyyy’))FROMinventory

The acceptance letter must contain the order number and date as well as other information concerning the execution of the order.()

The ORDERS table has these columns:ORDER_ID NUMBER(4) NOT NULLCUSTOMER_ID NUMBER(12) NOT NULLORDER_TOTAL NUMBER(10,2)The ORDERS table tracks the Order number, the order total, and the customer to whom the Order belongs.Which two statements retrieve orders with an inclusive total that ranges between 100.00 and 2000.00 dollars? ()A. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders RANGE ON order _ total (100 AND 2000) INCLUSIVE;B. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders HAVING order _ total BETWEEN 100 and 2000;C. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order _ total BETWEEN 100 and 2000;D. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_total= 100 and = 2000;E. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_total= 100 and order_total = 2000;

Examine the SQL statements that creates ORDERS table: CREATE TABLE orders(SER_NO NUMBER UNIQUE,ORDER_ID NUMBER,ORDER_DATE DATE NOT NULLSTATUS VARCHARD2(10)CHECK (status IN (‘CREDIT‘,‘CASH‘)),PROD_ID_NUMBERREFERENCES PRODUCTS(PRODUCT_ID),ORD_TOTAL NUMBER,PRIMARY KEY (order id, order date));For which columns would an index be automatically created when you execute the aboveSQL statement? ()A. SER_NOB. ORDER_IDC. STATUSD. PROD_IDE. ORD_TOTALF. Composite index on ORDER_ID and ORDER_DATE

Examine the SQL statement that creates ORDERS table:CREATE TABLE orders (SER_NO NUMBER UNIQUE, ORDER_ID NUMBER, ORDER_DATE DATE NOT NULL, STATUS VARCHAR2(10) CHECK (status IN (‘CREDIT‘, ‘CASH‘)), PROD_ID NUMBER REFERENCES PRODUCTS(PRODUCT_ID), ORD_TOTAL NUMBER, PRIMARY KEY (order_id, order_date));For which columns would an index be automatically created when you execute the above SQL statement? ()A. SER_NOB. ORDER_IDC. STATUSD. PROD_IDE. ORD_TOTALF. composite index on ORDER_ID and ORDER_DATE

Examine the SQL statements that creates ORDERS table:For which columns would an index be automatically created when you execute the above SQL statement? () A. SER_NOB. ORDER_IDC. STATUSD. PROD_IDE. ORD_TOTALF. Composite index on ORDER_ID and ORDER_DATE

Examine the data from the ORDERS and CUSTOMERS table.Which SQL statement retrieves the order ID, customer ID, and order total for the orders that are placed on the same day that Martin places his orders?()A.B.C.D.


已知数据库的排序规则是默认设置。在northwind数据库中有一个表[orderdetails],表示所有定单的详情,该表中有一列quantity,表示定单中某产品的数量。你想实现按照产品数量从小到大排序来查询定单,使用orderby子句为()A、Select * from [order details] Order by quantity descB、Select * from [order details] Order by quantity ascC、Select * from [order details] Order by quantityD、Select * from [order details] Order by desc quantity

The details of the order ID, order date, order total, and customer ID are obtained from the ORDERS table. If the order value is more than 30000, the details have to be added to the LARGEjDRDERS table. The order ID, order date, and order total should be added to the ORDERJHISTORY table, and order ID and customer ID should be added to the CUSTJHISTORY table.   Which multitable INSERT statement would you use? ()A、 Pivoting INSERTB、 Unconditional INSERTC、 Conditional ALL INSERTD、 Conditional FIRST INSERT

