单选题_____ the day went on, the weather got worse.AWithBSinceCWhileDAs

_____ the day went on, the weather got worse.









as意为“随着”或“与……同时”,表示伴随动作。as the day went on随着白天的过去,故为D。


We have drawn ( ) you a 30 day draft. A.withB.throughC.toD.on

_________ you understand these rules, you'll have no further difficulty operating the machine. A. ThatB. SinceC. WhileD. Once

( )the bad weather, they went picnicking(野餐). A. Despite onB. HoweverC. AlthoughD. In spite of

Mr. Smith() his classmates now. A. has got on well withB. got on well withC. is getting on well withD. get well with

39.A.turned upB.came downC.went onD.got over

She walked across the meeting room__ everyone looking at her. A.withB.asC.whileD.when

Emily was ( ) her best dress that day. A、withB、onC、inD、by

____the weather improves,we will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industry A)asB)sinceC)whileD)unlsee

( ) you are very busy, I shall do the job myself.A. asB. sinceC. whileD. because

Li Ming,()to the concert enjoyed it very much. A、I went withB、with whom I wentC、with who I wentD、D.I went with him

I got a present, an iPad _____my best friend. A.withB.toC.From

It was ten years ago ____ we first went to school together. A.whenB.sinceC.whileD.that

12.A.lay in bedB. went to bedC.was in bedD. got to sleep

2. The clean-up.day is only two weeks _______ now,so we must action quickly.A. fromB. sinceC. toD. for

She had hardly got home________ her husband went to work?A.whenB.afterC.thatD.since

lie got a job with the corporation in 2000 and has worked there__________A.sinceB.ever sinceC.ever beforeD.till then

The weather was so 【gorgeous】 that many people went outing.A.uncontrollableB.pleasantC.cloudyD.unbearable

()I got a first, I'd stay in university and I'd do a postgraduate research degree.A、AsB、SinceC、WhenD、If

单选题Steady precipitation is typical of().AComing cold weather conditionsBA warm front weather conditionCHigh pressure conditionsDScattered cumulus cloudsduring the day

单选题Before falling asleep, Helen got the day’s happenings ______.AreviewedBexaminedCremindedDsuggested

问答题Tell me about the first day you went to the university.

单选题Have a good day!()AYou got it tooBThe same to youCYes, thank youDThe same as you

单选题It would be possible that part of the cargo got()as great change in the weather during the voyage caused heavy()in the hold.Adamp/waterBdampness/sweaterCwet/condensationDwetness/dew

单选题Which of the following sentences is NOT true?APeople celebrate World Wetlands Day by taking part in competitions.BPeople celebrate World Wetlands Day by taking hips to local wetlands.CPeople celebrate World Wetlands Day by listening to talks about the wetlands.DPeople celebrate World Wetlands Day by talking about the weather.

单选题Emily: ______ ?  Scott: Yes, it certainly is  Emily: About time too –after all that rain we had.  Scott: Yes, I know. That’s why we went away this year.AIs there anything I can do for you?BIs it suitable for you to go?CIs it a sunny day today?DIsn’t this weather fantastic?

单选题_____ the day went on, the weather got worse.AWithBSinceCWhileDAs

单选题George took _______of the fine weather to do a day's work in his garden.AadvantageBprofitCpossessionDcharge

单选题How many people went swimming that day?ATwo.BThreeCFourDFive