单选题ATalk to her adviser.BObserve the director.CTake an acting class.DLearn by herself.


Talk to her adviser.


Observe the director.


Take an acting class.


Learn by herself.


录音中,男士像女士建议去找她的辅导员谈谈(Better go see your adviser about this),可知本题应该选择A项。
M: Oh, hi! It’s good to see you. What’s happening?
W: I’m busy with my classes. The quarter’s going by really quickly. How about you? What have you been up to?
M: Busy with school and work. Hey, what are you taking spring quarter?
W: Literature, sociology…botany, and…uh…I’m hoping to do something in the arts, maybe some sort of work experience or internship.
M: No kidding! I didn’t know you were artistic. What do you have in mind?
W: Well, there’s this theatre group I just found out about in Chester. I went to a couple of their plays. They’re an interesting company. They perform a lot of new works, and they also do older plays that aren’t very well known, and…well…I’m really impressed and would love to work with them in some way.
M: No kidding! I didn’t know you were into theatre. Do you act?
W: Not really … I took drama in high school, but I was awful on stage. No … it’s not acting that interests me as much as … all the other stuff.
M: Like what? Directing? Lighting?
W: All of it, actually. This theatre I told you about—they have the best sets! I’d like to build sets. Or make costumes, find props—I don’t know, even work in the office. It’s the whole atmosphere of theatre that I find exciting.
M: It sounds like you need to be a theatre intern.
W: But, as far as that goes … my problem is I don’t know anything about setting it up.
M: What, the internship?
W: Yeah.
M: Do you know anyone who works there?
W: No, I only found out about it ‘cause I went to a couple of plays.
M: Better go see your adviser about this. Doesn’t the advising department post a list of internships that are available?
W: Yeah, there’s a list. I already checked it, and there was nothing in theatre. But I’ll talk to Sherry, of course. She’s my adviser.
M: You know what you could do? When I had to do an observation last year for my psychology class—we had to observe a work group for two weeks—what I did—how I got started was, I picked out a couple of law firms and then just sent formal letters of introduction. I told them I was a student, and had to do a report for one of my classes, and asked if I could meet with them to arrange an observation in their workplace.
W: Oh … really? And what happened?
M: I said I’d call them, and the first firm I called said I could do it there.
W: Wow! You make it sound so easy. I wonder if that’d work with the theatre.
M: It’s worth a try, isn’t it?
W: It’s worth a try. Hey, I’m glad I ran into you!
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation.
1. What are the students mainly discussing?
2. What does the woman like about theatre?
3. What is the woman’s opinion of her own acting ability?
4. Why does the man say this: “Like what? Directing? Lighting?”
5. What does the man suggest the woman do?


已知某国国际收支平衡表中,经常项目差额160亿美元,资本和金融项目差额为-100亿美元,误差与遗漏为1o亿美元,则该国储备资产增减额为(  )。A.70亿元B.-70亿美元C.+60亿美元D.+270亿美元