单选题Examine the structure of the STUDENTS table: STUDENT_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary Key STUDENT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) COURSE_ID VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL MARKS NUMBER START_DATE DATE FINISH_DATE DATE You need to create a report of the 10 students who achieved the highest ranking in the course INT SQL and who completed the course in the year 1999. Which SQL statement accomplishes this task?()ASELECT student_ id, marks, ROWNUM Rank FROM students WHERE ROWNUM = 10 AND finish_date BETWEEN '01-JAN-99' AND '31-DEC-99 AND course_id = 'INT_SQL' ORDER BY mark DESC;BSELECT student_id, marks, ROWID Rank FROM students WHERE ROWID = 10 AND finish_date BETWEEN '01-JAN-99' AND '31-DEC-99' AND course_id = 'INT_SQL' ORDER BY mark;CSELECT student_id, marks, ROWNUM Rank FROM (SELECT student_id, marks FROM students WHERE ROWNUM = 10 AND finish_date BETWEEN '01-JAN-99' AND '31-DEC- 99' AND course_id = 'INT_SQL' ORDER BY mark DESC;DSELECT student_id, marks, ROWNUM Rank FROM (SELECT student_id, marks FROM students WHERE (finish_date BETWEEN '01-JAN-99 AND '31-DEC-99' AND course_id = 'INT_SQL' ORDER BY marks DESC) WHERE ROWNUM = 10;ESELECT student id, marks, ROWNUM Rank FROM (SELECT student_id, marks FROM students ORDER BY marks) WHERE ROWNUM = 10 AND finish date BETWEEN '01-JAN-99' AND '31-DEC-99' AND course _ id 'INT_SQL';

单选题The details of the order ID, order date, order total, and customer ID are obtained from the ORDERS table. If the order value is more than 30000, the details have to be added to the LARGEjDRDERS table. The order ID, order date, and order total should be added to the ORDERJHISTORY table, and order ID and customer ID should be added to the CUSTJHISTORY table.   Which multitable INSERT statement would you use? ()A Pivoting INSERTB Unconditional INSERTC Conditional ALL INSERTD Conditional FIRST INSERT

多选题The ORDERS table has these columns: ORDER_ID NUMBER(4) NOT NULL CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER(12) NOT NULL ORDER_TOTAL NUMBER(10,2) The ORDERS table tracks the Order number, the order total, and the customer to whom the Order belongs. Which two statements retrieve orders with an inclusive total that ranges between 100.00 and 2000.00 dollars? ()ASELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders RANGE ON order _ total (100 AND 2000) INCLUSIVE;BSELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders HAVING order _ total BETWEEN 100 and 2000;CSELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order _ total BETWEEN 100 and 2000;DSELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_total= 100 and = 2000;ESELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_total= 100 and order_total = 2000;

单选题View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the ORDERS table. Which task would require subqueries?  ()A  displaying the total order value for sales representatives 161 and 163B  displaying the order total for sales representative 161 in the year 1999C  displaying the number of orders that have order mode online and order date in 1999D  displaying the number of orders whose order total is more than the average order total for all online orders

单选题Which statement accomplish this?()ACREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);BCREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);CCREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);DCREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);ECREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);FCREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);

单选题Examine the structure of the STUDENTS table: STUDENT_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary Key STUDENT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) COURSE_ID VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL MARKS NUMBER START_DATE DATE FINISH_DATE DATE You need to create a report of the 10 students who achieved the highest ranking in the course INT SQL and who completed the course in the year 1999. Which SQL statement accomplishes this task?()ASELECT student_ id, marks, ROWNUM Rank FROM students WHERE ROWNUM = 10 AND finish_date BETWEEN '01-JAN-99' AND '31-DEC-99' AND course_id = 'INT_SQL' ORDER BY marks DESC;BSELECT student_id, marks, ROWID Rank FROM students WHERE ROWID = 10 AND finish_date BETWEEN '01-JAN-99' AND '31-DEC-99' AND course_id = 'INT_SQL' ORDER BY marks;CSELECT student_id, marks, ROWNUM Rank FROM (SELECT student_id, marks FROM students WHERE ROWNUM = 10 AND finish_date BETWEEN '01-JAN-99' AND '31-DEC-99' AND course_id = 'INT_SQL' ORDER BY marks DESC);DSELECT student_id, marks, ROWNUM Rank FROM (SELECT student_id, marks FROM students ORDER BY marks DESC) WHERE ROWNUM = 10 AND finish_date BETWEEN '01-JAN-99' AND '31-DEC-99' AND course _ id ='INT _ SQL';

