单选题Picasso painted a red circle as a _____ of the Revolution.AsymbolBbehalfCformulaDfigure

Picasso painted a red circle as a _____ of the Revolution.











Can you _______ how to do it? (A)figure in(B) figure out(C) figure on(D) figure among

We wrote down the direction (方向) of travel and sent the __________ back to base. A、informationB、informC、formulaD、informal

The high-velocity fog tip used with the all-purpose fire fighting nozzle should always be ______.A.Attached by a chainB.Coated with heavy grease to prevent corrosionC.Painted red for identity as emergency equipmentD.Stored in the clip at each fire station

The tops of the thwarts,side benches,and the footings of a lifeboat are painted which color ________.A.International orangeB.YellowC.WhiteD.Red

A large navigational buoy (LNB) is painted ______.A.redB.yellowC.with red and white vertical stripesD.with a distinct color and pattern unique to each buoy

Fire hose couplings ______.A.are made of bronze brass, or soft alloy metalsB.should be painted red in order to identify hose lengthsC.are specially hardened to prevent crushingD.should be greased frequently

In painting a lifeboat following its overhaul, which parts must be painted bright red?______.A.the top 2-1/2 inches of each sideB.the releasing gear leverC.the fuel tanksD.the thwarts

Our house is the most( )one in the street;it’s painted red.A.prominentB.distinguishedC.outstandingD.well‐known

When you do something new exciting,you have________.A.a symbolB.an adventureC.a jobD.a trip




下列属于Visual Basic工程文件的是()。A、circlE.frmB、circlE.vbpC、circlE.docD、circlE.jpg

Which of the following cannot be translated from Classic Notes to XPages?()A、Embedded viewsB、SectionC、Hide When FormulaD、Framesets

单选题In the figure below, a small circle, with radius x, is inside a larger circle, with radius 6. What is the area, in terms of x, of the shaded region?A6π-2πxB6π-πx2C12π-2πxD36π-2πxE36π-πx2

单选题Picasso painted a red circle as a _____ of the Revolution.AsymbolBbehalfCformulaDfigure


单选题A circle has an area of A, A second circle has a diameter four times that of the first circle. What is the area of the second circle?A2AB4AC8AD16AE32A

单选题Fire hose couplings().Aare made of bronze,brass,or soft alloy metalsBshould be painted red in order to identify hose lengthsCare specially hardened to prevent crushingDshould be greased frequently

单选题A lateral system buoy displaying a quick light().Ashould be passed close aboard on either sideBindicates that special caution is requiredCis used at a channel bifurcation or junctionDis painted with red and white vertical stripes

单选题Circles O and P intersect at exactly one point, as shown in the figure above. If the radius of circle O is 2 and the radius of circle P is 6, what is the circumference of any circle that has OP as a diameter?A4πB8πC12πD16πE64π

单选题Two circles, P and Q, lie in the same plane. If the center of circle Q lies on circle P, then in how many points could circle P and circle Q intersect?Ⅰ. 0Ⅱ. 1Ⅲ. 2AⅠ onlyBⅡ onlyCⅢ onlyDⅠ, Ⅱ and ⅢEⅡ and Ⅲ only

单选题Concerning a celestial observation,the azimuth angle is measured from the principal vertical circle to the().AGreenwich celestial meridianBhour circle of the bodyClocal celestial meridianDvertical circle of the body

单选题A large navigational buoy (LNB) is painted().AredByellowCwith red and white vertical stripesDwith a distinct color and pattern unique to each buoy

单选题下列是抽象类的声明的是()A  abstract class figure{    }B  class  abstract figure{    }C  seald class figure{    }D  static class figure{  }

单选题In painting a lifeboat following its overhaul,which parts must be painted bright red?()Athe top 2-1/2 inches of each sideBthe releasing gear leverCthe fuel tanksDthe thwarts

单选题The official number of a documented vessel is().Anot required to be anywhere on the vesselBrequired to be permanently marked on the vessel's structureCrequired to be painted on the vessel;s sternDrequired to be painted on the vessel's bow

单选题How is a safe water mark,that can be passed close aboard on either side,painted and lighted?()ABlack and white stripes with an interrupted quick flashing lightBBlack and red stripes with a Morse (A) lightCBlack and red stripes with an interrupted quick flashing lightDRed and white stripes with a Morse (A) light