




单选题The law prohibits occupancy by more than 250 persons in this area.AforbidsBallowsCpromisesDsuggests

单选题— I'm trying to call Marie, but there's no answer. —()AI didn’t realize thatBHere is a message for herCI’m really sorry about itDReally? Maybe she’s out

单选题We have had a new computer system()AinstallBinstalledCinstallingDto install

单选题We came finally()the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.AofBintoCtoDat

单选题All kinds of vegetables()in the free market.Acan buyBwill buyCis boughtDcan be bought

单选题Before treating the injuries, the victim’s feet should be elevated, otherwise it might make the abdominal injuries more serious.AliftedBloweredCleveledDseparated

单选题The new assembly line having been adopted, the factory produced()cars in as the year before.Aas twice manyBtwice many asCtwice as manyDas many as twice

单选题They()so that we wouldn't recognize them.AdisguiseBdisguisedCwere disguisingDwere disguised


单选题When the railway is completed, we()get to town much easily.AmustBwouldCare able toDwill be able to


单选题Everyone in the class knows that Peter is always _____ for appointments.AimpartialBimpatientCpunctualDimpressive

单选题Several big names are mentioned in the first paragraph mainly to show their _____.Adifferent styles of leadershipBeffective exercise of leadershipCcontributions to the theory of leadershipDwisdom in applying the theory of leadership

单选题I don't know the park, but it's()to be quite beautiful.AsaidBtoldCspokenDtalked

单选题Certain measures should be taken to control environmental()ApollutionBpollutantCpolluteDpolluting

单选题I can hear the noise from cars()Ain nightBat nightCat evening

单选题His suggestion()more people to have jobs.AmadeBletChadDallowed

单选题The storm prevented me().Ato go outBto going outCfrom being outDfrom going out

单选题It was a great pleasure()me to be invited to the party.AforBonCtoDof

单选题A pair of spectacles()what I need at the moment.AisBareChasDhave

单选题It()that they had no idea at the moment.AseemedBwas seemedCsawDliked


单选题Will you have some dessert, Judy?()ANo, thank you. I‘m on a diet.BYes, I‘ve had enough.CYou are so good at making it.DOh, I don‘t mind.

单选题The river () to the east. It is the second longest river in the country.ArunsBis runningCrunDran

单选题In the fifties last century many new cities()in the desertAbring upBmake upCgrew upDbuild up

单选题I can’t _____ your idea for the simple reason that I have no prejudice against the handicapped.Ago intoBgo overCgo throughDgo for

单选题What time does our plane leave?()ASaturday.BEight o'clock in the morningCLast week.DThis week

单选题The government’s attempt to inhibit the present speed of inflation is highly appreciated.AcheckBinhabitCprohibitDaccelerate