多选题Examine the SQL statements that creates ORDERS table: CREATE TABLE orders (SER_NO NUMBER UNIQUE, ORDER_ID NUMBER, ORDER_DATE DATE NOT NULL STATUS VARCHARD2(10) CHECK (status IN ('CREDIT','CASH')), PROD_ID_NUMBER REFERENCES PRODUCTS(PRODUCT_ID), ORD_TOTAL NUMBER, PRIMARY KEY (order id, order date)); For which columns would an index be automatically created when you execute the aboveSQL statement? ()ASER_NOBORDER_IDCSTATUSDPROD_IDEORD_TOTALFComposite index on ORDER_ID and ORDER_DATE

多选题Examine the SQL statement that creates ORDERS table: CREATE TABLE orders (SER_NO NUMBER UNIQUE, ORDER_ID NUMBER, ORDER_DATE DATE NOT NULL, STATUS VARCHAR2(10) CHECK (status IN ('CREDIT', 'CASH')), PROD_ID NUMBER REFERENCES PRODUCTS(PRODUCT_ID), ORD_TOTAL NUMBER, PRIMARY KEY (order_id, order_date)); For which columns would an index be automatically created when you execute the above SQL statement? ()ASER_NOBORDER_IDCSTATUSDPROD_IDEORD_TOTALFcomposite index on ORDER_ID and ORDER_DATE

多选题Evaluate the following statements:   CREATE TABLE purchase_orders (po_id NUMBER(4),  po_date TIMESTAMP, supplier_id NUMBER(6), po_total NUMBER(8,2),  CONSTRAINT order_pk PRIMARY KEY(po_id)) PARTITION BY RANGE(po_date)  (PARTITION Q1 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE(?1-apr-2007?d-mon-yyyy?), PARTITION Q2 VALUES LESS THAN  (TO_DATE(?1-jul-2007?d-mon-yyyy?),  PARTITION Q3 VALUES LESS THAN(TO_DATE(?1-oct - 2007?d-mon-yyyy?), PARTITION Q4 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE(?1-jan-2008?d-mon-yyyy?));  CREATE TABLE purchase_order_items (po_id NUMBER(4) NOT NULL, product_id NUMBER(6) NOT NULL, unit_price NUMBER(8,2), quantity NUMBER(8), CONSTRAINT po_items_fk FOREIGN KEY  (po_id) REFERENCES purchase_orders(po_id)) PARTITION BY REFERENCE(po_items_fk);   What are the two consequences of the above statements?()APartitions of PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEMS have system-generated names.BBoth PURCHASE_ORDERS and PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEMS tables are created with four partitions each.CPartitions of the PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEMS table exist in the same tablespaces as the partitions of the PURCHASE_ORDERS table.DThe PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEMS table inherits the partitioning key from the parent table by automatically duplicating the key columns.EPartition maintenance operations performed on the PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEMS table are automatically reflected in the PURCHASE_ORDERS table.

单选题The STUDENT_GRADES table has these columns: STUDENT_ID NUMBER(12) SEMESTER_END DATE GPA NUMBER(4,3) The registrar requested a report listing the students' grade point averages (GPA) sorted from highest grade point average to lowest. Which statement produces a report that displays the student ID and GPA in the sorted order requested by the registrar?()ASELECT student_id, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY gpa ASC;BSELECT student_id, gpa FROM student_grades SORT ORDER BY gpa ASC;CSELECT student_id, gpa FROM student_grades SORT ORDER BY gpa;DSELECT student_id, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY gpa;ESELECT student_id, gpa FROM student_grades SORT ORDER BY gpa DESC;FSELECT student_id, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY gpa DESC;

