


解析: 暂无解析


语言的社会变体包括阶级习惯语、行话、()、委婉语等。 A、术语B、隐语C、俚俗语D、禁忌语

专门用于政治、经济、文化及各种科学技术方面的行话是()。 A、习惯语B、术语C、隐语D、委婉语

()就是由于种种原因不许、不敢或不愿说出某些词语,而用另外一些词语来代替它。 A、习惯语B、隐语C、委婉语D、禁忌语

The figure of speech employed in “My father is a sanitary engineer” is ________. A.hyperboleB.metonymyC.litotesD.euphemism

委婉修辞常用的表现方式有谦敬语、避讳语、迂回语等。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Euphemism refers to a prohibition on the use of, mention of, or association with particular objects, action, or persons.()

阅读下列语段,回答文后问题:不忍登高临远,望故乡渺邈,归思难收。叹年来踪迹,何事苦俺留?想佳人妆楼颙望,误几回、天际识归舟。争知我,倚阑干处,正恁凝愁。请回答:(1) 这一语段中,处于“过片”位置,统领全文的词句是( )A.不忍登高临远B.望故乡渺邈,归思难收C.叹年来踪迹,何事苦俺留D.倚阑干处,正恁凝愁(2) 在这一语段中,作者抒情的特点是( )A.直抒胸臆B.委婉平和C.委婉含蓄D.委婉曲折(3) 语段中,作者“倚阑干处,正恁凝愁”的“愁”是( )A.仕途坎坷B.科考不顺C.羁旅行役D.夫妻失和

Euphemism(委婉语)as a figure of speech(修辞手段)is more than just saying something unpleasant in a pleasant way. In the words of a famous sociolinguist(社会语言学家), “The euphemism is a recognition(认知)by man of man’s imperfection(不完美;缺憾), and at the same time a recognition by man that he belongs to better things. It is a false word substituted for(代替)the true word in order to soften the chock of reality(现实的混乱).”It would seem then that the urge to speak euphemistically is a universal trait(普遍特征), but varying in scope and motive with different individuals in different circumstance (环境). Sometimes in some cases euphemisms go so far as some writers condemn(谴责) euphemisms as demoralizing(道德败坏). “In the hearings(听证会), criminality (犯罪行为) is given scores of numbing (使麻木) disguises(隐藏)… the roster(名册)seems endless: dirty tricks (卑劣行为), laundered money(洗钱), telephone anomalies(电话异常)—all perform. the same function: the separation of words from the truth.” However, the fact remains that euphemisms are very much part of the language, it is more important for us to be able to read into them to get the real meaning from them.Since the purpose of using euphemism is to reduce the unpleasantness of a term or notion, it is natural to find many euphemistic terms used in governments’ announcements(公告), in international relations, and in the military(军事). For example, the former(前任)President of United States Ronald Reagon(里根)who had promised the American public to cut taxes called for(号召)revenue enhancements (加强预算)instead of “tax increases”. The term for “the third world countries” was at first underdeveloped nations(不发达国家), then developing countries(发展中国家)and then emerging nations(新兴国家)took its places.1. Euphemism, as a figure of speech, is simply saying something unpleasant in a pleasant way.()A.TrueB.False2. To some sociolinguist, people use euphemisms in order to avoid being cheated.()A.TrueB.False3. People everywhere use euphemisms.()A.TrueB.False4. Since euphemisms tend to separate words from truth, we have to be able to understand the real meaning from them.()A.TrueB.False5. One seldom sees euphemisms used in international relations.()A.TrueB.False

请从下列选项中选出表达“死亡”的英文委婉语。()A、to pass awayB、to wash one’s handsC、to be expecting


请从下列选项中选出表达“上厕所”的英文委婉语。()A、to go to sleepB、to wash one’s handsC、eating for two









单选题请从下列选项中选出表达“上厕所”的英文委婉语。()Ato go to sleepBto wash one’s handsCeating for two

单选题请从下列选项中选出表达“死亡”的英文委婉语。()Ato pass awayBto wash one’s handsCto be expecting



多选题导游语言的“正确”,主要表现在(  )。A导游讲解内容正确无误B使用通俗易懂的语言C导游语言准确标准D正确使用敬语、谦语、委婉语等




多选题导游语言基本要求中的“准确”主要表现在(  )。A内容准确无误B语言准确标准C语言风趣幽默D敬语、谦语和委婉语使用正确E没有中国式的外语表达方式