单选题It was the color of the material _____ he was surprised at.AwhoBwhomCwhichDwhat

It was the color of the material _____ he was surprised at.











It was Jefferson _________ wrote the Declaration of Independence. A. whoB. the manC. whichD. what

Bob is not a person ______you can borrow any money though he is rich.A. whoB. whomC. from whomD. from who

Look! That's the teacher_____ is looking for you.A. whoB. whomC. which

The pen ( ) he writes is a Parker 75. A、with whichB、with whomC、with itD、with what

He will never forget the place () he had his first English lesson. A、whereB、whenC、whichD、what

A new teacher is coming ()will teach you French. A、whoB、whoseC、whichD、that

That's the man()house was burned down. A、whoB、whoseC、whichD、that

_____ is your uncle going to leave for? A.whoB.whomC.whichD.what place

I can’t _________ what he was hinting at.A、figureB、figure outC、figure upD、figure at

She’d like to offer money to ________ needs it to continue his or her study.A.whoB.whomC.whoeverD.whomever

The girl _____ house he visited was Sherry. A.of whichB.of whomC.whichD.whose

Is there anyone around the factory ________ knows how to operate the computer? A. whoB. /C. whichD. where

A person ( )e-mail account is full won’t be able to send or receive any e-mails.A. whoB. whomC. whoseD. whoever

To ______ did you speak on the campus?A. whoB. whomC. whichD. those

The man ________you saw yesterday is in the hold now.A.whoB.whomC.whatD.whose

A person needs to know who he/she is before being able to know what _________ makes him orher happy.A.is it thatB.it is thatC.is it whichD.it is which

Julic was good at German, French and Russian, all of___________she spoke fluently.A.whoB.whomC.whichD.that

John's success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work__________ hasmade him what he is today.A.whyB.whenC.whichD.that

(  )surprised me was(  )he could speak English SO well.A.What:howB.What:thatC.That;thatD.Whom;that

In Western Australia,there are around 450 aircraft maintenance engineers,most of______work in the Perth metropolitan area.A.themB.whomC.whichD.they

The words used by the speaker may stir up unfavorable reactions in the listener ______ interfere with his comprehension.A.whoB.asC.whichD.what

I shall be surprised if he does this the same way()I do.A、asB、whichC、likeD、what

Several people, () I listed below, have not submitted their reports.A、thatB、whomC、whichD、who

This is the student()I know will pass the TOEFL test.A、whoB、whomC、whoseD、what



传播学家拉斯维尔提出传播结构模式理论,认为传播过程必须具备“5W要素”。所谓“5W”包括()A、 whoB、 whomC、 whatD、 whenE、 which channelF、 what effect

单选题It was the color of the material _____ he was surprised at.AwhoBwhomCwhichDwhat