单选题Click the Exhibit button and examine the data from the ORDERS and CUSTOMERS tables. Which SQL statement retrieves the order ID, customer ID, and order total for the orders that are placed on the same day that Martin placed his orders?()A SELECT ord_id, cust_id, ord_total FROM orders, customers WHERE cust_name='Martin' AND ord_date IN ('18-JUL-2000','21-JUL-2000');B SELECT ord_id, cust_id, ord_total FROM orders WHERE ord_date IN (SELECT ord_date FROM orders WHERE cust_id = (SELECT cust_id FROM customers WHERE cust_name = 'Martin'));C SELECT ord_id, cust_id, ord_total FROM orders WHERE ord_date IN (SELECT ord_date FROM orders, customers WHERE cust_name = 'Martin');D SELECT ord_id, cust_id, ord_total FROMorders WHERE cust_id IN (SELECT cust_id FROM customers WHERE cust_name = 'Martin');

多选题Examine the SQL statement that creates ORDERS table: CREATE TABLE orders (SER_NO NUMBER UNIQUE, ORDER_ID NUMBER, ORDER_DATE DATE NOT NULL, STATUS VARCHAR2(10) CHECK (status IN ('CREDIT', 'CASH')), PROD_ID NUMBER REFERENCES PRODUCTS(PRODUCT_ID), ORD_TOTAL NUMBER, PRIMARY KEY (order_id, order_date)); For which columns would an index be automatically created when you execute the above SQL statement? ()ASER_NOBORDER_IDCSTATUSDPROD_IDEORD_TOTALFcomposite index on ORDER_ID and ORDER_DATE

单选题You need to create a table named ORDERS that contains four columns: 1.an ORDER_ID column of number data type 2.a CUSTOMER_ID column of number data type 3.an ORDER_STATUS column that contains a character data type 4.a DATE_ORDERED column to contain the date the order was placed When a row is inserted into the table, if no value is provided for the status of the order, the value PENDING should be used instead. Which statement accomplishes this?()ACREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER(10), customer_id NUMBER(8), order_status NUMBER(10) DEFAULT 'PENDING', date_ordered DATE );BCREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER(10), customer_id NUMBER(8), order_status VARCHAR2(10) = 'PENDING', date_ordered DATE );CCREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER(10), customer_id NUMBER(8), order_status VARCHAR2(10) DEFAULT 'PENDING', date_ordered DATE );DCREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER(10), customer_id NUMBER(8), order_status VARCHAR2(10) = 'PENDING', date_ordered DATE );ECREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER(10), customer_id NUMBER(8), order_status VARCHAR2(10) DEFAULT 'PENDING', date_ordered DATE );FCREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER(10), customer_id NUMBER(8), order_status VARCHAR2(10) DEFAULT 'PENDING', date_ordered VARCHAR2 );

单选题You need to create a table named ORDERS that contain four columns: 1. an ORDER_ID column of number data type 2. aCUSTOMER_ID column of number data type 3. an ORDER_STATUS column that contains a character data type 4. aDATE_ORDERED column to contain the date the order was placed. When a row is inserted into the table, if no value is provided when the order was placed, today's date should be used instead. Which statement accomplishes this?()ACREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);BCREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);CCREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);DCREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);ECREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE);FCREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE);

多选题The ORDERS table has these columns: ORDER_ID NUMBER(4) NOT NULL CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER(12) NOT NULL ORDER_TOTAL NUMBER(10,2) The ORDERS table tracks the Order number, the order total, and the customer to whom the Order belongs. Which two statements retrieve orders with an inclusive total that ranges between 100.00 and 2000.00 dollars? ()ASELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders RANGE ON order _ total (100 AND 2000) INCLUSIVE;BSELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders HAVING order _ total BETWEEN 100 and 2000;CSELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order _ total BETWEEN 100 and 2000;DSELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_total= 100 and = 2000;ESELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_total= 100 and order_total = 2000;

多选题Examine the SQL statements that creates ORDERS table: For which columns would an index be automatically created when you execute the above SQL statement? ()ASER_NOBORDER_IDCSTATUSDPROD_IDEORD_TOTALFComposite index on ORDER_ID and ORDER_DATE